Thursday, 11 October 2018

Please refer to our IOISS Blog -Legal consequences of the separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965 (Request for Advisory Opinion)

 Please refer to our IOISS Blog 
Legal consequences of the separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965 (Request for Advisory Opinion)

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We had wanted to address this topic at out FECAS-ECSVS Blog, instead, our Facebook  and Forum address on Pakistan requesting some $7 billion help from the IMF/World Bank our plea to Pakistan PM Imran Khan that he is not in Opposition  and the resource of his country to research and study our statement from 1995 then President Bill Clinton, then world economic crash, then Indian Ocean economic workings, politic and social issues, that SIROP program then  and the mechanism I used with the support and impute of others to help put together a greater Indian Ocean economic workings to re drive, resynergize and rebuild the workings of that SIROP  program  and within 6 months the marked change and what has been written and those who take credit with its Secretariat in Mauritius urging the Saudi Officials to take due note and pursue the development of that NEOM mega concept that include other nations of the region participation, benefiting.

" Again the need to address the Saudi high officials with the concept of NEOM mega development  - to remind them the situation in 2007/8, Russia Economy and China crashing, given  the Indian Ocean Association economy was/were managing their situation somewhat better because of that SIROP program synergy, dynamics, because of this entity and the comparison in economy, democracy and other very complex workings. USA role and relation with then Russia and then China and the region - it was not as the Russian have said they initiated that BRIC initiative, the BRIC initiative was synergized from my then visit in the Indian Ocean, Seychelles almost going bankrupt with Lehman  brothers - then 2008, our statement to the Lehman people they had forgotten the parameters which had been use/applied to put in place  that SIROP program  for the Indian Ocean  and they had the capacity to regulate in a very import  way if required compel to, the important why and and hence the many opposition  and the thematic of the Global Terror legislation, what effects it had on the Indian Ocean region many workings. Then PM Blair British government and EU issues, America - we had judge that the Indian Ocean Rim economy required re calibrating not the brutal and ruthless capitalism  - it required a different dimension and that was to be found in the debacle of then President Gorbachev failing to put in place the due Economy concept, which had been presented to him and his inability to get the support  to implement this,  then  Putch in USSR - upon these, President Putin and his officials reacted/responded and then gathering and put the BRICS working together. One must not forget the then Indian Ocean  Rim thematic of creating an alternative Global currency, the advance enhance economic dynamic of the region nations.  Later PM Cameron Conservative government paramount priority to prevent this  in/is part of the super bust up with the so call North African Spring thematic and garbage the British and European media have written and the super mess they have created in the process. A few from the African Union spoke the majority had no clue what was going on -The European were being taken for a ride led by the nose over the situation in the Indian Ocean and the commitments to create an alternative global currency dynamize by the region. A few personalities in Germany, France who had been involved in that SIROP program spoke out on TV debates. This dimension the Saudi must never forget however big their Plan and ambitions, these are global dynamic when not adequate attention paid what they can cause/unleash. Among the end results the Britexit PM Cameron terrible situation. "

This said our statements and many communication those Conservative who have know of those issues and know of the issues, how they use and abuse our workings and then terrorize my person , threaten and intimidate me. Then threaten me with deportation and arrest. 

I spent seven days in Calais instead of traveling to Bruxelles or Strasbourg to lobby the EU Institutions to put in place a/the required procedure so that those Seychelles exiles /refugees, their widow, children and immediate families can benefit of EU resources, financial support under the existing EU intensive and important EU exile/refugee legislation enabling that we can call on the assistance and help of Europe or Mauritius law firms to assist us in addressing the Seychelles Truth Commission events the past 40 year be it in Seychelles the region and in the country they have found refuge the political, economic , bilateral  spillover. to match EU benchmark and International Benchmark in addressing and workings those thematic. 

The reason for this blog, because we are a small community how the British media and establishments have, to use the gutter terminology milked our issues and fleeced us  compared to other Refugee/exile communities, the past 40 years  - how with that program we have helped and contributed to very many important economic thematic and other social issues and yet what has been reported after wards.  We have stated part of the reason for Britexit those who argue that once Britain is out of the EU and ECJ Jurisdiction working,  they can do what they want with us and nobody will interfere or challenge them. 

