Monday, 14 December 2020

The world need to go back to 2018 the North Korea - USA President Trump and North Korea President Kim Jong relation.

The world need to go back to 2018 the North Korea - USA President Trump and Kim  Jong -Un relation. 

Very unlike 1986/87, when that SIROP program was formulated, the Benchmark diplomatic wise and then Cold War, Those who advocated that, emphasised stress, threaten  one, we are  is,  not to publish,  share the greater, more important workings of that SIROP program with the Public and what ensued. Instead much of the issues were communicated using that new Human communication buzz, gutter media,    rave etc., When thing went wrong,  the real information was lacking to right the situation, issues.  The very significant difference today,  the forests of social media and today's communication,  knowledge, science, development. 

From this position, prospective  we are address the thematic of the NEOM phenomena this Monday morning. It is not about the  euphoria, because the euphoria in 1986/87 if that is the coining word many would say they were massive, gigantic, cannot be compared, not to be compared. 

The momentum that have been  gathering energy, dynamic since. (The 2017–18 North Korea crisis.) In two weeks time the New year and 20201 with al its trepidations, concerns. Our written explanation what that NEOM is all about given then world situation, then White House. Explaining how Seychelles of President FA Rene and Sir James Mancham had worked with North, South  Korea past Head of State and Nation, bilateral politics, relations encompassing that SIROP program. The many changes which had taken place across the world on the back, leveraged by that program. To use that Program capacity  to create and develop a new regional and global synergy, the horror dialogue developing between the USA and the North Korean and the EU position and the NEOM constellation coming to forward. This reflected how time  and time again the Powers that be, those with massive resources are not always in the best position to make and bring change in crises and grave situation, the past G20, G8 Summits. NEOM is not just about Saudi Arabia mega city project,  other entity, nation Saudi. Just as, like in 1986 we  and those with us who are no more we build in, found it very important, paramount to build in  the  concept for world changes and society changes, changing Communist, USSR, East Europe, Africa, Latin America  - the greater spirituals aspects  of the world, human exitance and functioning from the beginning.  To include this in then 2018 prevailing dialogues,  return this thinking process which had completely vanish, been eradicated, evaporated, lost  in the current regional development and world working,  with all the hate, killing, death,  destruction, climate change horrors and economic giant mess. Much more important the fact that all those changes had taken place and the way the West was treating, handled, reacted to  then North Korean nation and its government, communist system like Seychelles and the Indian communist nations and the Gulf. In the first one or two years the leadership of North Korea reaction, understood  our thematic and the contribution we were endeavouring  to make with that SIROP program mechanism,  capacity. Along with then EU old Commission and Leadership of council of Europe. 

The need to point, stress the Saudi Prince major effort to present and promote what he judge NEOM thematic must be,  referring to the mega city. The  massive media publications,  its economic entities, greater nation power, diplomacy  and politic, wealth,  development. The  actual  process that was taking place, the West, Europe, Russia, China,  Africa, Markets, other nation economies,  rest of the world reaction. Then come, surface, strike that pandemic Covid -19, previous Pandemic in the region. . 

The greater aspects of the world media, apparatchik, institutions  and political system, establishment  completely overlook what the realignment of President Trump Middle East Politic  is all about,  it is because he has look into that NEOM thematic - not just the Saudi Arabia issues, the North Korean component,  prospective and new Regional dynamic, synergy,  very alternative world workings possibilities and it major impacts and influences scopes, potentials. 

This is not what the Israeli media and those finance or owned,  controlled by them saying, writing.  Their spin PM Blair would say, the gravity dangers, world concern. The reason we are writing this blog , all those from the Gulf Region and the developing politic and associated written, publish thematic, each endeavouring to take, gain  control of the dialogue,  what get written and said about the historic process. We now have the news  of  the Peace process of Morocco, Israel and others.  The US position on Western Sahara ho this in being presented, promoted, communicated. The very little information publish at Wikipedia compared to detail information available online and that SIROP program debacle from 1986/87 onward and that region. Again those who refuse to remember the Seychelles exiles politic in London from 1977 to 1986, because, on account of what they were allowed to write, the censorship, after the coup d'état and linking Opposition and underground, gutter media issues in London implied or linked to their politics, the why. President FA Rene very important link with Algeria, Libya and Mauretania,  North Africa Network and the Seychelles exiles politic, the many  from US, France other EU  nations  knowledge, what were, was manipulated -  Italy and SA, OAU and yet, the collateral fallouts, consequences.  That dreadful Truth Commission,  all those addressing their respective experience as if these never took place,  some crazy land President FA Rene build - the planet of the Apes so to say. Because they have been gaged cannot, must not relate, the collateral fallout in Seychelles the Defence force working and police and the SA Truth Commission issues.  

