SIROP historic Program 1986/87
Blood moon in pictures: the eclipse as it was seen around the world

UN's 70th general assembly: the greatest political show on earth

After taking time to watch this phenomena and it does require energy - would not have bothered to listen to anybody addressing the 70th UN Summit - we decided to do it.
There is the necessity, requirement of not just having read/studied history from 1982 to today - but to have been active, help manage and drive some of those great events to really grasp the gigantic significance.
In 1982, the Cold War West/NATO verses East, the COMECON, the USSR, China, Communist Latin America, Asia, Communist and West block in Africa/OAU and the Middle East. Then UN functionality and its Institutions.
The speech of those two World Leaders is available online unlike 1982, when we had that supermoon lunar eclipse and what the media wrote and those who made their respective forecasts, the media would print aspects and you would have to go to a Library to get the full speech and with technology millions across the world listened and saved picture and the speech contents and blog or commented on it.
Nobody had forecast or predicted at the time of the 1982 Lunar eclipse be they the USA with its very vast scientific and Christian resources or the USSR or the COMECON or the Vatican - the changes to come in the COMECON, the USSR, Yugoslavia, Africa, Latin America and NATO, Warsaw Pact very existence challenged.
Much more important events in the Indian Ocean region - the posturing between the East/Communist Block, the None Aligned and the West - NATO. Seychelles, Madagascar in Particular, they were Communist strong hold/bastion, beside Tanzania, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and the Horn of Africa politic.
Seychelles have been gifted $ millions over the past 27/30 years to manage its Environment/Ecology to the extent it has become almost an Industry - everybody may not quite like this statement. Those who fail to understand the motives/reasons to a good extent money was being given, donated for such important global working - need. The very deep political overtone. As such the knowledge and experience amassed to better understand scientific ecological and global events including Supermoon eclipse.
Today Seychelles nation choose to announce that president JA Michel will be addressing the 70th UN summit. It mentioned the Supermoon eclipse 2015 instead the article about honoring the Pioneers of Tourist Industry of Seychelles, all these pioneers were proWest oriented and Capitalist, then world Tourist Industry and the Indian Ocean.
Instead - it focus on the Blue economy and SIF topic that President JA Michel will focus and Seychelles Economic success story. (Seychelles and the Sustainable Development Goals)
Whilst it is important we listen and pay attention to the speech contents of such world leaders the need to take it with a "very big pinch of salt" as they say. How many remember then state of British economy, the Computer and IT technology, media workings then and what the world have come to know. The very big disparities and how those major Powers and their respective politicians play and spell our their politic.
One would have expected after the global crash of 2007/8 and certainly the UN was deeply involved and responsible what the greater world populace said about the UN very corrupted workings. Those involved who helped point and raise awareness - the forests of NGO's. Their respective role and function in world workings today and the future. They lightly highlight the ups and low of he UN - the mega challenge they refuse to confront it.
One of the biggest challenge for the UN was that SIROP program - how it was manipulated and the many games they played, all those involved - what have been written a history and reality facts. Had we gone to it with a official written version as we have today online they would have kicked it out - all those arguing you crazy/mad little nation, none entities how dare you, meddle, demand - we had had many years of monitoring and working such high and important issue with the UN and its High executives - instead we choose to work it as we did and the outcome.
As little nation we had researched and studied how our French ancestral workings had function and the many very important mechanism they applied and we decided with the support of those in France, the Francophone to reapply these high mechanism - the former Russian empire knew of it very well and many of the former COMECON nations. Yet one is not supposed to mentioned this in so call Benchmark reporting. We knew and were aware of elements that worked with greater world forces such as Supermoon eclipse and how they/it can be used, apply to drive and synergized other important world workings and function.
At the core of many of the changing mechanism use/applied be they on the USSR, the COMECON, Warsaw Pact, the Berlin Wall events, Germany Reunification, OAU, Latin America were discipline used in ancient times. Those at the time who had argued for a unified UN benchmark whatever that means.
How leading to the world/global crash of 2007/8 those who had been developing their very hybrid of this ancient discipline and the ruthless aspect of it build in multinational high management, Market and big politic.
Those who knowingly applied it to destabilize North African Nation and the Gulf Nations and the at the UN what they present as great world speeches and directives. The utter super mess we have landed it and the world is in with this supemoon 2015 Lunar eclipse and he 70th UN Summit.
Both President Obama and President Putin stressed that the world control of knowledge have expanded far than expectation and with this knowledge what good and evil it can do to mankind and humanity. All the indications and conclusion it is being used and applied to destroy mankind and humanity.
Supermoon lunar eclipse 2015 live: Amazing pictures from the UK and around the world of the 'blood moon'
Russia launches airstrikes in Syria after parliament approves intervention ...
