Very many years ago listened to those with insight, experience and knowledge of the Colonial administration discuss/debate the John Profumo scandal and for many-years until pre independence 1976 - those individuals like legal quotation and reference would go/come back to this topic -
We had also amassed our very own experience of those who represented values, Justice and honor - their comportment, resulting that beside my keen interests in psychology and the associate discipline in that Seychelles was fortunate to spend some 2/3 years with a/Salzburg University elite psychoanalyst and other such specialist. It did open several windows and doors into the British thinking and the colonial thinking. (The drug equation was none existent)
After some 30 years in Britain in exile, travelling Europe, the accumulated experience feel we need to go back to such able person like the then Salzburg University psychologist or #team to study and look into our respective experiences the past 30 years and compare them with the earlier 25 years we had grown up with.
Why the Profumo debacle - there is a very unhealthy, unstable scientific psychosis which function and make the British /English what they are as people and Nation, Civilization. The very strange thing is that they believe they have been given some kind of Godly/heavenly rights/powers to go for other ways of thinking, culture and society function.
To stress how we qualify to make this statement - unless you/one is a lunatic do not become involved and take part in the many aspect of Europe, the USSR, COMECON, China, the USA, Canada, Latin America, Africa, Asia and the Indian Ocean changes/evolution, process unless you have some knowledge and abilities to understand what take place, in the nation, people and society mind. Their religion and society development.
Very concrete - having mentioned the Colonial era of Seychelles those in Britain or France who think they are better than those little Islanders in their thinking. What it had to take to battle and change the raw and core concept, indoctrination of the Communist, one party system, dictatorial system for 15 years the Seychellois had been born, educated and brought up by. Such experiences is better than having a cage full of rats, apes, monkey and other creature and carry experiment- as many governments have done in the West - we had to work those issues raw and real as they came.
With the debate for a British exit of the EU the need/requirement for those who want to maintain some for of sanity - to study the same approach the mind and psychosis behind those advocating a British exit of the EU - just as one would many extreme political movement and affiliation across Europe and the world. The functionality of the intellect and rationality and so call logic.
Around 1982 researching in the Kensington library on such topic came across a work explaining how the British mind work and those involved - how when they discover and come across a Target or individual who go against their thinking approach they handle that person or object and our experiences in that Country and very many like my/our person - because we are compel to live here had we to live in another place, society environment how different it would be.
1963: The Profumo scandal
We did not judge it necessary to write a boring thread relating to our experience and life experience with/in the British system, life culture - omitting aspect/part of our family who migrated from France 950 years ago to this land . This morning the surprising article in the Seychelles Nation about the Jaw of enormous ‘cachalot’ washed up on South Island, Farquhar how life, nature, the Godly Power communicate with humanity
Mr Lewis Betsey 40th Independence celebration article - Cavendish Parade, Hounslow, TW4 7DJ
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