This week end we have President Wankalawan on his first 5 day visit to the UAE, the Muslim Community in Seychelles today, the Covid economic impacts, social situation and this Monday the new Bishop Harel first week in Office. Beside, behind   the  politic coking out, the publish thematic and yet the medias,  official reaction to his visit of the region. It had been that SIROP program that had initiated that NEOM  thematic and developing synergy, what would have been the norm.  In, over  the past the many 20 years  articles we have written about the greater interest, concern, motives,  reason  of the Gulf Nation in Seychelles, our Europe, greater world working, FA Rene government,  President Michel and President Faure - Sir James Mancham books.  This is not about to change because of President Wankalawan  LDS majority West, favoured government - important India and Mauritius roots heritage, origin, or the Minister of Interior former British Military experience or that of Minister Radegon. This article serve to raise awareness, bring to attention our concern views,  to the world,  those handling our national and regional issues, the EU, African Union, Russia, China,  India, Pakistan,  Australia -  the thematic and in particular the Seychelles National Assembly, its Justices,  the Truth Commission and all the rest, beside the terrible Seychelles media. 

It took a very mega effort to bring the White House of President Trump to understand comprehend what the thematic is all about and the new USA administration preparing to come in, President Obama past office Vice president and then USA regional and Indian Ocean Politic, President FA Rene alive,  Sir James Mancham alive  and what ensued the important correlation with that SIROP program of 1986/87. We ask PM Johnson, those who may point this blog to him for several reasons.  We are not media savvy this our thematic, topic with the very modest resources, capacity and we wish to express our self. It would have been great to have along some one  median savvy to edit, point to us the errors and mistakes on how best to present and publish such important thematic.

Sunday, 22 November 2020

Saudi Arabia -2020 Riyadh G20 Historic Summit , that SIROP program twelve years ago in 2008

Saudi Arabia -2020 Riyadh G20 Historic Summit , that SIROP program twelve years ago in 2008 

At our Community Forum have mentioned Chair Person of
the Truth commission warning/manning what is deem punishable up to 10 years imprisonment.  (The feed back we are getting that we do not know how to express our self. All those in London who knew in 2008 including the EU officials, Then President Sarkozy their support that we can go/travel, the UN, Russian , Chinese and AU, The USA who monitored us, we had gone to meet President FA Rene and attempted 13 times to discus that SIROP program and his refusal to meet, then Sir James Mancham. We were threaten with death for publishing in part the contents of that SIROP program look at all those alive and participants then and today Saudi Arabia with all its vast source cannot remember or refuse to remember what happened.  The G20 was after our visit to Seychelles , the Gulf Region issues , the  first BRICS issues, the purpose of the ICC -that Truth commission like the Seychelles  National Assembly terrible benchmark -2008 G20 Washington summit - )

(On record the last EU Council of Europe and Commission Team to get them to provide due legal resource to address the Truth Commission copies distributed across the world, the ICC and ICJ, same the UNHCR and the African Union. In view of the Saudi Arabi /G20 Summit over the past 26years using that SIROP program, managing the many issues the many agendas linked driven in part or leverage by the synergy dynamic of that program and yet what the media have written, the mega economic melt down of 2008/9, real impact on Saudi and Region economy. That program have contributed to Saudi Arabia developing some of it Sovereign Funds Structures. Very important those in 1986/87,  the Cold war who had wanted to do a Marshal Plan instead then Communist and Cold War,  why was that program planned and implemented the way it was -- Saudi Arabia role, the Gulf War, Afghanistan and Somali Wars. Very important the speculation and forecast those made of global economy growth and then,  OPEC the growth for oil consumption for that Program.  However then 1986/87 that program had been involved developing CERN and the view that come 15 years the world would have alternative energy instead of oil and this did not materialise, the why. Another very important impact of that program,  the political impacts and social, democratic changes in the Gulf Region from Iraq, to the Emirate and Saudi Arabia those who write their press stories. Hence what we have been writing the impact of that program on Russia, China and Indian, Latin America, the USA, Asia and Africa. Hence those of you reading,  we cannot write a complete article for this comment you can research the web for our many publication on that program. That program role in political changes in the Kingdom, the issue of Bin Laden. Very important the debacle of that program mechanism and the killing of that Saudi Journalist. Please refer to our forum and blog topic on NEOM and our view given that we have contribute to very many world economic development, experience had the Saudi gone about  promoting the concept involving greater world regional participation today the Situation would have been very different, instead -the issues of North  Korea nuclear weapon.  We have noted the EU want a global alliance again Pandemic - That program have played important part in the Pandemic and global change debacles and yet the reaction of those participating this G20.  our Blunt statement that Pandemic could have been avoided need not have occurred  and the armies of specialist and experts what is being published)

Please refer to the above Blog on the topic of the 2015 Presidential and national election in Seychelles, the issues of Germany, Netherlands and France. In spite of the world and Europe economic woes, conflicts that Pandemic had not surface with  its aggressive consequences.  That SIROP program unique impact on those events. Had the election concluded differently we had expected a radical change in our Diplomatic working in Europe, Africa, the US , the Gulf region and Asia, the relevancy to that SIROP program.