1982 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
70th UN General Assembly - Leaders discuss issues affecting the world
29-September-2015 Seychelles nation
Comment - Them Dad's/Fathers and Mum's really get up to no good in this great world when you cook a little St Micheal Baby - it is all fine when they are young and have butterfly in their heads when they start becoming concern about real life. These babies come with responsibilities - hence their purpose.
We did not go on to become a Priest, our lot is worse to have been trained by one of Austria's/Europe leading Guru in High Interdisciplinary management - not contented what we have added. Beside those we have worked with over the past 36 years. Including those in Frock.
Without having to upset all those who have gone out of their way to wish us something. The topic of the supermoon and end time. As an experience - near 35 years working in the field of high Interdisciplinary - managing and intervening, the news/views associated with this supermoon.
We tried to share that the citizens of the world ought to read and listen to the UN and those who speak/preach with "a big pinch of Salt" and the main stream world politicians. How many recall the posturing of the Nuclear weapon between West and East/USSR/COMECON/Warsaw Pact. The UN workings then their conclusion - it was an alliance of none UN, NGO's, Voluntary, Philanthropic, church/level headed Illuminati sector, those politicians who had to be bulldoze, pushed and driven who banded together and pushed the agenda of SIROP and what had to be changed this very grave situation of the world being destroyed - we worked on the USSR/COMECON - extreme socialist thematic and what it took/take to manage this. We did not have a Nuclear War humanity could breath those who immediately cashed in on new weapons and adventures. - who took the credits. That was that last supermoon 1982.
From this prospective very many important world issues we worked, helped managed and yet what the media and the UN state. This is why we have been stressing to the EU - out there there is another very important world workings - capabilities.
We have been listening to the many /reading at this 70th UN super get together. Those who ought to know who they really are.
We have a serious world situation - we had judge with the forests of media and communication - millions who did not know would learn to know- we explained that that "North African spring was not a normal phenomena" those who managed it, the outcome - in a small county in Austria 100,000 refugee/exile form the Gulf Region - once the euphoria dies very worse is to come. We have worked exile/refugees issues some 35 years at global level. Those important personalities given Austria two World War experience, Neutrality during the Cold War who were importantly involved in that SIROP program. Its management.
We have been using the social platform telling the EU we could use the same mechanism to intervene/make due intervention - yet - the world is supposed to have moved on and yet. Those who study the science and discipline of intervening in major world affairs this is not easy, you require in depth knowledge and ability, experience in this field. At the same time the need to take note of the world capacity to react/respond positively and certainly the millions of blogs and comment about the refuge/exile crises is inadequate/to late the horse have bolted. { to those who dare - we also undertook radical changes in the workings/thinking process of the world Illuminati - do they comprehend what this means and the challenges}
We are left with managing a very demanding situation as bad as the Nuclear agenda of the 1980's.
It will require and take very imaginative actions, ideas - just look at the complexities of that SIROP program and yet the state of the world today. It will require young individuals to take the crusade as we coined it then - we mean real crusade as those who know and are alive to witness and testify.
On this St Michel Day 2015 we trust and wish that out there some young blood would react and respond - it did not take the world long to be aware there was another major program afoot and being put in place back after 1982. "The world is very fortunate that individual like Dr Henry Kissinger is alive and with us".
"Geheimpapier": Asyl-Kosten von 12,3 Milliarden Euro?
Flüchtlinge: 100 Experten aus Österreich sollen Hotspots unterstützen
Germany celebrates 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, in pictures
You poor fools it was not you who helped bring down the Berlin Wall and change the COMECON, Warsaw pact and the USSR it was the Syrian/Iraqi/Kurdish refugees/exiles.
"We're the happiest people in the world and we're thrilled that you brought the Berlin Wall down 25 years ago," Berlin's Mayor Klaus Wowereit said as the first balloons were sent aloft. "Nothing and no one can stand in the way of freedom." What a load of Dung/pure manure. We have been writing to the many German Officials for the past 25 years about the role of that SIROP program - the utter corruption. "It cost £125 a bus ticket London to Berlin and staying in a school or Tent free - I pay for my food nobody bothered" - yet my person helped contributed importantly that Chancellor Angela Merkel become Chancellor ask of former Chancellor Schroeder, contribute to their Heads of state being elected and coming to office and the rebuilding of the Bundestag - this is the way we get treated. Do not lose your cool at my person what you have done and doing had we proper media connections is a stinking scandal. Those involved very very sick.
Germany prepares to celebrate the 26th anniversary of the Berlin Wall
Below these are the real people who brought down the Berlin Wall change the COMECON, change the Warsaw pact and the USSR
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