Justice Gaswaga (left) and Mr Belle, respectively chairperson and vice-chairperson of the Anti-Corruption Commission
Monday 8/7/16 - 5 AM British time
At about 3 AM those from Vienna - Austria, who buzzed our person regarding the SIROP working in Vienna, the past 30 years - some of those individual and high personalities involved in spite of we/me not being there. The correspondence.
Some of the three different parties of those Families in Vienna I had been in contact, writing that they support my effort in stetting up some kind of working office for that program in Vienna - we stress - the meeting we had with Regus Vienna, Pan European Union, meeting which we were not able to keep lack of time and money. Some of those individuals out of the goodness of their Person, their free time and support for our cause the past 30 years - what Seychelles and International media garbage afterward.
Those from that newly Anti Corruption Commission who picked up the issue and waded in. In the first place the need to spell bluntly and stress - the current so call human communication, the vibe, the buzz associated and whatever - since/for some 26 years ago have been writing - what really took place to unleashed and start the communication mode - then Masonic working in London and that SIROP program.
From the African continent those with their lopsided and mismatch and distorted view and working of Masonic working. Those who think you become a Freemason you have become a very special human - across the USA, Europe, Arab World and elsewhere some of the worse criminal set up masonic lodge just to work and impose their so call masonic superiority. The reality is very different. The WWW turning 25 years old 7/7/16 and the information available on Masonic working and others on the web.
We have been writing to Seychelles government, the police and the politician stating our contribution in help to set up that Forensic Police division under then President FA Rene. Its function and working - much more important the many so call abnormal incidents, death and carnage and accidents - the so call scientist and expert their conclusion and the many instance their lies and dishonest benchmark and that infernal satanic, rage, vibe and crack human mechanism.
In setting up that anti Corruption Commission those responsible must be warned and told bluntly - you are not above the law and think you can and will apply that infernal mechanism on working the topic and thematic of that SIROP program - build in that program and junction, highly complex regulative mechanism and those institution involved and when overly manipulated, abused and bombarded by that infernal mechanism what it trigger and how it react the very dangerous fall out and again what the police, media and Justice then write. We have addressed this to the US Senate, the UN the many EU high institutions and European governments the media and the African Union and Russia.
This morning it sound like we are being targeted and the threatened - we want to remind and bring to the attention of all those involved managing that Anti corruption Commission, read our forum and blogs - the Yugoslav war debacle, the setting up of the ICC, the media garbage lies and charade and the dishonesty of global Justice working/system - these are the same benchmark and value they decided to eliminate Saddam Hussein, Qaddafi, Ben laden and many others instead of eradicating the evil it has exploded in their face and they never learn and humanity on the verge of destruction because of their benchmark and approach/justice value. That SIROP program applied very important part and link with the above mention individual those who chose to interpreted and present their own distorted argument. Those who have done everything to cover up over the SIROP program content and setting up in 1987.
We want to address the Same parties - the former Ugandan chief justice in part for Setting the special arbitration court System in Seychelles was to try and avoid and overcome what we have written above - So that those involved in that SIROP program could get to come to a table and work out the issue under a different moduS. With the arrival of the chief Justice Matilda all this changed.
So far the law firm of Pardiwalla , Towmey Lablach have been acting and helping with that SIROP program for free - the time have come for us to apply for legal Aid from Seychelles to pay those lawyers and law firm Philippe Boulle and others we have used - would like to use.
In England similar situation, in France and across Europe.
All this would have been unnecessary if the government and FA Rene had agreed to pay us what is rightly due to that SIROP program instead of inventing and breaking all agreement and arrangement.
In Seychelles over the past 30 years those individuate and opposition who have been telling the public there are many things very wrong in that Seychelles and the utter corrupted system and recently Mr Christopher Gill and his party and former Minister Pat Pillay and the TV program and the media - instead of going for those individuals those involved in that new Anti corruption commission so to say going for my person, attacking my person .
The person of Lawyer Daniel Bell as Vice Commissioner if we had to address them in public he would be disqualify, not fit to take /hold that office. Part of the old DP issue and that SIROP program.
There are those from Seychelles government they hold the view that Uganda justice executive is best for our national working and they forget and choose to overlook some of the very important deep impacting issue and the important why and that SIROP program. Unless we have an utter corrupted and kangaroo court and justice system in that Seychelles these information will have to be handed/made available to the court and Judge in writing and the lawyers involved.