After addressing the many EU Justice Institutions  and Nation wide Justice institutions namely their Bar council for advice and guidance, including the British Bar Council , those who had suggested we destroy our Passport , force to be stateless and what will ensue so that we do not have to return to Britain.  The many Refugee and exile in France and Europe who go down that road. 

In France we addressed the phenomena of Development  and construction in Ashford Kent serious business minded  individual are not fools, one cannot tell or spin any story and we have explained those who have use our issue to drive and leverage and good percentage of those developments and what the officials and media then write. 

A close example the Builder yard for many year we had a Unit, the positive impacts helping and supporting those small builders family get contracts and jobs how in any country or community if you have the capacity you contribute and input. Safe in Italy and other EU countries where money or other good get exchange for this . There have also been very negative fallout too. 

My concern is the number of new Housing developing projects started the past two years in the closeness of that Yard including the Yard, yet we are hindered to address be they Seychelles or Mauritius or even buy a cheap caravan in France to take refuge in.  Those cars and transports who for the past many years drive at high speed and the objective to manipulate the information and issue and what get written. I had stated I had wanted to got to Mauritius early in the year   and the purpose. In that very former Yard the construction of those 4 units and everybody purchasing their council property  and we go on living in poverty destitute situation. With the constant threats.  These Chagossian taking the road to the International Court of Justice. 

Monday, 3 September 2018

Legal consequences of the separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965 (Request for Advisory Opinion)

Chagos : D-Day

Legal consequences of the separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965 (Request for Advisory Opinion) 3/9/18
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Chagos issue: Minister Mentor leads delegation at the International Court of Justice

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Legal consequences of the separation of the Chagos Archipelago ...

Latest developments | Legal consequences of the separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965 (Request for Advisory Opinion)

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Beside listening to the presentation of the Mauritius Team at the International Court of Justice in the morning, the afternoon session the British side presented their argument from 15 pm continental time
What caught our attention was the presentation of the young female Lawyer from the British side. The Zanzibar Revolution in 1964, those high parties including the person of later Judge E J Stiven from the AG office who worked on the constitution of Zanzibar and the independence process. Just like those parties form Mauritius have researched the colonial archive those who can do the Zanzibar pre independence , Constitution and the Revolution.
They/those who will discover it was the Zanzibar revolution 1964 which became the catalyst for the USA and Britain to set up the joint/create a joint military entity East of Aden. The advancing and menacing Cold War Communist take over of former Colonial countries later Seychelles - I have read some of the many documents and papers over the years nobody from the Mauritius government and British media or Seychelles ever mentioned this. If those had not happened the Moulinier Family would have been running after Mauritius Independence 1968 as per the documents. The Talk of Tourism -Talk of a New Port and Airport in Seychelles started in 1966/67.
Everybody in Seychelles /Seychelles politic argued the motive/reason and argument for SPUP coup d'etat, the for runner of SPUP, Mr Loizeau and Mr Finlay Roselie, Mr Harry Payet, Mr  Rifne Jumeau to adopt the politic and position. The Communist events in Zanzibar and Tanganyika , the decision for the USA and Britain to acquire those island of Diego Garcia from Mauritius before 1964/65 and the Moulinier Family further inflamed the situation and their march and protest slogan, "they would throw out the British and American" . Everybody forget chose to forget this, they were backed by Chinese and USSR, later the Port facilities for the USSR after the coup d'etat. ( Just like their lies about those 25,000 refugees from Seychelles and that SIROP program )
At the time of our independence /Constitution negation, the like of Mr Ali Parkar and Lord Oxford and those who had served in Zanzibar an d the person of Judge EJ Stiven voice, advice to the Governor and those important personalities in then Seychelles
Until Mauritius Independence the Moulinier leased and other Seychellois leading families some of those Islands, Mauritius then Self government process 1961 to 1967 whatever legality this would have who the real owners were. Mauritius was still a British Colony. The issues of compensation and damages for the Moulinier Families , from Mauritius and Britain then. Most of those practicing law in then Seychelles, the Notary Duboil and Nageon - those from the District Council the Planters Association. In most article they have publish as if Copra was the only businesses - they had a very lucrative Salt Fish industry for export.
Between 1965, the year the debacle of the separation and creation of a separate British entity in the Indian Ocean Judge EJ Stiven had followed those issues closely, he was Jamaican events in the West Indian and the process some of his important important political friends, former Prime Ministers. Mr Albert FA Rene and his people, were blind to those issues they learnt later. He discussed with the then Governor and the British Colonial officials this topic. They would be off record same those who would have made private notes or were privy.He also conferred with the USAF base officials in private. Beside we have mentioned he was friend of Mr John Tod the first Governor of BIOT - He also knew the Moulinier family very well. The Cauvin Family too. The Constitutional debacle of pre Mauritius independence, self government 1961 and its independence in 1968. Hence he was able to advice Lord Deveral on the Seychelles Constitution and those Islands detached and /return issues - with solid and in depth knowledge and experience, he had also worked on the Constitution of Kenya. He had know the legal mechanism, frame work and arguments Britain had used to create the BIOT, later expel/remove the Chagossian form the islands. those 500 who found safe haven in Seychelles beside those former workers their fate.

