Wednesday 6 January 2021

How London grew into a financial powerhouse

 How London grew into a financial powerhouse

Charting the growth of London’s financial centre and what the future holds after Brexit

How Brexit is set to hurt Europe's financial systems - Reuters

Europe's largest financial centre poses challenges for the EU ...

We had thought Minister Afiff was smarter, he had learnt the rope from President FA Rene and Mr Guy Morel, even Mr Mario Ricci to support the President Wankalawan,  help us navigate the very stormy economic and related associated psychosis the region nations, the world is going to go through. 

Much have been written the past 5 years about Britexit and much lies and inaccurate issues. Had a President FA Rene and Sir James been alive they would have grasped some of the close negative fallouts resulting from the Britexit debacles, debacle not being publish. That Pandemic is not your normal situation,  there is a very great deal more greyer, darker to it,  not just how to eradicate it. Why it appeared in the first place, came about, surfaced. 

Last night listened live a debate at France 2 over the important debacle of the Financial leadership of Britain, consequences in the world and relevancy to Europe. Without that SIROP program and the very many instances of interventions,  impute,  gearing or leveraging in  instance and the crash, the counter mechanism which had to be  developed and thought out, patch  by the respective governments linked to that SIROP program workings mechanism. The many experts, political gurus,  their different interpretations. We do not want enter the scientific methodology in place,  developed to prove the primary roles of a function, issue and its impacts,  how it is studied and numerated, the mathematics.  Where as the many explanations have moved on, expired and ceased to affect a given major financial scenario that SIROP program core workings  - it played a major part in bringing about the change  to the Communist, Central Plan economy and Finance working. It helped and contributed importantly to help put in place the new, current, alternative system and order, functionality. The intensify argument of Britexit the Continental who have come over to dominant, take control of Britain, its culture and government, migration   that SIROP program played a very key part.  The issues of then Kilburn Brent and the ECU/Euro. In 1993 the Caple le fern Euro implementation process, the city of London and the Central Bank. What he experts have written and the big gaps. At the same time those in Britain who understood and knew the gaps not being explained and published. How they use the unexplained information  to build their respective systems, position, mechanism management, regulatory  thematic.  Many of the big European institutions based in London what they  have known unpublish and the publish information on the city financial working.  The Central Bankers of Europe, the Commission, the Parliament officials, regulatory and Justices. At the end of the day this is  the animal Conservative darker, brutal and ruthless side. 

We have written several blog of the 2008 visit to Seychelles, then President Rene and Sir James Mancham. Then World  crash and then pandemic. 
Our very grave concern of the utter ruthless and corrupted system that had been put in place and being abused, apply by the big bankers using that SIROP program mechanism, dynamics, the human communication and mind control mechanism. We, the Gulf nation,   the Russian, Chines were calling for a major review of those working functionality and in instance recreate,   then UN and  government of President Bush. They and those in Britain who pushed the Russian to the Wall. Because of that SIROP program the Russian and Chinese and the Gulf Nations knowledge to use and apply its working to leverage and bring about changes in their big bank,   financial and economic workings. Reverting to some from of Socialist thinking for the economy and the BRICS ideology. That of Perestroika politic.  At the same time the Gulf nations  developing,  taking part in an alternative world currency system , your Crypto currency argument major surfacing in Office President Obama and then vice President. What ensued the military conflicts  and very close to a third world conflict and the Banking and financial reforms had to be shelved or left aside to concentrate on the military challenges,  fallouts, refugees crises, humanitarian crises.  Meanwhile those in London very aware regrouping and enhancing their capacity, developing new software, products in the face of a near third world major conflict  concocted environment. 

What Covid  has that got  to do with Seychelles - the bloody lies propagate about the changes methodology of Seychelles by those in  London the Commonwealth  and they still maintain this. Others did the dirty work, the dirty deeds and battle and they via their powers and media take the cudos and the credits for it and the bloody idiots out there who believe this and do not challenge, cannot or refuse .  What the real agenda to change Seychelles were, the Communist system and the Indian Ocean,  not about a mercenary group to topple FA Rene government, his people ideology  - this was about a complete reworking engineer of the region right across the board and what this required and took. Which  show  the lies about the Commonwealth factor. 

