There was a major pipe burst in Islington - London, the day the 11 High Court of appeal Judges sat to hear the Britexit case - for the past 17 years the pictures, associated thematic with the below personalities at Hermitage House - the very many who know and have known, the two churches - Catholic, Polish. Beside the antique Market one of London Famous where some 30 years ago we came to sell with a former Minister from Seychelles -the many restaurants and visitors, Universities in Islington aware of that place and the associated issues - Islington is the Home of NCVO, LVSC Resource Center Holloway Rd, beside the Kings Cross Basin development and the new Kings Cross International station build under then PM Blair government to replace Waterloo station and the great British Library. EWe have addressed the topic of our SIROP original lawyers Kingsley and Napley they are in the same complex at the Knight of St John and Jerusalem - beside the HQ of Amnesty International.

We spent the time between 21 hour and 23 hours tearing our hair and beard -is there anybody in England we could talk - we mean talk about the significance of this evening vote and the inevitable triggering of Article 50 for Britain to exit the EU. We thank PM Blair for his buzz.
One of the important situation confronting my person what we have written over the past 25 years and our input in many of EU important workings including major Treaty and Head of state Summits.
In France, Germany and Austria the attitude of the many respective high parties e have known and worked some of those issues - they expect my person to get over to the Continent and join those we trust to work the respective topics as against staying in London in spite of the high percentage of voters of London who voted to stay in EU.
Again today we took time to listen to the arguments of the Scott and Irish legal representation. Including their Common arguments.
After searching the web for others reaction came across the 3/4 article of Ireland concern by the FF Leader Micheál Martin none for SF. For over 30 years the Irish community impute in our Seychelles Britain community workings be it that SIROP program and that Seyeu.Com portal.
We have been importantly involved in that good Friday Agreement - those who know the unpublished issues as against what the media and history have written and this is the big problem of the UK workings as pointed our by the commission President this year - those who impute in Britain workings and yet the manner the media and those write as facts and history.
Ireland belongs to Small Island Nation workings - and they know a great deal about Seychelles workings in the world today. We have stated how the EU judge the corrupted approach of Seychelles government cannot go on and the Presidential and current development in Seychelles -
We have addressed about the UN three mega conference on Refugees and migration and Africa sustainable Development and that of EU - the Irish people and their politicians have been by our sides all along.
Much more important what we have addressed about the meltdown of 2007 and the role of that SIROP portal and those in Northern Ireland who have been using that SIROP program to leverage and gear many of Northern Ireland economic and political thematic linked to EU. If there is one nation among all the UK nation who understand or have had a deeper workings /relation is the Irish Nation.
From that prospective the capacity to impact many of British serious political and media thematic - with that referendum outcome and events, the need in future for the Irish nation North and south to work closer with our communities and unlike many continental nation their lack of deep knowledge and experience of how we work and have worked.
In Seychelles we have for the first time the Opposition in majority of the Assembly - leave the blasted Drug problematic aside - there are more pressing topics that Drugs. With both North Ireland and Republic of Ireland how we can develop more intense corporation over the next 5 years and if need be apply more of that SIROP program workings in both Ireland to acquire the due results.
Tonight we want to be blunt - we have not only impact and influenced the good Friday agreement over the years impute in Republic and northern Ireland leadership issues -capacity to influence those who have lead the northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland politic.
Micheál Martin vows to defend post-Brexit rights of NI people
UK government 'cavalier over extent of prerogative powers'
Had we used the language and attitude of former Mayor of London Boris Johnson and the same of President elect Donald Trump - forget the interview of Radio Seychelles as announcer then group Captain Passmore - yet one have become Minster of foreign Affairs and aspiring to be the next UK PM and the other is the US President elect how he as elected against the majority choice of Hillary Clinton. We will try and adopt their tone by requesting everybody to join us after last night House of Common vote to wallow in Saddle back and Jersey and Frisian - Judge EJ Stiven manure.
The vast many or majority of our little Seychellois coconuts heads with whatever degree and expertise have refused over the past 40 years to talk and discuss the more/greater political complexities of Seychelles, East Africa, the Indian ocean and world Politic - British and French politic. Much more that of USA and the COMECON.
Yet the expat community in Seychelles their respective discussion , topics and views of then world and this impacted their daily lives, business approach and reasons for existence.
On our side we have stressed time and time the debacle of then Mr Ashford in then Seychelles Police force and Ashford where Mr Gerard Hoareau worked, had the office for SNM/MPR and Ashford Kent the past 26 years almost since 1991 when Multiparty returned to Seychelles.