The News that Seychelles France Ambassador have been made Minister for  Foreign Affairs and Tourism, Mr Radegon and our African Union etc.,  Ambassador have tended his resignation and the PS for Foreign affair Ambassador Barry Faure have submitted his resignation. Other to follow.

The concern,  they all knew were aware of the workings and mechanism of that SIROP Program in African and the African Union, France and Europe and in the case of ambassador Barry' Faure having a greater view of our international  Bilateral and diplomatic workings  they al refuse to tell that nation of the existence of that program and its importance and relevancy past and present. The many out there who known how  our diplomacy works, we expect some form of different or new dynamic and synergy involving, surrounding  that SIROP program. With it new challenges and opportunities.

Louis Sylvestre Radegonde, Ambassador of the Republic of Seychelles to France

Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Seychelles, Ambassador, Former Parliamentarian, Barry Faure

H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat received credentials of H.E. David Pierre, Ambassador of the Republic of Seychelles

G20 2020: Coronavirus pandemic dominates Riyadh summit | DW News


Given President Wankalawan first official visit to Mauritius the objective. In Mauritius the COI, the Indian Ocean Rim Association, and that SIROP program leveraging capacity on Mauritius economy including the Light Railway project. Also important that program leveraging the Mauritius socio economic , Bilateral relation under President FA Rene, Michel and Faure. Those leading lawyer in Mauritius aware, some of its leading politicians, those big Mauritius multinational knowledge, the Banks. The persistent address to the Truth Commission and others had they studied that program they would have discovered numerous major anomaly and some of the events never occur, the three past world economic crises. We address the Saudi Arabi G20 on those issues and pointed that in the first instance the first G20 summit and added a video, what had really happened and all those leading world politician 12 years ago who knew, the undertaking to radically review and change the benchmark. It was awful they had all gathered at Davos and the forecast for the year and the sudden mega crash and that SIROP program mechanism, What that Saudi G20 had to address and the pandemic that could have been avoided and the economic cost. That Program past pandemic issues. We have a US Administration coming back who knew very well that program why President Obama came to office and the rebuilding of the US economy. The Two Term he served and the highly explosive issue of the Indian Ocean strategic emancipation. We also have a EU Commission its Head a German and those in Germany who really know what that program is all about and the big why, the major East Europe debacle associated. The given EU mega Refugees situation and the Budget and Funds put together and objective. That SIROP program is two third complete under International working benchmark when such program drags on and need to be completed. Those who can rally and in light of developing situation robustly, pragmatically rework that program and in line with current Seychelles and reginal nations working put and promote a today version of that program. To note personalities like then Mr Guy Morel and Mr Mario Ricci who helped write that program. We have also a very important development The exiles community have arrange to have a Mass 28/11/20 for Mr Gerard Hoareau, former leader of SNM/MPR it was after his assassination 1985 that this program was so concepted and president F A Rene and many others acceptance, the greater Africa and World. In 1985 Mr Wankalawan was ordained a Priest in Mauritius, those leading Mauritius politicians alive who knew our issues and his visit to Mauritius first Official 27/11/20. There are major correlation. For Seychelles, the IMF, World Bank how in the past those who have known how that program leverage major aspects of the world economy and hence the good will to Seychelles economy regional Small nation favorable position. There are also several major world political crises and putting that program up to date it regulator mechanism impacts, effectiveness. The Russian and the Chinese, North Korea know very well what that program is all about and its capacity and those from the African Union. Under President Obama Administration what had started with that program leveraging mechanism to revamp the global financial working system, the digital and crypto currency and Alternative global currency working - those in Seychelles ought to see themselves and their current problematic as part of these. Excuse we overlook to add the BRICS formulation 2008 - the why.

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Seychelles very late Indian Ocean Spring.

 Seychelles very late Indian Ocean Spring.

We addressed our grave concern at the new government 24 days in Office decision to curtail the planned election  for the Regional Council and in Mauritius this Sunday election ad PM Jugnauth advice and the Populace anticipations,  yet in Seychelles. The motive the government is providing to curtail the January planned election. We will repost our comment here.