For political good reason the SPPF/PL government of Seychelles shave never wanted to publish those issue and in Mauritius it was not in their best interests, their distortion of thinking..Under that Truth Commission this is the opportunity to set the record right those who care to research in the Colonial archive. Even later after the return of multiparty/92, the attitude of Sir James Mancham and those Opposition Leaders unbothered and untormented - they would have handed the Territorial boundary of Seychelles to anybody who paid them a lot of money. Offered them a Job and Power.
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Monday, 30 July 2018

Victoria, the capital city of Seychelles, is celebrating its 240th anniversary this year.

Victoria, the capital city of Seychelles, is celebrating its 240th anniversary this year.

VICTORIA - The Birth

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This year, Seychelles is marking the 240th anniversary of its capital town, VICTORIA.  On behalf of the Victoria Committee, Tony Mathiot recounts the early chapters…
The Fregate L’Helene must have dropped anchor at Mahé sometime in the mid-February of 1779 -- having left L’île de France on December 3, 1778. A voyage that must have taken over two months. The “new settlers” were 15 soldiers and a lieutenant colonel. They had been entrusted with the task of creating the first establishment that would, over the course of two centuries, become the modern capital of Victoria. Indeed, they had no illusions about the industry and labour that awaited them. Apart from their military experience in the regiment of L’île de France, each one of the 15 soldiers was skilled in some occupation: carpentry, masonry, blacksmithing, bakery and medicine. Their names should be known: Julien Diard, Michel Charles, Jacques Leonard, Jacques Antoine Giroux, Pierre Garnier, Jean-Baptiste Mareaux, Michel Dugoin, Julien Habraham, Sulpice Lanoux, Bonaventure Roitier, Joseph Bazerga, François Le Roy, Jean Thomas Pelletier, Dominique Bertin, Joseph La Bétonnière.There should have been sixteen of them, but one, a surgeon named Theodore, had died at sea.
The Lieutenant colonel was Charles Routiers de Romainville (1742-1792), a thirty-six-year-old cartographer who in 1767 had joined the expedition of Louis Antoine de Bougainville (1729-1811) to make the first French voyage around the world. The expedition was undertaken to discover new territories for the French to acquire, find a new route to China, establish new trading posts for the French East India Company and lastly, to look for spices that were acclimatizable to L’ile de France. At the end of the journey in 1769, Romainville stayed for a while at L’île de France until he was appointed in the regiment of Pondicherry, the Chief French settlement (until 1954) in India.
The decision to create a permanent settlement on Mahé came at a time when the global war that was a consequence of the American Revolution (1775-1783) was in full rage. Imperial rivalries and expansionism set the world order. France and England were inveterate enemies, relentlessly fighting for dominance in the English Channel, in the Mediterranean, in the West Indies, in the Indian Ocean. The second half of the 18th century was grimly punctuated by military conflicts between the French East India Company and the British East India Company. This Anglo-French war (1778-1783) was the immediate consequence of the military alliance that France had concluded with America on February 6, 1778 to support the 13 colonies which had been part of British America (1607-1776) and ultimately Great Britain (1707-1776). It was on December 11, 1777, that a naval officer at L’île de France, Charles Henri Louis d’Arsac, Chevalier de Ternay (1723-1780) wrote to the Secretary of State for the Navy in France, Antoine de Sartine (1729-1811), that “un officier avec un détachement de 15 hommes du régiment de L’ile de France peut y maintenir bon ordre de faire une distribution sage de terrains, aux familles qui voudraient s’y établir…”
