We had wanted to address this topic at out FECAS-ECSVS Blog, instead, our Facebook and Forum address on Pakistan requesting some $7 billion help from the IMF/World Bank our plea to Pakistan PM Imran Khan that he is not in Opposition and the resource of his country to research and study our statement from 1995 then President Bill Clinton, then world economic crash, then Indian Ocean economic workings, politic and social issues, that SIROP program then and the mechanism I used with the support and impute of others to help put together a greater Indian Ocean economic workings to re drive, resynergize and rebuild the workings of that SIROP program and within 6 months the marked change and what has been written and those who take credit with its Secretariat in Mauritius urging the Saudi Officials to take due note and pursue the development of that NEOM mega concept that include other nations of the region participation, benefiting.
" Again the need to address the Saudi high officials with the concept of NEOM mega development - to remind them the situation in 2007/8, Russia Economy and China crashing, given the Indian Ocean Association economy was/were managing their situation somewhat better because of that SIROP program synergy, dynamics, because of this entity and the comparison in economy, democracy and other very complex workings. USA role and relation with then Russia and then China and the region - it was not as the Russian have said they initiated that BRIC initiative, the BRIC initiative was synergized from my then visit in the Indian Ocean, Seychelles almost going bankrupt with Lehman brothers - then 2008, our statement to the Lehman people they had forgotten the parameters which had been use/applied to put in place that SIROP program for the Indian Ocean and they had the capacity to regulate in a very import way if required compel to, the important why and and hence the many opposition and the thematic of the Global Terror legislation, what effects it had on the Indian Ocean region many workings. Then PM Blair British government and EU issues, America - we had judge that the Indian Ocean Rim economy required re calibrating not the brutal and ruthless capitalism - it required a different dimension and that was to be found in the debacle of then President Gorbachev failing to put in place the due Economy concept, which had been presented to him and his inability to get the support to implement this, then Putch in USSR - upon these, President Putin and his officials reacted/responded and then gathering and put the BRICS working together. One must not forget the then Indian Ocean Rim thematic of creating an alternative Global currency, the advance enhance economic dynamic of the region nations. Later PM Cameron Conservative government paramount priority to prevent this in/is part of the super bust up with the so call North African Spring thematic and garbage the British and European media have written and the super mess they have created in the process. A few from the African Union spoke the majority had no clue what was going on -The European were being taken for a ride led by the nose over the situation in the Indian Ocean and the commitments to create an alternative global currency dynamize by the region. A few personalities in Germany, France who had been involved in that SIROP program spoke out on TV debates. This dimension the Saudi must never forget however big their Plan and ambitions, these are global dynamic when not adequate attention paid what they can cause/unleash. Among the end results the Britexit PM Cameron terrible situation. "
" Again the need to address the Saudi high officials with the concept of NEOM mega development - to remind them the situation in 2007/8, Russia Economy and China crashing, given the Indian Ocean Association economy was/were managing their situation somewhat better because of that SIROP program synergy, dynamics, because of this entity and the comparison in economy, democracy and other very complex workings. USA role and relation with then Russia and then China and the region - it was not as the Russian have said they initiated that BRIC initiative, the BRIC initiative was synergized from my then visit in the Indian Ocean, Seychelles almost going bankrupt with Lehman brothers - then 2008, our statement to the Lehman people they had forgotten the parameters which had been use/applied to put in place that SIROP program for the Indian Ocean and they had the capacity to regulate in a very import way if required compel to, the important why and and hence the many opposition and the thematic of the Global Terror legislation, what effects it had on the Indian Ocean region many workings. Then PM Blair British government and EU issues, America - we had judge that the Indian Ocean Rim economy required re calibrating not the brutal and ruthless capitalism - it required a different dimension and that was to be found in the debacle of then President Gorbachev failing to put in place the due Economy concept, which had been presented to him and his inability to get the support to implement this, then Putch in USSR - upon these, President Putin and his officials reacted/responded and then gathering and put the BRICS working together. One must not forget the then Indian Ocean Rim thematic of creating an alternative Global currency, the advance enhance economic dynamic of the region nations. Later PM Cameron Conservative government paramount priority to prevent this in/is part of the super bust up with the so call North African Spring thematic and garbage the British and European media have written and the super mess they have created in the process. A few from the African Union spoke the majority had no clue what was going on -The European were being taken for a ride led by the nose over the situation in the Indian Ocean and the commitments to create an alternative global currency dynamize by the region. A few personalities in Germany, France who had been involved in that SIROP program spoke out on TV debates. This dimension the Saudi must never forget however big their Plan and ambitions, these are global dynamic when not adequate attention paid what they can cause/unleash. Among the end results the Britexit PM Cameron terrible situation. "
This said our statements and many communication those Conservative who have know of those issues and know of the issues, how they use and abuse our workings and then terrorize my person , threaten and intimidate me. Then threaten me with deportation and arrest.
I spent seven days in Calais instead of traveling to Bruxelles or Strasbourg to lobby the EU Institutions to put in place a/the required procedure so that those Seychelles exiles /refugees, their widow, children and immediate families can benefit of EU resources, financial support under the existing EU intensive and important EU exile/refugee legislation enabling that we can call on the assistance and help of Europe or Mauritius law firms to assist us in addressing the Seychelles Truth Commission events the past 40 year be it in Seychelles the region and in the country they have found refuge the political, economic , bilateral spillover. to match EU benchmark and International Benchmark in addressing and workings those thematic.
The reason for this blog, because we are a small community how the British media and establishments have, to use the gutter terminology milked our issues and fleeced us compared to other Refugee/exile communities, the past 40 years - how with that program we have helped and contributed to very many important economic thematic and other social issues and yet what has been reported after wards. We have stated part of the reason for Britexit those who argue that once Britain is out of the EU and ECJ Jurisdiction working, they can do what they want with us and nobody will interfere or challenge them.
After addressing the many EU Justice Institutions and Nation wide Justice institutions namely their Bar council for advice and guidance, including the British Bar Council , those who had suggested we destroy our Passport , force to be stateless and what will ensue so that we do not have to return to Britain. The many Refugee and exile in France and Europe who go down that road.
In France we addressed the phenomena of Development and construction in Ashford Kent serious business minded individual are not fools, one cannot tell or spin any story and we have explained those who have use our issue to drive and leverage and good percentage of those developments and what the officials and media then write.
A close example the Builder yard for many year we had a Unit, the positive impacts helping and supporting those small builders family get contracts and jobs how in any country or community if you have the capacity you contribute and input. Safe in Italy and other EU countries where money or other good get exchange for this . There have also been very negative fallout too.
My concern is the number of new Housing developing projects started the past two years in the closeness of that Yard including the Yard, yet we are hindered to address be they Seychelles or Mauritius or even buy a cheap caravan in France to take refuge in. Those cars and transports who for the past many years drive at high speed and the objective to manipulate the information and issue and what get written. I had stated I had wanted to got to Mauritius early in the year and the purpose. In that very former Yard the construction of those 4 units and everybody purchasing their council property and we go on living in poverty destitute situation. With the constant threats. These Chagossian taking the road to the International Court of Justice.
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