Last night after President Wavel address a car stopped with rear light on and the occupant  started his rant/antisocial/Satanic what have you rants/ that he,  they had been sent by the new Seychelles government to hound my person.

This morning we come back to the issue of the manner the new President have chosen to cancel the Regional Council election and restructures,  its workings, management using presidential Power.  The explanation and excuses.  The debate in the National Assembly. ( All of them,  their short memory for 42 years all our old politicians battle for such a body they are dead,  president Rene refusal and his option and very many bloody and deadly associated issues, The USA , British , Continental EU Involvement Australia, the African Union and Commonwealth the Francophone, the UN,   then President Michel option what really happened, his family breakup, the outside world reaction, position, immense pressure.  We advising President Michel in the case of future democracy in Seychelles foreigners participating in the Country running and the government finding itself in Opposition the bitterness that can develop and undercurrent what this can lend to, example of many such instances. The combined Opposition which had  battle very bitterly,  Mr Christopher Gill in particular  been building up to,  then President Michel views, decision. If anything the new government ought to have reinforce this working and hard fought gain, process.  The Truth Commission terrible benchmark, the Justice, Police and other  Commission terrible Benchmark,  the material and information they have as history to work/review the issue and evens - even monkey understanding necessity to fighting in group and the why  - the talk of Masonic benchmark and the Masonic benchmark associated with that topic for 40 years)

The government Business MNA pointing what the debate of the mislinkage, dilinkage was all about and that we had move on 32 years on. Listening to the sleaze and rants of the VP and Minister we get the gist that they are inferring to that SIROP program and associated workings impacts on the government and other Institutions- Just like as the President is of Indian Roots, the VP Indian Maldive roots and the Minister for Interior Indian Srilankan roots and the other  Minister roots - our roots, the founders of our nation were not from India,  we cannot invent and say other wise go to the highest world institutions we cannot do it,  we will be betraying our very existence.

In Seychelles,  not those from India or wherever we have a saying we do not appreciate you  because you are an imbecile.

For the past 35 years the many government we have impute and contributed to including Africa. Help to change them and as such the knowledge and experience one acquires. Very aware of the financial cost, burden of having a two Tier Assembly in-spite of its positiveness, importance and relevancy.  Those indoctrinated with the British parliament system their strong views and arguments.  The question  everybody will ask who are you. If we were permitted would cite those governments we have impute in and contributed to changes and management.  The President and government in Power intervention  in the Local government, structure, mechanism is a serious challenge to democratic benchmark battled fought very hard to achieve and in Mauritius and Reunion  or regional Nation how this would have been interpreted - it took a great deal of very hard work and blood and pain to get to this far and overnight the Power that be say away with it to save money because the government cannot afford it. .  

We also have the Minister for interior,  my adding machine refuse to function this morning - for the few Rs. Millions it would have cost the nation to keep that structure in place as it was, beside what it cost to construct over 42 years, VP supposedly financial wizardry and for the political uncertainty, disaccord,  instability it is going to create and danger to the whole government and nation not an intelligent or wise decision.

Given the new Government Benchmark particular their interpretation of dilinking - we want to  delink the whole process we contributed and helped that Hon Wavel as a Priest became involved in politic and the many support.  The same apply to Hon Affif over President FA Rene grave and Mr Guy Morel how we were instrumental that they got appointed and many events. We would also like this dilinkage and more important the whole issues of the LDS buildup, the 2015 election, outcome and the mechanism of that SIROP program today that this government and Team would not be in Office and Power and interpreting their concept of linkage and dilinkage.

Just as important then many European governments and institution who helped assisted and contributed to reimplantation of democracy, supported in Seychelles during the change our EU and greater world workings delinked.

A young person from Seychelles involved in Crypto Currency made a post about a church in Sweden desecrated/Vandalise our comment . May we add to the above point of view,  for 42 years we have been praying to only one God Just as the Indian believe in their God and the necessity to respect results and outcome of such faith , supplication and prayers,   the process of Local Government  from President FA Rene to President Faure. Those who hear our prayer even far away.

Yesterday  18th November  in Morocco the King, Royal family and the Nation of Morocco celebrating their National Day.  Today Princess Lalla Hasna of Morocco Birthday. The Nation of Morocco and events of the past 32 years. 