The Governor of L’ile de France, Antoine de Guiran Chevalier de La Brilliane, had expressed his concern that the administration of Rodrigues, which the French had occupied since 1735, should be closed and all the funds re-allocated to the creation of an outpost in the Seychelles. Two years previously, a former wealthy employer of the French East India Company, Jacques Le Roux de Kermoseven, had offered to create a settlement on Mahé at his own cost -- since the French East India Company (formed in 1668) which had financed the first settlement on Ste Anne in 1770 had encountered disastrous financial deficit and had been closed by Louis XV (1710-1774) in 1770, that same year. Kermoseven’s request was rejected, probably because he had asked to be appointed commandant and be allowed to give land concessions.
The initial cost of creating the new settlement had been evaluated at 15,000 livres (6 livres = 1 piastre). The new settlers had to make their way through the thickets of mangroves that extended along the shoreline.  Back in 1770, the mangroves barrier was the reason why the first settlers who arrived aboard Telemaque had to go to Ste Anne Island. During the next decade, mangroves became less of a hindrance as their ashes were used in soap-making, thus making Port Royal accessible.
When they arrived ashore, they found an assortment of ill-conceived small buildings including the ruins of the small chapel of St. Antoine de Padua which a Lazarist Priest named Dumontagnier had blessed on December 1, 1771. Not surprisingly, the first settlement on Ste. Anne which Brayer du Barré had created in 1770 had failed disastrously. Consequently, the small group of settlers had moved over to Mahé to begin anew. However, lack of manpower and the unruly disposition of the settlers resulted in the abject failure of the small colony, to such an extent that famine and sickness had become a scourge. Moreover, there was constant altercations with new settlers. Fortunately, in May of 1773, they were repatriated to L’ile de France aboard La Belle Pouleleaving the rudimentary settlement to the new batch of settlers who had arrived at Mahé aboard La Marianne in January of 1772. Eventually, most of them went back to L’île de France except for an abbey named Dumontagnier, Sicard, Mousse and a woman called Dame Claire Larue who was the island’s first Florence Nightingale.
The settlement on Ste. Anne was taken over by a former soldier of the French East India Company named Pierre Hangard (1732 - 1812). He had arrived at Mahé on July 1, 1772 aboard Le Necessaire in the company of Antoine Gillot, to create the Jardin du Roi at Anse Royale. This most enterprising settler put his predecessor to shame by producing enough food for the entire small colony and to supply passing ships.
Unbeknownst to Romainville and his men, the settlement at Anse Royale had deteriorated into a disgraceful state of neglect. Most of the slaves had fled into the forests. The garden of spices which was a rectangle with an area of 52 gaulettes (1 gaulette being 5 metres) divided into 4 squares did not reflect the splendor of a Jardin du Roi created in the name of Louis XV (1710-1774). A few withering plants of nutmegs, cloves and cinnamons were all that remained, almost like a botanical burlesque of a ‘kings garden’.
They saw the ‘Stone of Possession’ -- the 57cm by 57cm block of stone inscribed with “”, and the Coat of Arms of France, which Captain Nicholas Morphey (1729-1774) had placed on a rock on November 1, 1756 as an act of pre-emptive possession of the Seychelles islands for the French Empire.
Soon after they arrived, they set about their task, clearing the woods, selecting the best timber that they could find for construction. In addition to the fifteen soldiers, there were two marine carpenters, Laurent Elie and Yves Le Flere. Evidently, the site was eminently propitious for a permanent establishment due to the existence of at least two rivers there. Water is invariably a determining factor in the creation of a settlement. Salvation for survival then, came from not least, Bel Air River and Moussa River, because the east coast of Mahé abounds in rivers and streams.