When we talked about pears, apple, plums and chestnuts we have other images and intellectual contents in mind. Very vast more complex and complicated political, economic and social /media issues in mind. Linked to the greater world.
This almost same mind set we had in then Seychelles - then 1971/2, then government of PM Heath, those British expatriate in then Seychelles their vision and aspiration for Seychelles, the Region, Africa. Part of the challenges of Britain joining the Europe clubs was not just little England trouble and eventual economic woes - they were importantly linked to the British Colonial Africa, Indian Ocean, Asia, Gulf Region and Cold War politic - nobody, none of the learned Judges, Media and great legal minds raised this - today's English, Welsh, Irish and Scott have a right to know be reminded. what made the argument. What cause an argument, dispute and quarrel and bust up.
It had been asked of my person why did I not join in politic back then - the answer as an a quasi adopted person of a Judge or high Justice official you do not become embroil in politic.
Now this said - those well aware of then East Africa Britain links, the Queen still alive though most of the Royal families very senior have departed/left us - it is precisely these politic and approach which influenced how they took decision and the why - in our case the Project of Coral Strand Hotel, all those involved was not just to build a hotel to make money and feed people and let them have sex - it represented a thinking a way of life, values and ethic. At the time Seychelles had Reef Hotel and Beau vallon Bay hotel the decision to build the Mahe Beach hotel by the Furness group of business entities and that of Mr John Lacon and the Beau Vallon Properties group . At the time the argument should Britain join the three Clubs of Europe and those personalities their views from the Tropic and how this would befits their business plan , long term investments and security.
It was digging/wallowing in those pig and cows manure, that in 1986 led us to write that SIROP program the way we did and present it to President FA Rene, all those in then London, France, Italy, south Africa, the USA, USSR, china and Arab nations, Pakistan and India and Israel.
In quasi Illuminati jargon or peasant talking whey they say birds talk and the values of old boots, the building and gardening tolls old and new their talk and intelligence.
The same apply with the process of then Air port construction, the reclamation project - those Hotels projects - yet today in that Seychelles their Universities, their WWW, their many graduates and the many fields and disciplines they work in and have acquired do not - fail to note the co relation between then Britain entry into the Europe three clubs and how it impacted their lives, economy and justice system - by the same notion/token the Britexit how it is going to impact vast many aspect of the regional Indian ocean nations, Africa, Arab, Asia - we did not go on to become a professional Farmer instead took/undertook a very interesting field of work the Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary high management - like Mr Alain Decomarmond is in Mexico debating their understanding of sustainable and climate change thematic - we have some 35 years of studying how such major Nation interstate Treaties impact and influence vast strands of their economic and mega national complexities and their respective impacts and yet what the media writes, their experts and politicians.
In our national archives those who can visit and access the pictures and documents of then air port construction, the new harbor, the work of Costain, W & C French, the Lacon group - we would suggest just like /as they study the topics of SIDA and Drugs they had better find place clean it up and get those old pictures and archives, information - with what is coming, they will need them let them young generation go and look, think and grapple what they judge took place and the WWW have mountains of material they can cross reference and make a half pig /cow conclusion.
Part of the greater EU Treaties are, the very many sub benefits, rights many small nations have acquired, their Justice and political, economics, trade, finance, education, science, culture, Rights systems and values - to what extents is that Britexit going to undo and destroy and change and challenge these.
1950 -1957, Behind the Scenes of the Treaty of Rome
We have been writing and protesting how those in Kent and London have been abusing that infernal satanic rage/rave mechanism for the past 26 years on my person and environment to influence vast many very important British, Europe, Gulf topics including war. Prior to the Brit exit Referendum those who started applying that infernal satanic rage/rave mechanism to impact and influence the Britexit Referendum in their favor. Hence we have been writing had we been in Austria, France, Germany or Netherlands the Britexit referendum out come would have been very different - the many legal implication were addressed by a so call minority but the media shit them down, the TV and radical politicians. During the four days of the Court of appeal sitting those who daily drove by at high speed applying that infernal satanic rage/rave to influence events, procedure, legal/justice process and the media. The Court ought to be warned of this dreadful criminal practice - terrible abuse and this formed part if not most important part of the Brit exit equation - how the European court handle, Treat and answer to the Justice aspects when they are confronted and presented - those in England who oppose this in particular the corrupted politicians and the media/ Between now and middle of January those who will daily drive by at high speed with their sleaze, road rage and antisocial to influence my person and environment and issues I represent to impact the out come of the Appeal case and he media workings. This is not Justice it is criminal at its uttermost function. These are not Taliban or AlKaida or refugees or Blacks these are very white folks/individuals doing this.
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