That Covid made it possible for the EU to put together a substantial financial and economic package  to note the underlining and stressing of Sustainable development, growth and society functioning. In France in spite the two years terrible riot - and the debate last night those controlling the media. France played a very significant role in that SIROP program development and conception,  yet the morons on the TV and press,  their lies and dishonest approach arguments and terrible invention, spins. Never once mentioning that program or many associated argument instead. This is not sustainable working,  they are pouring oil on the fire.  Most of the personalities who help put that SIROP program together are dead or retired, the manner history events have been recorded, archived. In that Seychelles they have a very unique responsibility before the world,  the talk of a seat ln the Security Council and the President in particular - Seychelles could gain, clean its reputation if the President and government can make that effort to seek international help to address that SIROP plaint. The  Russian are investing importantly in Seychelles, their old diplomatic relation and the Chinese why do they not approach their government and seek help to address that SIROP plaint in a norm that they can understand, relate to their Cold War position and their nation what really happened, the unpublish and the impacts, repercussions. Future world workings,  where things went very wrong specially with Europe and the new Nuclear Race what this will come to eventually.  Like wise the EU and the mega budget structure, mechanism  they have put in place, it could prove of no use - The Seychelles that President FA Rene, Si James Mancham was building after 1993 no longer exist. Because of the lies and terrible benchmark, the UN, Commonwealth, the EU and African Union terrible benchmark of media and government reporting and auditing. They talk of war on the drug syndicate,  pushers destroying the Nation and youth, they ought to got to war with themselves . 

The result, consequences those young economist and Ministers they do not know what the hell they are doing. The past government of President Rene  and Michel for all their abuse and human terrible benchmark knew what they were doing,  the nuts and bolt of that program not just for Seychelles the region,  EU and  the world. Those young economist and Ministers that is not what they have been taught,  educated instead what  the learnt with their British education - the programming process. 

We have spend time time reading the old history of the society that prevailed before the second war in Britain the major economic woes, Germany and rest of Europe, the origins of the Bruderhof, the Anabaptise and other christian movements, pacifist, none violence and why Germany came into the war not what the British and american have publish. The failure of those men and woman to put in place an alternative society, more equal,  a just society to serve the Mass, provide and care  what the church preach but cannot put in action somewhat like the contents, concepts workings of that SIROP program and the major NGO components, aspects, sustainable working  since they could not those that reverted to more Draconian methods, unorthodox, their motives  and the outcome. We urge President Wankalawan to get his cabinet together and get somebody to read the history of the Bruderhof, the anabaptist and the Pentecostal movement churches and the evangelical and protestants before the war started, events of the past 60 years.  In writing that SIROP program we stated if we could get President FA Rene government to be half the socialist that Austria, or the Scandinavian were we would have achieve a very great deal because they were Communist and their Central plan economy, politic  and method of government, the UN,  Africa, the Commonwealth, EU and the US have not understood this process. The attitude and position of those new minister who are not fit to be politician coming  with their big machett and hacking everything per say will bring abut major counter reaction.  They should speak with one voice instead and compel that Truth Commission, the International Institutions supporting it,   to position itself that it can hear that SIROP plaint respecting international norm  - only this morning news China refusal that WHO come to inquire about the Covoid pandemic if that is the WHO benchmark the UN - President Trump own position visa vis them.  That SIROP program role, contribution to helping China what is has become, the important of ideology and economic thinking, leadership society functioning change 25 years ago and the forecasted impacts then, by those involved in that SIROP program In China  the subsequent leadership knowledge of those issues. If those with resources and responsibility refuse to listen and play their die part then with all the great ideas the world ought to expect more terrible news and deterioration. 

In Seychelles they who have discovered the power of the web and social media,  again that program contribution and role,  to remind them in 1987/8, the project to send a complete plane of British school children to Seychelles,  then Communist Seychelles and all the horrors happening - accompany with their parents, teachers   - it was a test,   to see how president F A Rene  and the army,  police and the militia would react everybody in Britain who remember the incident their grave concern, the British and other media writeup of that historic event, your UN and all the rest. President FA Rene was not a nutter, your lunatic, despotic.    They were treated with civility by  president FA Rene and this for us managing the issues of that SIROP program one little beacon of light and hope to the long battle ahead we had to undertake to help change the autocratic One party system and bring, return Multiparty politic. It brought hope to our exiles, refugees community in Britain and rest of the world and the Seychelles underground Opposition. Even the White House reaction, those in Germany and rest of Europe, South Africa in particular, Africa and Australia.

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