Hassan II of Morocco - Wikipedia

When the North Africa Spring took place in 2010 then PM Cameron government  they did not have my person to inform them what were the real issues, driving the so call wind of change, those from the Conservative Party, Institution who had got hold, taken control of  that SIROP program mechanism having studied it impact during the PM Blair time in Office. Yet in Seychelles to this day the attitude and position of all the respective political parties, Including the  recently elected New government. More important the way it influenced and impacted the Kingdom of Morocco and the why.

There is the need to remind everybody because to many have short memory and that Covid Pandemic impact on their minds. 32 years ago when we were thinking, looking at ways and means of changing the political and economic system radically in then Seychelles, the Region,  those North African Nations and their governments,  their Bilateral working, political affiliation  with Seychelles and of importance then Morocco  Kingdom, then Cold War and King Hassan, Europe, the OAU and the West. He had belonged to those Arab nation of North Africa who had been positive about that SIROP program of 1986/8,  then North Africa Islam and its Economic working. Sir James Mancham friendship with the King and those who chose to forget given the constellation, manner that program have been written,  the need to find support, identify support for both side of the argument, consensus and the King of Morocco then 1986/87 his view on that SIROP program if it could be implemented, the Cold War Soviet  Power and challenge to  the West and NATO  - given his quasi active commitment very  unlike other North African Nations, their government instead were compelled to to be driven by that SIROP program conception and the consequences. In other words there have been two North Africa Changes process not a great deal written about, then extreme Socialist or Communist or One party system  of 1986/87, King Mohammed Vl was 23 years old,   and the recent North Africa Spring in 2010

Extract Wikipedia "Moroccan and Algerian troops soon clashed in Western Sahara. Morocco and Mauritania divided up Western Sahara. Fighting between the Moroccan military and Polisario forces continued for many years. The prolonged war was a considerable financial drain on Morocco. In 1983, Hassan cancelled planned elections amid political unrest and economic crisis. In 1984, Morocco left the Organisation of African Unity in protest at the SADR's admission to the body. Polisario claimed to have killed more than 5,000 Moroccan soldiers between 1982 and 1985.

Algerian authorities have estimated the number of Sahrawi refugees in Algeria to be 165,000.[53] Diplomatic relations with Algeria were restored in 1988". We have published numerous times the impacts, relation  of that SIROP program onward form1986/87 what the media were writing and their experts as facts overlooking,  refusing to give credit to that SIROP program for the changes it was leveraging, bringing about. King Hassan very aware. 

In 1999, upon his death events and what ensued in Morocco compared to other North African Nations and their government and the why. Meanwhile in Seychelles changes and evens and the development of our New Bilateral greater Gulf and North Africa  workings. Please refer to the start of this blog saying that that SIROP program have impacted and contributed to many democratic political process in Seychelles and yet. Our challenge to the Truth Commission stating that they hearing that SIROP plaint could help the world understand very great number of anomaly they past 30 years, help avoid future grave conflict or possible third world war and certainly that Covid pandemic.  Their position and. Seychelles terrible predicament  compared to  the past two North African Changes 1986/87 - 2010 onwards. Yet upon King Mohammed VI taking office  he remembered the issues his father King Hassen had worked with that SIROP and the nations of the Indian Oceans, Africa, Asia. The terrible fallouts, collateral issues which impacted other North Africa and Gulf Arab nation was not so fateful to Morocco.  To note had those parties been really serious about building that Tunnel and link between North Africa and Spain Europe much of those events would not have taken place. Hence those who refuse to understand whey we got involved in that NEOM thematic. That SIROP program from inception had supported the idea and concept of a North Africa Link /Tunnel, all those who knew and unpublish arguments for and against.  In Seychelles before that Truth Commission  former Minister Lausto Lallande addressing the Planing thematic of Mr Thalmal hotel on Praslin,   ex Coral Strand hotel Manager. How President FA Rene took decision compared to the past three Head of state and that SIROP program. President FA Rene did not ask for mass of paper work to accept that program  and how it was implemented.  Our Predicament we have four high person leading our nation of Indian decent, the way politic is done in their ancestral land  and projects,  development implemented. The need to be very blunt even if,  this anger and hurt many across the world and Indian. The state of India economy in 1987/98 before that WWW connectivity came about and the importance of that program and yet. How those in India have written their history and progress and success the past 32 years. In context with the North African changes,   where were those four high personalities of Indian  parentage when that SIROP program was argued, concepted and written,  promoted. Of course in Seychelles from President FA Rene government many who still remember and President  JA Michel office likewise.  How the incoming government will have to invent much of their story about Seychelles economy and development. From very solid experience the past 40 years how those from India specialise in Spinning from several prospective. 

