Chagos : D-Day
Legal consequences of the separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965 (Request for Advisory Opinion) 3/9/18

Chagos issue: Minister Mentor leads delegation at the International Court of Justice

Legal consequences of the separation of the Chagos Archipelago ...
Latest developments | Legal consequences of the separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965 (Request for Advisory Opinion)
Beside listening to the presentation of the Mauritius Team at the International Court of Justice in the morning, the afternoon session the British side presented their argument from 15 pm continental time
What caught our attention was the presentation of the young female Lawyer from the British side. The Zanzibar Revolution in 1964, those high parties including the person of later Judge E J Stiven from the AG office who worked on the constitution of Zanzibar and the independence process. Just like those parties form Mauritius have researched the colonial archive those who can do the Zanzibar pre independence , Constitution and the Revolution.
They/those who will discover it was the Zanzibar revolution 1964 which became the catalyst for the USA and Britain to set up the joint/create a joint military entity East of Aden. The advancing and menacing Cold War Communist take over of former Colonial countries later Seychelles - I have read some of the many documents and papers over the years nobody from the Mauritius government and British media or Seychelles ever mentioned this. If those had not happened the Moulinier Family would have been running after Mauritius Independence 1968 as per the documents. The Talk of Tourism -Talk of a New Port and Airport in Seychelles started in 1966/67.
Everybody in Seychelles /Seychelles politic argued the motive/reason and argument for SPUP coup d'etat, the for runner of SPUP, Mr Loizeau and Mr Finlay Roselie, Mr Harry Payet, Mr Rifne Jumeau to adopt the politic and position. The Communist events in Zanzibar and Tanganyika , the decision for the USA and Britain to acquire those island of Diego Garcia from Mauritius before 1964/65 and the Moulinier Family further inflamed the situation and their march and protest slogan, "they would throw out the British and American" . Everybody forget chose to forget this, they were backed by Chinese and USSR, later the Port facilities for the USSR after the coup d'etat. ( Just like their lies about those 25,000 refugees from Seychelles and that SIROP program )
At the time of our independence /Constitution negation, the like of Mr Ali Parkar and Lord Oxford and those who had served in Zanzibar an d the person of Judge EJ Stiven voice, advice to the Governor and those important personalities in then Seychelles
Until Mauritius Independence the Moulinier leased and other Seychellois leading families some of those Islands, Mauritius then Self government process 1961 to 1967 whatever legality this would have who the real owners were. Mauritius was still a British Colony. The issues of compensation and damages for the Moulinier Families , from Mauritius and Britain then. Most of those practicing law in then Seychelles, the Notary Duboil and Nageon - those from the District Council the Planters Association. In most article they have publish as if Copra was the only businesses - they had a very lucrative Salt Fish industry for export.
Between 1965, the year the debacle of the separation and creation of a separate British entity in the Indian Ocean Judge EJ Stiven had followed those issues closely, he was Jamaican events in the West Indian and the process some of his important important political friends, former Prime Ministers. Mr Albert FA Rene and his people, were blind to those issues they learnt later. He discussed with the then Governor and the British Colonial officials this topic. They would be off record same those who would have made private notes or were privy.He also conferred with the USAF base officials in private. Beside we have mentioned he was friend of Mr John Tod the first Governor of BIOT - He also knew the Moulinier family very well. The Cauvin Family too. The Constitutional debacle of pre Mauritius independence, self government 1961 and its independence in 1968. Hence he was able to advice Lord Deveral on the Seychelles Constitution and those Islands detached and /return issues - with solid and in depth knowledge and experience, he had also worked on the Constitution of Kenya. He had know the legal mechanism, frame work and arguments Britain had used to create the BIOT, later expel/remove the Chagossian form the islands. those 500 who found safe haven in Seychelles beside those former workers their fate.
For political good reason the SPPF/PL government of Seychelles shave never wanted to publish those issue and in Mauritius it was not in their best interests, their distortion of thinking..Under that Truth Commission this is the opportunity to set the record right those who care to research in the Colonial archive. Even later after the return of multiparty/92, the attitude of Sir James Mancham and those Opposition Leaders unbothered and untormented - they would have handed the Territorial boundary of Seychelles to anybody who paid them a lot of money. Offered them a Job and Power.
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