Romainville complied scrupulously to his instructions. He built a house for himself of 30 feet length and 12 feet width (about 10 metres by 4 metres), “a magasin pour les effets du Roi et les subsistances”barrack for soldiers, with a basement of 30 feet by 12 feet which was used as a prison, a kitchen of missionary which was 18 feet by 12 feet, a hospital with a verandah of 30 feet by 18 feet, and a lodge of 12 feet by 8 feet for passengers of ships. For the first four years these would be the aggregate amount of infrastructures constituting L’Etablissement du Roi. A house for the surgeon, a tortoise pen, a large pirogue shed and a battery were added by Romainville’s successors Berthelot de La Coste and Antoine Gillot (the former gardener at Jardin du Roi).
The authorities at I’île de France were pleased with Romainville.  On its return voyage to L’île de France in January 1779, L’Hélène brought back 600 tortoises which was followed by a second consignment of 500 tortoises in April the same year.
Romainville’s administration was regrettably brief but impressive. He managed to curb the depredations of forests and the pillage of tortoises by certain unscrupulous settlers. He succeeded in reserving...Pour le Roi et pour la défense du pays, le long des côtes de l’île sechelles, une lisière de bois de zoo toise au moins en profondeur
But also, an inadvertent monumental blunder. One day in May of 1780, he was deceived by a French ship flying an English flag and in an impetuous act of patriotism he ordered the destruction of the Jardin du Roi by fire! Unfortunately, because of serious infirmities of health relating to his liver, Romainville left Seychelles at the end of 1780.
His three predecessors administrated the settlement with the same tenacity of purpose in spite of which elsewhere, the plunder of the island’s natural resources continued. In the absence of a defined protocol to regulate the lives of the small colony, there was no submissions to rules and authority. In 1785, the total population of L’Etablissement du Roi was 28 inhabitants -- a commandant, a detachment of 12 soldiers from the Regiment of Pondicherry, and 15 slaves (8 men and 7 women). There were 9 pirogues in the service of the harbour.
In 1786, Jean Baptiste Philogène de Malavois (1748-1825) arrived at Mahé accompanied by a surveyor called BatailleMalavois who was an agronomist, engineer and geographer re-organised the administrative establishment and instituted orderly land tenure, conceding to each inhabitant an area of 108 arpents (112 acres). The extensive work he and Bataille conducted resulted in the law of July 30, 1787 which contained 30 articles aimed at organising and systematising the economy, the society and landownership of Seychelles. By then, the territory of L’Etablissement du Roi extended along the south side of what is now Revolution Avenue, encompassing the Bel Air cemetery site in the west and the La Poudrière site in the south with the sea coast being what is now Francis Rachel Street. As the settlement gradually expanded, the woods were cleared for more construction. But the L’Etablissement du Roi as such, that is the settlement controlled, managed and directed on behalf of Louis XVI by Malavois’s legislation would experience quite a few upheavals caused by the events of the French Revolution (1789 -1799). On June 19, 1790, for example, ten settlers formed a Colonial Assembly, demanding that the law of July 30, 1787 should be amended, so that “… les iles Praslin, Frégate, Silhouette, et L’île du Nord soit affecter pour y conceder des terrains aux seuls enfant des habitants de Seychelles…”
There was a clamour for independence from L’île de France. But the political frenzy gradually abated and the following year, on July 30, 1791, the Minerve dropped anchor at Mahé. On August 1, 1791, at 8am, the national flag of France was unfurled at the L’Etablissement du Roi. Commandant Enouf displayed a modicum of exquisite diplomacy by communicating the decisions of the Colonial Assembly to Governor Cossigny for his approval.
On September 22, 1792, when the monarchy was abolished in France and the Republic was proclaimed, it was considered inappropriate, even offensive for the Mahé French Settlement to invoke the memory of the king, who would be guilloted on January 21, 1793. Therefore, L’Etablissement du Roi was stripped of its Royal connotation and was called L’Etablissement.