 Extract Wikipedia  for reference -"The king initially introduced reforms to grant women more power.[3] Leaked diplomatic cables have alleged extensive corruption in the court of King Mohammed VI, implicating the king and his closest advisors.[4] Widespread disturbances in 2011, a Moroccan element of the Arab Spring, protested against corruption and urged the need for political reform. In response, King Mohammed VI promulgated a program of reform and introduced a new constitution. These reforms were passed by a public referendum on July 1, 2011.[5]"

We would like to address a quasi childhood  issue we grew up with the family, parents of the Fonseka Family before we left for Africa. 
Their parents had been  very strict and Stern. Upon our return endeavoured to pick up the dislocated connection. 

Monday, 31 August 2020

The Seychelles is celebrating a huge milestone in its history – it is historic ... it celebrates the birth of Seychelles and commemorates the anniversary of 250th Anniversary of the first Settlement.


Neom, a fairy-tale city in the sand “that heralds the future of civilization”, for now exists only in the mind of Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman.

The city – dubbed Davos in the desert when plans were unveiled last month – will be built on twin ideals of technological and ecological innovation, a global mega-hub and a catalyst for the country’s move to a post-oil era, part of its so-called Saudi Vision 2030.

That Historic SIROP program leveraging/synergizing the redevelopment of the Jeddah Islamic Port (JIP)

Then political events in Egypt, then President FA Rene alive and others - the synergy, dynamic of that historic program impact on Egypt development leading to the announcement  of this mega program and construction,  completion.  The impact for and on Seychelles and Mauritius and future BIOT

The Historic SIROP program 1986/87, Seychelles Truth Commission, the important Impact on the regional Arab nations economic development,   social  - political process. What we have address leading law firm  of De Gaulle the nephew of General De Gaulle. In 2017/8 Regional and Asia politic, North Korea - synergizing, the concept,  process of creating a new dynamic and synergy for future world working. The NEOM concept - those celebrating.  The Seychelles is celebrating a huge milestone in its history –  it celebrates the birth of Seychelles and commemorates the anniversary of 250th Anniversary of the First Settlement 27th August 1770 France,  Europe Trade and Colonial politic . The Royalty in France and the decision to set up The French East India Company  -was a commercial Imperial enterprise, founded in 1664 to compete with the English (later British) and Dutch East India ...  France Ambassador statement that Seychelles success was built upon slave Trade and Slave system - hence he Moutia on St Anne and before the former Supreme court /Victoria. That SIROP program and this involved important role that the Mauritius Hotel took over St Anne and building the Tourist facilities there today.  Do not their Moutia drum tell  them  -Before those who decided to start the Settlement in Seychelles Mauritius and Reunion the unique politic  and Power position of  France from 1600 to 1756 onward then India - its politic. In France and Europe had their not been the Pandemic how this historic event  ought to have been celebrated. The relevancy to note very many of the first Settlement and Second Settlement in Seychelles among then many former East India French military, they had participated in the many Wars in India, beyond, Mauritius 

In Mauritius some of the families decedents, Reunion,  Seychelles and France were they, any invited to participate or interviewed.  What they have gone through on account of such legacies.  

That Historic SIROP program 1986/87  and  Jordan Royal Family ,  the Queen Birthday today 31/8/2020

We are Happy to see the Facebook Of former President Walesa this morning after many weeks, the celebration Anniversary  - in Seychelles the celebration of the 250th anniversary with Moutia and our early comment even the former President Walesa fail to note important issues. Our capacity and ability to engage in Europe mega politic, the former COMECON, the USSR with that SIROP program and the why. Then what get written about Seychelles being the number one in Africa for all sort of things,  the miss representation -  For instance him wearing this face shield and the synergy dynamic which catapulted him to power,  the same synergy /dynamic responsible for the Pandemic and Political changes in Seychelles and the region. The miss management and miss application and abuses. 

That Zomme Libre Monument for 20 years what it represented for Seychelles One Party system. The important role of that Historic SIROP program. President FA Rene special relation with Libya and its ruler. Upon the crises, Europe enlargement and its Institutions in place the very big disparity between the European Union institution and the OAU Bilateral Diplomacy, Politic . Those from the OAU who came to us to do something,   knowing and well ware of the capacity of that program - the Francophone Africa and the why and the how spearheading the change over - contrary to what have been publish how those decided to get the Libya President with all his fault to take and leed this responsibility and process. In Europe,  the USA, USSR, China all those who knew.  Then we get the French Ambassador making the kind of Statement he has and those before the Truth Commission their statement about abused black Seychelles and slavery . They had opposed that SIROP program,  the handful of the elite SPPF who supported that Program and its implementation. 

