We have addressed some issues at our forum regarding NEOM City and that SIROP program in particular the Monument President F Holland had build in the Pas de Calais commemorating the first and second world war dead what influence and synergized this decision. Given the global military situation between the USA and Russia, the unforeseeable impact of Britexit specialty in global peace and world stability using that Monument to remind the world of the horrors of the two great wars and those who judge a third world war is going to be science fiction - there are other complex mechanism involved the combination leading to changes in Saudi Arabia and appointment of Prince Bin Salman as future Ruler of Saudi Arabia. Included in those forum threads and blogs the issues of our impute with the three rulers of Saudi Arabia and that SIROP program conception and workings .
The news of Mrs Winnie Mandela death have complicate our issues because we had written to the current SA President, SA Ambassador to Seychelles and Mrs Winnie Mandela herself explaining events with President Jacob Zuma and the SIROP program and the economic woes South Africa found itself in as a resultant on account of the close working of the former Trade Union and now South Africa President with that SIROP program to use the good will of his Foundation to put in place a platform or forum that can work these issues between Seychelles and South Africa. South African capacity to work sophisticated world thematic such as BRIC and the very BRICS debacle - NEOM City project. The feed back we had been getting. Our energy and thoughts are far away some will detect in this blog.
From Israel the many leading politicians an personalities around the world and Europe beside their Finance and economic capacities knew a great deal about that SIROP program, the how and why . Including those 250,000 Russian Jews and 87,000 Ethiopian Jews and the debacle of the Berlin Synagogue and the Holocaust Compensation.
We have been monitoring the development and thematic that to build that NEOM city, Israel will have to be involved and the Rail connection to Europe. This approach and interests on our part/workings that SIROP program is not beyond our capacity and ability and knowledge those who will comment. We have been involved in the Privatization of the Russian Economy, the Privatization of East German Economy and that of East Europe.
From the Gulf prospective that SIROP program impact on UAE 30 years ago, all the mega city project they have build, the same in Saudi Arabia and the Suez Canal redevelopment.
In Seychelles and its National Assembly for their own good politic those who will disagree with what we are writing here and yet clandestinely endevour to make the most/maximum advantage. Seychelles government, the National Assembly and the Justice of Seychelles do not appreciate the leverage capacity if and when they have to be applied the topic of former Minister Pat Pillay and the SPPF/PL split and the rest involving the European Union.
The Seychelles Nation founding fathers roots originate form /France along with those of Reunion, Mauritius, Madagascar and Comor. Over the past 250 yeas how they have used and apallied their ancestral many high mechanism and values to achieve a given objective - as such how in France things are done get done. In the Indian Ocean we represent this aspect of nation/Human workings, function. How we use and apply them. We also have British but they are secondary. Similarly to the impacting thematic of that SIROP program which brought with it very many Nation changes and relation the correlation of that SIROP program and NEOM city - the Gulf Nation have had 30 years to monitor how this program function so to the UN.
We wish to address the EU high Instance and officials what we have been writing about that program the past five years, the old parties those involved retired or died the need for those to become recommitted - this/these are vibrant and very dynamic synergy and they need/require to be managed positively. The same request to African Union Institutions and the special partnership between Seychelles and South Africa. The Sir James Mancham Institute /Foundation for Peace study based at the Seychelles University would be interested in this article and development. Unfortunately they are not the caliber of Sir James Mancham.
These 36 Countries Don't Recognize Israel – Brilliant Maps
2 May 2015 - Interestingly, this includes several Latin American countries. The following states have never recognized and/or had foreign relations with Israel: Afghanistan; Algeria; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Brunei; Comoros; Djibouti; Indonesia; Iraq; Kuwait; Lebanon; Libya; Malaysia; North Korea; Pakistan;Saudi Arabia ..What is behind the covert Israeli-Saudi relations? | Saudi Arabia News ...
21 Nov 2017 - Analysts say that the recent covert ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia are due to a new regional paradigm. ... Where it once drew up what became known as the Arab peace initiative for lasting peace with Israel in 2002, the country is now willing to push the Israelis and Palestinians toaccept Kushner's ...'An open secret': Saudi Arabia and Israel get cozy - NBC News
15 Nov 2017 - For Israel, Saudi Arabia's growing willingness to confront Iranian influence in the Middle East presents an opening for an awkward alliance. As the kingdom's dynamic new crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, tries to rally an anti-Iran coalition, Israel — with the blessing of the Trump administration — is ...Saudi crown prince recognizes Israel's right to exist, talks up future ties ...
11 hours ago - Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, in an interview published Monday,recognized Israel's right to exist and extolled the prospect of future ... Discussing a shared concern over Iran was bringing Israel and Saudi Arabia together, he said: “Israel is a big economy compared to their size and it's a ...International recognition of Israel - Wikipedia
At present, a total of 31 United Nations member states do not recognise the State of Israel: 18 of the 21 UN members in the Arab League: Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and
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