All those involved in that anti Corruption Commission ignore we have been writing and asking the UN and EU to help report on that program and its function - we detected some kind of grudge be they African Union originated or Masonic motive or other hate reason/racist.
The Home of that SIROP program is Europe not Seychelles and as such European law and Justice apply. If i was a judge and held any legal knowledge would be bloody ashamed for what have happen to those 25,000 exile and refugees and their Right churned in pigs dung the past 40 years instead of helping or setting up procedure that would help them - criminalized and make their effort and life very difficult. had their been the presidential election outcome we have all been fighting and battling to get all this would not be happening and the regional and International political and conflicts landscape very different.
Finally - as executive of that anti corruption Commission you are getting paid by Seychelles taxpayer and international doners, your resource, Office, transport and meal and other required resources. - we are not paid a cent, we have to take the little cent we have to further our cause - which court will you go and not be ashamed of such terrible benchmark and practice.
We hold the view that Africa benchmark is being applied here - this racist position which in the first place saw the deportation and ethnic cleansing, imprisonment of those white Seychelles families, the founding father of our nation, their properties stolen and confiscated and the lies and distortion of then Communist system against them and so call socialist value and benchmark. Those from Africa have no Right to apply and address us in the manner as they would African Colonial expat - they are not fit to head that anti Corruption commission. Judge or not.

Note - We do believe we are not that crack pot as other make us out to be - those who got vexed, very upset about the above article and tone.
It was over that SIROP program that the first Somalia US invasion took place - some of the Leaks have backed us up. Then SNM political party in Somalia and London and also our SNM led by Mr Gerard Hoareau - we had linked up with their exile working and those who know how the SNM in Somalia worked and who funded them then London,
Within that SIROP program we had a component for the Somalia exile/refugees and their government eventual return - this is not what ensued - the next thing a major incident was triggered and the US led invasion and bombing and from their things degraded and became brutal and ruthless and the Good Judge tried many of those Somalian Pirate, was involved in the setting up of the Prison structure etc. They had been betrayed/taken to the Laundry properly and the battle on our hand to prevent this happening to that program - Seychelles government, then OAU, the UN Knew -
Talking of super corruption when it come to USA global interests, geo politic, then anything goes and this set the precedent for other major corruption incident in and across Africa and Seychelles then. Benchmark. For this reason we have been calling for UN review/report. What the French Intelligence, South African, Israel and US knew and Russian.
Battle of Mogadishu (1993)
Serious Fraud Office Begins Criminal Investigation of Airbus Group
On Friday, the SFO issued a statement, informing Airbus of the criminal investigation into the suspected acts in the company's plane sales relating to “irregularities concerning third-party consultants.
Airbus investigated in Serious Fraud Office inquiry into third-party consultants
Comment - Beside the Britexit bad blood co relation, just like that French Nuclear Project - typical of Britain thinking and approach the past 30 years when they want to have a go at France and its economy - here we are talking of the SFO when such investigation as very many recent one become highly political related who is puling the string and calling the shot, the Leaks and the media garbage.
That SIROP program played an important role in driving some of Air Bus Development, Corporate conception and Growth, beside highly complex Management discipline linked with that SEYEU.COM portal - hence when they encountered major economic set were were able to intervene. We have stated and addressed this link for a long time. Other previous British government official who knew were aware.
On Friday, the SFO issued a statement, informing Airbus of the criminal investigation into the suspected acts in the company's plane sales relating to “irregularities concerning third-party consultants.
Airbus investigated in Serious Fraud Office inquiry into third-party consultants
Comment - Beside the Britexit bad blood co relation, just like that French Nuclear Project - typical of Britain thinking and approach the past 30 years when they want to have a go at France and its economy - here we are talking of the SFO when such investigation as very many recent one become highly political related who is puling the string and calling the shot, the Leaks and the media garbage.
That SIROP program played an important role in driving some of Air Bus Development, Corporate conception and Growth, beside highly complex Management discipline linked with that SEYEU.COM portal - hence when they encountered major economic set were were able to intervene. We have stated and addressed this link for a long time. Other previous British government official who knew were aware.
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