On September 9, 1793 a 45-year-old former Captain of the Pondicherry Regiment Jean-Baptiste Quéau de Quinssy (1748-1827) arrived at Mahé aboard L’Aimée to take up the post of commandant. The population of Seychelles amounted to 572 inhabitants (65 whites, 20 Free Africans, 487 slaves).Quinssy encouraged the construction of more buildings to accommodate new arrivals of settlers and their slaves. During his eighteen years as commandant, renovations and improvements were made to the original Romainville buildings of L’Etablissement. Even a cemetery was opened (the Bel Air cemetery) for the burial of those who passed away at L’Etablissement. Indeed, it was during his administration that L’Etablissement knew its first of many momentous events. Such one occurred on May 17, 1794, when Quinssy had to negotiate the first capitulation Treaty with Captain Henry Newcome aboard Orpheus. It was the first military confrontation to take place at L’Etablissement, or Seychelles. There were no means to defy a squadron of four vessels which totalled 1200 men and 66 canons. Quinssy had at his disposal, 40 volunteers, 60 muskets and 8 small canons. But his steadfastness of purpose and sagacity precluded the worse that could have happened to L’Etablissement and the inhabitants. The British Flag was unfurled for the first time on Seychelles. But after the British had disappeared, Quinssy had the French Flag Fly at high mast again!
On July 14, 1801, La Chiffone brought the first group of 32 Jacobins to Mahé, to the consternation of the settlers and the slaves. There would be 70 of those terrorists who were accused of planning to assassinate Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 – 1831) and were thus sentenced to exile in Seychelles. The inhabitants were petrified a few weeks later, precisely on August 20, 1801 when a naval battle took place in Port Royal between La Chiffone and an English ship, Sybille. The half hour ferocious engagement left 35 men dead… and L’Etablissement dazed.
Understandably, there were then no shops at L’Etablissement. Inhabitants bartered with captains of passing ships. However, by 1804, there was a café and a billiard room. Since 1796, Mahé had been producing cotton and coconut oil for exportation to L’île de France. A network of footpaths which connected distant plantations to L’Etablissement created access for the transportation of these produce by slaves to the coast of Port Royal where they were put on board the occasional ship.
In 1811, the British took possession of the Seychelles and Barthelemy Sullivan was the first in a long series of British functionaries, who with various appellations (Agent, Commissioner, and Administrator Governor) would administrate the Seychelles until 1976. (The immediate background was Napoleonic France's defeat and surrender in May 1814, which brought an end to 25 years of nearly continuous war. Negotiations continued despite the outbreak of fighting triggered by Napoleon'sdramatic return from exile and resumption of power in France during the Hundred Days of March to July 1815. The Congress's "final act" was signed nine days before his final defeat at Waterloo on 18 June 1815.) Congress of Vienna 
From 1839 to 1850, the civil commissioner was Charles Augustus Etienne Mylius (1795-1873). Anxious that L’Etablissement should take advantage of the maritime traffic that passed through the Indian Ocean, he initiated the construction of a jetty with a grant of £50 from Mauritius. Though there was not much amenities for visiting ships, the “Mylius jetty” as the wharf was affectionately called, was an important start.
In the mid-19th Century, Seychelles formed part of the vast territory of colonies and protectorates known as the British Empire. These scattered different nations were united by a common obedience to the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. The British throne was held by twenty-two-year-old Queen Alexandrina Victoria (1819-1901). On May 31, 1841, Ordinance No:12 of 1841 was passed in the Council at Port Louis, Mauritius, with the assent of Governor Sir Lionel Smith (1778-1842) that Established the name of the Capital of Seychelles change as Victoria.

