Juncker würdigt Kohl – EU-Flaggen in Brüssel auf Halbmast
Der schwarze Riese
Helmut Kohl

Former German chancellor Helmut Kohl dead at 87
Sunday 18/6/2017
There are instance in life, events if one do not react wait for the appropriate moment to react and respond, much may be lost or comprehend as if one had waited for the right moment/time. This Sunday morning two Sunday after the Pentecost 2017 - Britexit, what we wrote of Pentecost of 1986 then Vatican, Europe, USSR, COMECON, Warsaw Pact, Africa - OAU, Latin america, Asia and the Cold War era. President Ronald Reagan/other s associated impute in the USSR Religious topics, this Sunday the death of Chancellor Helmut Kohl is one such moment/occasion.
Given what we are about to write, associated science/disciplines - observations which for other are meaningless, irrelevant and not appropriate.
For the past near 40 years monitoring the associated disciplines of what we have term high interdisciplinary management functionality - the requirement and need to monitor such process. Events over the past two years since the announcement of Briteixt - the many media coverage at the same time what the media failed/refused to cover and their politicians. There have been vast more many highly complex sub disciplines which kept Britain in the European Union and its institutions. The politicians just cannot/could not fathom or refuse and have their own way/approach at working things out. Hence the terrible mess of the world.
We are not about to address them in details either -if should the practice be, as current practices of those who wrote history before our time and current approach/practices to write history then we have a very grave challenge in the process of working with a given thematic. In this case the European integration and the political personalities involved, media role.
On blogs, forums and Facebook topics have en-devoured to highlight and help note these events and issues leading to the Britexit - in particular the loss/death of those important and high personalities which have been the working wheels of Europe, many issues and functions. Inevitable when such process take place what inevitably ensues - dysfunction if/when not adequate replacement have been put in place. Those who can understand the topic and know the issue as well as those who did before them and the future prospective/current day situation . Humanity/heaven forbid that your get in place individuals with conflicting knowledge, views and approach what will inevitably ensue/happen.
In Germany 2016 the death of a number of leading politicians who had battled to find their place and niche in the great European construction and functionality - using the same method of observation/approach, the issues involved the early death of Sir James Mancham from Seychelles, the death of President Fidel Castro, those from Latin America, among them President Noriaga, the death of Dr Alois Mock his unique role in battling to get Austrian in the EU circle of nations - the brief issues we have addressed and those we did not. In Namibia/former West Africa/German Colony one of its leading politicians and now Chancellor Dr Helmut Kohl, the personality Europe is crediting for Germany Reunification, the Peaceful revolution - the Berlin Wall coming down, some of the core building blocks of Europe mechanism and functionality and the Euro/Financial complexities - building the modern German Nation.
Among one of the challenge referring to the fist line of this input - depending upon one engagement it can impact your personal functionality resulting in inability to focus and process the issues in a normal way. This Sunday 18/6/2017 in such a moment. These events are not without its associated politely put Illuminati involvement by these we mean several disciplines - important and less important which impacted them in turn. Be they in Germany proper, Europe, Britain and other entities which made their impute. Should/When one have a half sane mind function in everyday life - life way of indicating, warning and communicating of what is to come about and may come about. For instance the Trooping the Colour this 17/6/17. We also noted the plants and bird reactions.
At this state we would like to refer to the person of Prof Dr Michael Hofmann when he was active and the process he went through which we learnt later those who misled us. Having had him as our guide in working some of the highly complex Interdisciplinary Management challenges with that SIROP program when he came to pass away. Those who remembered this moment in France, Austria, Italy, Germany and London. Those left behind to take up his mantle, respective high responsibilities and battle on. ( Beside those from then EEF/WEF Davos Prof Shwab)
In Germany and Europe the great sense of major loss/very important loss. The German media houses, the TV and many political debates/Forums - what is being said and not said. Beside those German individuals who have known my person and capacity to input in then Europe developments from as a young Interdisciplinary Management executive - what we have written many years ago the discipline we acquired/knowledge is that which provide in depth knowledge and expertise to those who worked Europe high government issues, its core institutions and the person/personalities involved. Supporting them as and when required or when call upon. Our particular bits started in 1978/9 in Vienna-Austria.
At the time and over the years of their functionality their respective high associates/officials we had to impute with and the knowledge and information shared - they had to share and know to make this work and solve problematic. This is the biggest danger and nightmare of not just Europe the world future - the dysfunction of such working, meaning one is required to rely upon set of parameters and disciplines a few well inform individual hold the sanctus and when they are not around and available what ensue and will ensue and those technicians and so call experts who come and en-devour to explain from their point of view the problematic of things/issues and it turn out they are very wrong, rather not within their reach to grasp and understand such high workings. ( Before we forget the abuse we keep referring and writing about the application of that infernal satanic mechanisms resulting in major mess most of the time when it come to very high management discipline, scientific workings)
We would like to remind Europe and world at the time those who had pointed out we were rather young to undertake such high responsibilities - as it turn out the many much older high personalities and given our age can/my be in the position to provide our knowledge and pass them on to the next generation of those high responsible personality called upon to make this Europe work.
It was a privilege this morning in spite of the terrible situation in London that Ladbrook inferno and the pain, to listen to Salzburg Radio broadcast of the Mountain Farmers daily routine lives and the current Church Service/Mass in Austria live.
One thing we miss this morning is a walk in-front of the Bundestag and the crowd, visit Brandenburg Tor/Monument, the river side before the Wall fell, have coffee by the renovated Synagogue in Berlin, visit the Cathedral and a walk by the Berlin Wall museum. Greet a couple of crows and watch the children play and their mothers. Visit the Flee Markets. We did listen to some Church music/songs from Angers - Loire, in 1990 where we took that SIROP program and left them in the custody of the Church officials over the past 25 years those who have been informed or informed their self of the contents of that SIROP program and suitcases.
We mentioned that that SIROP news feed have been infected - where to post the above.
18 June Flag Raising Ceremony-Amazing performance by 'One Harmony Choir' performing Patriotic Medley at Constitution Day Celebration this morning
Abschied von Helmut KohlStaatsakt in Straßburg und öffentliche Totenmesse in Speyer
Helmut Kohl soll als erster Politiker überhaupt mit einem europäischen Staatsakt in Straßburg geehrt werden. Danach soll Kohls Leichnam mit dem Schiff über den Rhein nach Speyer gebracht werden, dort ist eine öffentlich zugängliche Totenmesse im Dom geplant.
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