Sunday 16 August 2020

Cinq minutes pour comprendre l’accord «historique» entre Israël et les Emirats arabes unis


Cinq minutes pour comprendre l’accord «historique» entre Israël et les Emirats arabes unis

L’Etat hébreu et les Emirats arabes unis doivent acter début septembre la normalisation de leurs relations, ce qui ferait d’Abou Dhabi le troisième pays arabe seulement à suivre ce chemin depuis la création d’Israël en 1948.

SIROP Program 1986/87, they and those with them because of their proximity to the Seychelles/BIOT then issues and in Israel today where they have settled - Third wave of emigration: 1986 to 2016 Yemen Jews, Russian, Ethiopian Jews /Israelite

Eduard Shevardnadze -Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union (1985–91) We had to liaise with him and his office at the initial conception of the SIROP 1986/87 program,  promotion and implementation 1991/2. Those who ought to know events.  History written to promote only one side of events.

The SIROP program 1986/87 impacting synergy, then Chairman Yasser Arafat  alive, the President FA Rene , Saddam Hussian, Austrian Chancellor Kreisky and  its President,  many others alive  triggering the incident,  situation, Those Israeli interests in London who knew /monitored,   what the media published instead hence out plea to the UN/EU  report  on that SIROP  program now the Truth Commission.  The intifada began on 9 December 1987,[9] in the Jabalia refugee camp after an Israeli Defense Forces' (IDF) truck collided with a civilian car, killing four Palestinian workers, three of whom were from the Jabalia refugee camp.[10][11]

From the USA Embassy in London, the Government and their Defence system in the Middle East and Indian Ocean, the British government that  Region politic from 1977  to 1991/92 when the leadership of the Seychelles exiles returned. Sir James Mancham  and his government in exiles refusal to press how the more important of Indian Ocean geopolitics. Those from Zanzibar who had brought us by the Dogma of Britain East of Suez.  In Seychelles pre Independence the many expatriates who knew and had very strong connection with Aden, politic, business - free port and other interest. The population and in particular  the Jewish community. In Seychelles we had one particular person of prominence Mr Douglas Bailey,  he had worked in Aden for the Eastern Cable company, the Company in Seychelles and its technicians, Executives  and later married Mrs Dolly Lanier/Bailey, the family prominence in our politic and they why. The advancement of Communist in the Region, Zanzibar, Seychelles, Madagascar and then Yemen the ensuing politic and economic, military system. The many time we have emphasized  that SIROP program 1986/87 function in part was to change this situation and  bring about a different economic and political climate,   those in Britain and USA who question our interest and involvement in the Gulf region and Arab politic. The proposed plan concept that Seychelles after the change, multiparty return  would be developed into a modern economy overtaking much of Aden former activities instead,  the Emirate did. 

Asia and Africa daily debouched hundreds of shoppers to scour its duty free shops; ... This 'Hong Kong of the Middle East' with its free port and laissez-faire ...

It was the only communist state to be established in the Arab world. ... With the collapse of communism, South Yemen was unified with the Yemen Arab Republic (commonly known as "North Yemen") on 22 May 1990 to form the present-day Yemen. ( Those who will dare write the Commonwealth change Yemen, that SIROP program  1986/87 - the Seychelles Truth Commission, the massive distortions , miss information,  the like of Dr Maxime Ferrari and elite of the SPUP their explanation why the  SPUP and the coup of 1977 )

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