Sunday, 16 August 2020

Cinq minutes pour comprendre l’accord «historique» entre Israël et les Emirats arabes unis


Cinq minutes pour comprendre l’accord «historique» entre Israël et les Emirats arabes unis

L’Etat hébreu et les Emirats arabes unis doivent acter début septembre la normalisation de leurs relations, ce qui ferait d’Abou Dhabi le troisième pays arabe seulement à suivre ce chemin depuis la création d’Israël en 1948.

SIROP Program 1986/87, they and those with them because of their proximity to the Seychelles/BIOT then issues and in Israel today where they have settled - Third wave of emigration: 1986 to 2016 Yemen Jews, Russian, Ethiopian Jews /Israelite

Eduard Shevardnadze -Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union (1985–91) We had to liaise with him and his office at the initial conception of the SIROP 1986/87 program,  promotion and implementation 1991/2. Those who ought to know events.  History written to promote only one side of events.

The SIROP program 1986/87 impacting synergy, then Chairman Yasser Arafat  alive, the President FA Rene , Saddam Hussian, Austrian Chancellor Kreisky and  its President,  many others alive  triggering the incident,  situation, Those Israeli interests in London who knew /monitored,   what the media published instead hence out plea to the UN/EU  report  on that SIROP  program now the Truth Commission.  The intifada began on 9 December 1987,[9] in the Jabalia refugee camp after an Israeli Defense Forces' (IDF) truck collided with a civilian car, killing four Palestinian workers, three of whom were from the Jabalia refugee camp.[10][11]

From the USA Embassy in London, the Government and their Defence system in the Middle East and Indian Ocean, the British government that  Region politic from 1977  to 1991/92 when the leadership of the Seychelles exiles returned. Sir James Mancham  and his government in exiles refusal to press how the more important of Indian Ocean geopolitics. Those from Zanzibar who had brought us by the Dogma of Britain East of Suez.  In Seychelles pre Independence the many expatriates who knew and had very strong connection with Aden, politic, business - free port and other interest. The population and in particular  the Jewish community. In Seychelles we had one particular person of prominence Mr Douglas Bailey,  he had worked in Aden for the Eastern Cable company, the Company in Seychelles and its technicians, Executives  and later married Mrs Dolly Lanier/Bailey, the family prominence in our politic and they why. The advancement of Communist in the Region, Zanzibar, Seychelles, Madagascar and then Yemen the ensuing politic and economic, military system. The many time we have emphasized  that SIROP program 1986/87 function in part was to change this situation and  bring about a different economic and political climate,   those in Britain and USA who question our interest and involvement in the Gulf region and Arab politic. The proposed plan concept that Seychelles after the change, multiparty return  would be developed into a modern economy overtaking much of Aden former activities instead,  the Emirate did. 

Asia and Africa daily debouched hundreds of shoppers to scour its duty free shops; ... This 'Hong Kong of the Middle East' with its free port and laissez-faire ...

It was the only communist state to be established in the Arab world. ... With the collapse of communism, South Yemen was unified with the Yemen Arab Republic (commonly known as "North Yemen") on 22 May 1990 to form the present-day Yemen. ( Those who will dare write the Commonwealth change Yemen, that SIROP program  1986/87 - the Seychelles Truth Commission, the massive distortions , miss information,  the like of Dr Maxime Ferrari and elite of the SPUP their explanation why the  SPUP and the coup of 1977 )

Saturday, 1 August 2020

SIROP program 2007/8 - Entrée en service aux Émirats arabes unis de la première centrale nucléaire du monde arabe

Publication Vienna : IAEA, 1986. - 56 p.

This Saturday 1/8/20, our then issues of that SIROP program 2007/8 the mega abused we were reporting and protesting. The economic meltdown, the UAE reaction to our issues, other Arab nations , the Saudi and the Russian setting out the BRICS agenda. We had travelled to Seychelles that years 2008
and issues in Seychelles, The argument to create an alternative global currency, the strong argument for the USA to readjust is geo strategic politic of the region and that SIROP program role/impacts - The crucial decision of the Emirate to build a nuclear energy system , that would protect them from future economic woes, the then political arguments. Among sane individual, professional when you have a program capable of leveraging, and synergism such topic and the UAE awareness and then President J A Michel, others in Seychelles then FA Rene and Sir James Mancham. As the Truth Commission headed by the Australian Scott national goes in recess without hearing that SIROP plaint for any normal nation the important implications - Seychelles the land of the nerds. In France then events the Sarkozy government what he knew they knew of that SIROP program. The important rift between the Russian and Europe,   the unique way the Emirate have used the dynamic of that SIROP program for their Development compared to other Arab state.