Isle Seychelle avec le plan particulier de l'établissement du roy. Plus bas le plan détaillé de chacque ouvrage / Commencé par Mr. de Rommainville, Cap[itai]ne au régime de l'isle de France en 1778 ; Rachevé par M. Berthelot, cap[itai]ne au même régiment
Isle Seychelle avec le plan particulier de l'établissement du roy. Plus bas le plan détaillé de chacque ouvrage / Commencé par Mr. de Rommainville, Cap[itai]ne au régime de l'isle de France en 1778 ; Rachevé par M. Berthelot, cap[itai]ne au même régiment

The Origin of the name Sechelles came of the Tyrel noble, princely Norman family close relative  to William the Conqueror later the title acquired by Viscount Jean Mareau 

Renaming of Sechelles Seychelles Capital 

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Lord Carrington, former foreign secretary, dies aged 99 -Europe, NATO,, USSR, COMECON,- SIROP

Major The Right Honourable, The Lord Carrington KG GCMG CH MC PC DL
Lord Carrington in 1984 

Lord Carrington

Lord Carrington obituary

NATO - Declassified: Lord Carrington, 1984 - 1988
Known for his role in the Falklands War when he was British Foreign Secretary, Peter Alexander Rupert Carington, 6th Baron Carrington came to the helm of the ...

Lord Carrington arrives for first day at NATO

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Image result for sir sir james mancham obituary

Image result for sir sir james mancham obituary

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Saturday, 16 June 2018

Celebrating the Silver Jubilee of the Constitution of Seychelles

Celebrating the Silver Jubilee of the Constitution of Seychelles

The judiciary celebrates the Constitution

Seychelles’ Constitution is 25 years old

The Constitutional years

‘It still feels like a new song whenever we hear the national anthem’

The man behind the Seychelles flag

The story of our Constitution

Une vue sur la Constitution de la 3ème République

Lenterpretasyon Konstitisyon par manm piblik

Comment - we have read the Story of our constitutions by Mr Paul Chow and the Constitutional years - to those highly learned individuals in Seychelles take a few moments and work out the role of those young person interpreting our Nations Constitutions issues - those who found it proper, right and legal they can do this 

It is not adequate or good enough to say politic is very dirty if you do not like it do not join or do politic the important political implications and influences in any constitution process 

Those who have gone and are going that very extra length to write their version of how our constitution came about, Mr Solfus Larsen was a great Banker they fucked up his head properly, because what he knew and had done with others and the need to silence him yet those who say it was medical development  and he became a vegetable and those that did this to him their motives - 

Those from the SDP, their political vendetta again the Truth Commission will have to read/hear them even the many person are dead  and later the OU in  Seychelles who did their dirty politic and use and abused that SIROP program and  like drug dealers and drug barons what they wrote and promoted as history. Those who promoted the benchmark you write what we deem is history and we will allow, let you leave a few more years otherwise we will kill you take your life, our experience the many death attempts, the methods, terror, intimidation and brutal manipulations, use criminal method and demoniac method to inflict ills, pain and suffering on one person/my person to prevent and hinder, impede, discourage our capacity and interests, quarrying a give issues, we will kill one of your older parents or brother or children, they control the killing machine/death machine in Seychelles, they decide who will die like bingo or lottery,  you will never see a cent of compensation or recover your land, when we are finish with you we will take over all your work, interests, activities, goodwill and that SIROP program and that EU Network you manage, you will never set foot in Seychelles again, if you do we will have you imprison/have you thrown in Jail and what will happen to you in custody, they when we protest they say you are inventing, fabricating. - Their utter dishonesty and criminal approach - the path this nation have set the example and they ask why we have this mega drug epidemic, if I can could have read  and when confronted with other version of events in that country I would have to seek the help of  good psychiatrice or medial support or the such. 

Mr Paul Chow writing the version of history to suit his political interests  and the SPPF who wrote what they did to suit their political interests what about that SIROP program the mathematics do not stack up -at the Truth Commission they will have to state how my person was forcibly left out from returning to Seychelles  and other events  yet they went on to use and abuse that SIROP program and the methodology and mechanism - to deny me the very rights to put the issue in writing is gross breach of any constitutions workings and  functionality - to do this we need help  this help is being deny to us. 

There are greater implication the Masonic establishment interests and the US government, in that SIROP program the Commonwealth vested interests. Having address this currently the many threats on of death and that we will be killed shortly  and the threats really exist, they do not give a half pin to the European court or the international court or or any other court.