President Wankalawan taking the big knife to many aspects of Seychelles System

In the plantation of our grandparents we had to learn to use such a grand couteau in Kiswahili Panga, machette, its usefulness, they were imported by Adam Moosa, Meghjee, Kim Koon and a few other merchants. Given the blacksmith tradition old Seychelles the first Settlers would have brought them along from Reunion, Mauritius also use extensively in the sugarcane industry, plantation. During my youth the PWD, Public Work Department where President Wankalawan father worked in the blacksmith Department also imported. The PWD workers and prisoners were allocated them to clear the roads, side roads and other places and in the case of bush fire used extensively for fire fighting. In Africa their use during many uprising local tribal fights and massacres, killing - it is also a weapon. Much later on the Judge Stiven /ex Delafontaine/ex Hermitte property at Aux Cap and Montagne Posee the management of the Grand couteau by the respective plantation manager one of his responsibility was to managed its allocation, use by the workers, damages, replacements, application, usage. They had to be accounted for and return every evening before the workers left the Estate, in the morning issued, then locked up and the key given to the owner of the property or mistress or kept by the manager in a safe place. . .
In the old Seychelles we grew up, those families who worked the cinnamon Industry at Capucin, Anse aux Pins, the Grosammy family, the Albert Family at Anse aux Pins and the Nageon family at Point Larue. The family cinnamon leaves would be harvested, packed in special goony bags, carried to the point of collection sold to them or the coconuts after it had been harvested for making copra and oil extraction.. In both case the mountain of leaves after the distillery process, deposited and left to rot by the weather became excellence natural soil, compost and the mountain of coconuts husks later the coir Factory of the Parkar family ex Zanzibar Revolution, at Le Mamelle and Majoie - Le Mamalle the ex government distillery and Majoie the ex Frichot property today the SIM started by Mr Guy Morel. The need to say that the Seychelles cinnamon industry was for Seychelles what the Sugar plantation/industry is for Mauritius.
Over the past few months of 2020 have shared some of the issues with the former Property of Mogador ex Sir Clement Nageon QC., Kenya and Judge Stiven - the Nageon properties and estates.. Given that Dr Ferrari statement before the Truth Commission that he is the father of the Commission de L'Ocean Indienne, the COI and its Secretariat in Mauritius Ebene. Many in that Seychelles today including President Wankalawan and his government attitude and benchmark, comportments. notion of government and government running, functioning.
Again the gaps of those who write our history, those who know no better believe them as facts and material for school, educational material and scientific facts. We have never shard our primary motives for joining Prof Dr Micheal Hofmann, Vienna Interdisciplinary Management Institute. Those managing that Truth Commission process. Every nation have their issues and way of doing things, their things. In the Seychelles of President Mancham and President Rene yet how they were and got explained and how they were talked in private, the families and other place of work or public. Much of those who had a normal life were, have been impacted and influenced by what we have term Arcadian or Illuminati workings. Those who wrote some books on this process, practice, culture in Seychelles, Mauritius and Reunion - France. My person was no exception.
When we got to Paris in 1979 after the publication of that UNIDO/World Bank research on setting up an Indian Ocean Industrial Investment and Promotion Centre, the Quai D'orsay we visited, then Dr Ferrari as Minister, his Department, Mr David Thomas, Mr Grandcourt and Mr Fayon. We becoming acquainted with the grand children of the Larousse family, the three males, and business person in the case of our primary contact his business on a side road of Mogador street, not far from the St Lazard station, his watch business and jewellery business and another Business partner, the company named FB France Business. At the time the office of the Austrian Trade delegation close to their business, the Church, fountain then and today, the play ground then and today. In that Paris then those from L'ena compared to Prof Dr Hofmann, he had belonged to the elite in his field, he was the head of the faculty of Vienna University of High Interdisciplinary Management, few knew, understood this discipline, working - our association until his death, we had been granted the Charter for the Indian Ocean and those who replaced him, his association with Prof Schwab of EEF today WEF. Those high French Official of then L'ena, other high University and their Military and those who worked special overseas diplomatic Office and military issues, those we visited in person. Mr Guy Morel, Mr Mario Rici, those in Italy then and President FA Rene, Dr Ferrari were battling to set up the Central Bank, SIM and Seychelle Development Bank. The important question we and our children will ask those government officials and those who write their history why time and time they persistently write historical issues to suit their agenda and picture, they want to present and promotes. We did not go about screaming and boasting of our Prof Dr Hofmann connection, we kept it always at a very low profile, things changed when we were not able to return to France and had to work the issues remotely from Britain
In the setting up of then COI 1981/82 the Indian Ocean, these were very important and crucial issues yet nobody mention them and complete excluded them from their dialogues, the issue of the military change of Seychelles One party system by the military technician we were in touch with. Those who had studied at L'ena, very unlike those who were involved from South/Africa change Seychelles. In Paris that Institution had produced several leading stateman, outstanding politician and colonial administrators. How they view military and political changes by force.
We have addressed a few issues of President Wankalawan and that SIROP program, how he became involved from a simple Priest from Mauritius and the current Anglican priest in Seychelles who is endeavouring trying to indoctrinate that nation - yet in Mauritius, Reunion how things are done and how they work. At the same time of we going to Paris 1979, Prof Hofmann had been a lecturer at Harvard and his Vienna connection with them and his responsibility, the same with his German counter part and the Italians. We learn of their capacity and abilities when we landed at Rue Mogador Paris, Gare St Lazard and the Champ Elysee and the quay d'Orsay.
Give the efforts we were making to relocate to France, political asylum status transfer, request - we decided to revisit St Lazard and Mogador street, this time with a former young relative from Mauritius, a leading female athlete and her mother, my son's mother and three children . The Play ground and the Church being renovated. Meanwhile in Seychelles the government of President Faure, their approach to our person that Truth Commission in the National Assembly and now the Commission . In Britain the government of Mrs May and previously PM /Cameron. What they knew and what they were doing.
We have had to go public with some of our issues and those who dislike it. That former Mogador property at Point Larue, we sold to the Jivan family how the money was used instead and how and the why President FA Rene acquired them for his national project, the IDC. Over the many years and later the new Church finance, construction, the former Institute for Quality Standard, the tomato sauce plant. The like of President Wankalawan person, the minister of National working/Interior Minister Fonseka, why President FA Rene chose Point Larue and the designated site to build the SPDF academy. They were linked to the Mogador debacles, the Nageon and others, the film and France history. Just because he has been elected with a majority President Wankalawan taking to the big plantation bush knife, machette, grand couteau and his concept of cleanup, restructuring the nation workings. May we add many of those institution were build on blood, hard sweat, bitter battle with the International community, working painstaking and overnight to be change because he and his government judge, they dislike or do not want it for their politic, supporters. There will be repercussions, he cannot then go to the African Union or the USA or the Commonwealth or the EU to protest, seek help to regulate, safeguard his position. Those who are educated and have studied such science will laugh, at the end of the day the need mann, advice this president, be more careful with the big bush knife, machette, grand couteau.