Time and having written those who conned President Saddam Hussein with the SUPER Gun debacle what that was all about and that SIROP program of 1986/87, issues of the invasion of Kuwait we writing to then Mitterrand and many others in Europe, get that program to Paris to change the dynamics, synergy - they all refused and the Kuwait invasion and what followed. What President Fa Rene and Sir Jame Mancham knew and they never published. That Truth Commission what we have address the international Justice.

3/8/20 Edited
This Monday morning as Europe wake up, the Arab nation and the Indian Ocean. The UAE Nuclear Power plant working the very deep implication that at the Vienna University for high Interdisciplinary Management expertise, managing dynamic and synergy the High Management aspects, problematic. The International Atomic energy in Vienna this morning Monday. Now that the Seychelles Truth Commission have agreed to hear the SIROP plaint - the statement of the Atomic Energy Safety Group  -By 1985 it was recognised that an international group of experts was required to improve nuclear safety. We are not so sure because had this been in place the initiation of the SIROP program linked to Nuclear disarmament, then world grave crises the vast complexities and gravity then - they were not working, around hence what ensued and took place. Seychelles and Mauritius are member of the International Atomic Agency. 

The first major accident to be investigated was the Chernobyl disaster of April 26, 1986. This resulted in INSAG-1, their first report. In 2002, the Group's mission was revised and it was renamed the International Nuclear Safety Group, but the acronym INSAG was retained. INSAG's new terms of scope is to "Provide recommendations and opinions on current and emerging nuclear safety issues to the IAEA, the nuclear community and the public."[4] What the Chernobyl Accident was all about,  there were other important mechanisms in play and the public ,media never informed and publish - hence my /our concern we have addressed a few comments. The miss management of high interdisciplinary science related associated with Nuclear system, energy or weapon. The grave concern that Britain delinking with the European safety system and they going their on way the implication in/for  safety what was happening in 1986, Kilburn - Brent. Have a nice cup of Coffee , proper Vienna coffee. 

World’s largest nuclear fusion project begins assembly in France

Again this statement question - then President F Mitterrand and Chirac, the Italian Seychelles Indian ocean and International Illuminati workings. - For the two days of the Geneva Summit (19-20 November 1985), the heads of state discussed reductions in nuclear stockpiles, the threat of a Third World War, and their common desire for lasting peace. "Anuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought," declared the joint statement at the end of the Summit.
The statement also advocated the "widest practicable development of international cooperation" in nuclear fusion in order to obtain a "source of energy, which is essentially inexhaustible, for the benefit of all mankind." 

ITER began in 1985 as a Reagan–Gorbachev[19][20] initiative[20][21] with the equal participation of the Soviet Union, the European Atomic Energy Community, the United States, and Japan through the 1988–1998 initial design phases. Preparations for the first Gorbachev-Reagan Summit showed that there were no tangible agreements in the works for the summit.

One energy research project, however, was being considered quietly by two physicists, Alvin Trivelpiece and Evgeny Velikhov. The project involved collaboration on the next phase of magnetic fusion research — the construction of a demonstration model. At the time, magnetic fusion research was ongoing in Japan, Europe, the Soviet Union and the US. Velikhov and Trivelpiece believed that taking the next step in fusion research would be beyond the budget of any of the key nations and that collaboration would be useful internationally.  (Some what better then Kilburn - Brent events, the Irish Community working, extract Wikipedia )

Entrée en service aux Émirats arabes unis de la première centrale nucléaire du monde arabe
Les Émirats arabes unis ont annoncé, samedi 1er août, l'entrée en service de leur centrale nucléaire civile de Barakah, la première du monde arabe.

Émirats: entrée en service de la première centrale nucléaire du monde arabe
Lorsqu'ils seront pleinement opérationnels, les quatre réacteurs produiront 25% des besoins du pays.
Le Figaro
Il y a 2 heures

In pictures: Follow the construction milestones of the Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant in UAE
Construction on one of the largest nuclear energy projects started in 2012 in Abu Dhabi

Centrale nucléaire de Barakah

Barakah nuclear power plant

Iraq’s invasion of its Arab neighbour Kuwait on August 2, 1990 was a political and military firestorm that set in motion
a chain of events whose impact is being felt to this day

Gulf War: Thirty years ago, Iraq invaded Kuwait
Approximately 120,000 Iraqi troops and 700 tanks stormed into Kuwait on August 2, 1990

Project HARP - › wiki › Project_HARP
Project HARP, short for High Altitude Research Project, was a joint venture of the United States ... Bull believed that a large supergun would be significantly more cost-effective at sending objects into space than a conventional rocket, because ...

Project Babylon - Wikipedia

Supergun affair - Wikipedia