Pakistan : L'ancien président Pervez Musharraf condamné à mort
Dec 17, 2019 | Posted by Natacha Martin | 0Accusé de haute trahison et violation de la Constitution, l'ancien président pakistanais, Pervez Musharraf a été condamné à la peine de mort par contumace à Islamabad. Jugé par un tribunal antiterroriste composé de trois magistrats, il lui était reproché d'avoir imposé l'état d'urgence en 2007, en violation de la Constitution. Une majorité des deux tiers l'a emporté pour le jugement du tribunal. Il est le premier militaire traduit en justice au Pakistan pour cette raison. Pervez Musharraf n'était pas présent lors du verdict. Il réside actuellement à Dubaï, où il suit un traitement médical. Pervez Musharraf est né à Delhi en 1943. Sa famille a émigré au Pakistan après la partition du sous-contient indien. Ancien membre des commandos d'élite, il est nommé à la tête des forces armées en 1998, il avait pris le pouvoir au Pakistan l'année suivante, après un coup d'État sans effusion de sang. Il avait été désigné président entre 2001 et 2008.
Source :
Pervez Musharraf: Former Pakistani president sentenced to death
General Musharraf would have to return to Pakistan from Dubai if he wants to appeal against his sentence.
Pervez Musharraf: Pakistan ex-leader sentenced to death for treason
Pakistan sentences Pervez Musharraf to death for high treason - We /I ought to have added the breaking news of "Seychelles' land compensation tribunal extends claim deadline to June" instead - that Truth Commission we had intended to send a copy of the Judicial review. Those who gave us a rough time then Conservative government and then the conclusion. The above news. Former President FA Rene is dead and so to Sir James Mancham - for the past 30 years how politic have been done, gone about in the Indian ocean region vast many important political issues , workings, bilateral , military have gone on taken place and then every deny they were the case or ever took place.
We have written to the ICC, the International Court and the European Court on the linking issue of Pakistan from General zia ul haq of Pakistan who was an ally of President FA Rene, the untold version, unpublished, just like the North Korean, the Iraq and the Libyan important connections Bilateral about his fate, the so call Plane crash, the mechanism mode applied to cause the crash, they were not normal in 1988 and that SIROP program. Those who judge/concluded at the time he had to go by whatever means.
The transition process in Pakistan and the person of Benazir Bhutto the daughter of former Pakistan PM, the Indian Ocean Cold war what really was taking place and those who wrote so call history and the Wikileaks role, so many of the incidents were remotely triggered and controlled and linked associated with Seychelles geopolitics. Some of these events were linked to events and politic regional economy , development and big finance , in Seychelles.
Like the South Africa Mandela issues Benazir Bhutto in London those who had groomed her to return to Pakistan lead her country as they had been doing to my person all those who knew and then deny. Those who /had what plan for the regional Indian ocean politic. There were vast amount of High Interdisciplinary management disciplines at work, being impute and at the time those who hold the view thy must not be made public, not for the press and media. Her many term of office we provided and gave her support before, while in government and impute give that SIROP program workings all those in the USA, Russia, Europe, India who knew - what led/caused her assassination, the same issues as the former general.
The coming to office of Pervez Musharraf the process his selection, all those high US and EU officials who knew and 'Russian. Events until he was distituted and After the assassination of Benazir Bhutto events the capacity of that SIROP in leveraging regional politic, economic and bilateral working those who were managing, pulling the strings and events. Nawaz Sharif why and how he got to Power and the people of Pakistan not knowing those from the outside world who knew we provided very important support to his office workings. Pakistan Nuclear issues, the Islam issues and India Kashmir - our pleading with the UN and EU report on that program as other program have been reported and their refusal. The US/EU Terror Legislation - Bush Junior ''administration.
We urge that Truth commission of Seychelles to take due time seek/get international advice and due expertise how to respond and look at then many event of Pakistan the past 30 years an that SIROP program and the big why including, the Clinton and Obama administration. The current ongoing situation in Pakistan in spite of the so call International media write up. As any Truth Commission duty to hear and listen to all aspect of a give events and situation, the unpublished part working that SIROP program and its impacts. That Program is alive the NEOM - yesterday the high person of the King of Saudi Arabia and the King/Emir of the Emirate.
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