The world need to go back to 2018 the North Korea - USA President Trump and Kim Jong -Un relation.
Very unlike 1986/87, when that SIROP program was formulated, the Benchmark diplomatic wise and then Cold War, Those who advocated that, emphasised stress, threaten one, we are is, not to publish, share the greater, more important workings of that SIROP program with the Public and what ensued. Instead much of the issues were communicated using that new Human communication buzz, gutter media, rave etc., When thing went wrong, the real information was lacking to right the situation, issues. The very significant difference today, the forests of social media and today's communication, knowledge, science, development.
From this position, prospective we are address the thematic of the NEOM phenomena this Monday morning. It is not about the euphoria, because the euphoria in 1986/87 if that is the coining word many would say they were massive, gigantic, cannot be compared, not to be compared.
The momentum that have been gathering energy, dynamic since. (The 2017–18 North Korea crisis.) In two weeks time the New year and 20201 with al its trepidations, concerns. Our written explanation what that NEOM is all about given then world situation, then White House. Explaining how Seychelles of President FA Rene and Sir James Mancham had worked with North, South Korea past Head of State and Nation, bilateral politics, relations encompassing that SIROP program. The many changes which had taken place across the world on the back, leveraged by that program. To use that Program capacity to create and develop a new regional and global synergy, the horror dialogue developing between the USA and the North Korean and the EU position and the NEOM constellation coming to forward. This reflected how time and time again the Powers that be, those with massive resources are not always in the best position to make and bring change in crises and grave situation, the past G20, G8 Summits. NEOM is not just about Saudi Arabia mega city project, other entity, nation Saudi. Just as, like in 1986 we and those with us who are no more we build in, found it very important, paramount to build in the concept for world changes and society changes, changing Communist, USSR, East Europe, Africa, Latin America - the greater spirituals aspects of the world, human exitance and functioning from the beginning. To include this in then 2018 prevailing dialogues, return this thinking process which had completely vanish, been eradicated, evaporated, lost in the current regional development and world working, with all the hate, killing, death, destruction, climate change horrors and economic giant mess. Much more important the fact that all those changes had taken place and the way the West was treating, handled, reacted to then North Korean nation and its government, communist system like Seychelles and the Indian communist nations and the Gulf. In the first one or two years the leadership of North Korea reaction, understood our thematic and the contribution we were endeavouring to make with that SIROP program mechanism, capacity. Along with then EU old Commission and Leadership of council of Europe.
The need to point, stress the Saudi Prince major effort to present and promote what he judge NEOM thematic must be, referring to the mega city. The massive media publications, its economic entities, greater nation power, diplomacy and politic, wealth, development. The actual process that was taking place, the West, Europe, Russia, China, Africa, Markets, other nation economies, rest of the world reaction. Then come, surface, strike that pandemic Covid -19, previous Pandemic in the region. .
The greater aspects of the world media, apparatchik, institutions and political system, establishment completely overlook what the realignment of President Trump Middle East Politic is all about, it is because he has look into that NEOM thematic - not just the Saudi Arabia issues, the North Korean component, prospective and new Regional dynamic, synergy, very alternative world workings possibilities and it major impacts and influences scopes, potentials.
This is not what the Israeli media and those finance or owned, controlled by them saying, writing. Their spin PM Blair would say, the gravity dangers, world concern. The reason we are writing this blog , all those from the Gulf Region and the developing politic and associated written, publish thematic, each endeavouring to take, gain control of the dialogue, what get written and said about the historic process. We now have the news of the Peace process of Morocco, Israel and others. The US position on Western Sahara ho this in being presented, promoted, communicated. The very little information publish at Wikipedia compared to detail information available online and that SIROP program debacle from 1986/87 onward and that region. Again those who refuse to remember the Seychelles exiles politic in London from 1977 to 1986, because, on account of what they were allowed to write, the censorship, after the coup d'état and linking Opposition and underground, gutter media issues in London implied or linked to their politics, the why. President FA Rene very important link with Algeria, Libya and Mauretania, North Africa Network and the Seychelles exiles politic, the many from US, France other EU nations knowledge, what were, was manipulated - Italy and SA, OAU and yet, the collateral fallouts, consequences. That dreadful Truth Commission, all those addressing their respective experience as if these never took place, some crazy land President FA Rene build - the planet of the Apes so to say. Because they have been gaged cannot, must not relate, the collateral fallout in Seychelles the Defence force working and police and the SA Truth Commission issues.
This week end we have President Wankalawan on his first 5 day visit to the UAE, the Muslim Community in Seychelles today, the Covid economic impacts, social situation and this Monday the new Bishop Harel first week in Office. Beside, behind the politic coking out, the publish thematic and yet the medias, official reaction to his visit of the region. It had been that SIROP program that had initiated that NEOM thematic and developing synergy, what would have been the norm. In, over the past the many 20 years articles we have written about the greater interest, concern, motives, reason of the Gulf Nation in Seychelles, our Europe, greater world working, FA Rene government, President Michel and President Faure - Sir James Mancham books. This is not about to change because of President Wankalawan LDS majority West, favoured government - important India and Mauritius roots heritage, origin, or the Minister of Interior former British Military experience or that of Minister Radegon. This article serve to raise awareness, bring to attention our concern views, to the world, those handling our national and regional issues, the EU, African Union, Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Australia - the thematic and in particular the Seychelles National Assembly, its Justices, the Truth Commission and all the rest, beside the terrible Seychelles media.
It took a very mega effort to bring the White House of President Trump to understand comprehend what the thematic is all about and the new USA administration preparing to come in, President Obama past office Vice president and then USA regional and Indian Ocean Politic, President FA Rene alive, Sir James Mancham alive and what ensued the important correlation with that SIROP program of 1986/87. We ask PM Johnson, those who may point this blog to him for several reasons. We are not media savvy this our thematic, topic with the very modest resources, capacity and we wish to express our self. It would have been great to have along some one median savvy to edit, point to us the errors and mistakes on how best to present and publish such important thematic.