After publishing the very brief issues of the Liberal and SDLP to do with the EU and Local election, the issues of the Referendum Party of Sir James Goldsmith and the formation of UKIP - from an Interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary prospective these are issues best kept away form the great public who will have great difficulty in understanding the workings - the so call appropriate place to address these issues in scientific workings. This Morning the White House and its Occupants is sour about what we have addressed - precisely because of the International norm/benchmark of Interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary science accountability for some 10 years and it getting worse that we are compel to break the rules and try to address the issues to the greater public, with the hope they will pressure the terrible media workings, accountability - those responsible and the politicians involved. On account of the Wikiepdia links we used in the articles - this morning the news Experts say that 90% of Wikipedia health information is wrong/incorrect. We are use to such "derrapage"` as they say in French with some 30 years experience.
The above topic in itself - meaning the many highly complex high management issues of EU over the past 35 years - the current situation prior to the election and the outcome - meaning and impacts, unless you have acquired some experience in High management of Interdisciplinary working, taxing your health, energy and time - unable to cope easily with so many other issues which form part of such responsibilities - the details and unpublished/unwritten management mechanism, routine. As such our frame of mind this morning- the news flash about the concern of Russia pulling out of the ISS - International Space Station project.
As part of our contributions in term of greater Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary high management issues - be they Science, Technology, Space, International Economic workings, Highly complex International workings - to build good relation, develop friendship, build Trust, Confidence, good diplomatic international workings - beside Defense, Military and Intelligence for the past 25/30 years have taken part, made given impute, synergized and driven or help manages some of these issues- again its workings discipline not an issues or issues which the greater public need to know the challenges and problematic and the way - those who work these issues report, discuss, document and present their work and involvement.
With the arrival of the Social network - the mass ability to communicate, share their respective views and thoughts on large volume and amount of issues prior only those trained, educated and having worked in a specific field would address them in public and the reporter or media qualify personality - we do a good deal of research, review and compare information provided time is available - yet. Those who judge that so much vital and sensitive information can lend to security issues and compromise a given issues/project or set of issues and several associated complex project and their workings.
In spite of having been involved and writing or sharing our views and experiences within the appropriate circle of expertise and Scientist - we have kept a very great deal unwritten, unpublished - working the issues safe when they are required and if required to make an address or complain.
This have been the approach since President Ronald Reagan, the two Bush President, President Clinton and current President Obama. A given administration may require that you share more your knowledge, experience and field of specialty if it is appreciated you may be called upon to become more engage.
On account of those we were involved early 1980's - to reappraise and develop due interdisciplinary models, mechanism , system and structures to help - the British, France, Germany other European nations economy, that of the USA, the USSR - the COMECON Block where associates would have worked and taken a given segment of an issue to work them - we have been involved from a much diverse and wide spread involvement. Such practice and approach is very seldom - again the great risk and security argument.
Beside issues of European Defense projects then and Civilian projects - ie Air Bus and the Air Plane Industry, helicopter industry, new technology, machines, energy related management issues - their Finance, the Market issues, Economic, Political impacts, Media - long and short term High management. Today we have some near 30 years experience, knowledge in many respective fields and Industry.
In the same manner acquired due experience in Space and deep Space Project and Programs. In instance where we have been required to acknowledge and share brief information. One of them being the ISS - International Space Station Project. The manner this important project was concept-ed and the many associated issues from politic, economy, media, diplomacy, scientific, military - most important the discipline required to even concept such a Project/Program.
Having addressed the brief issues of the changing of the COMECON, Warsaw Pact, Communist and Cold War issues. The motives and agenda to get Russia from the Military, Intelligence, Politic, and Investment to engage, become engage and stay engage/committed - to put it in just a few words may not be proper/adequate. We had been involved and formed part of those who could make/contribute to making decision, influencing decision and making the project possible. In their respective countries be they Russia, China, the USA and other nations involved their confidential reporting on our contributions and abilities, positive and negative abilities. Including the involvement of the Vatican.
There are those in the USA, Russia, China particularly the EU and NATO who would have had extra information about our ability to contribute in a given issue or Project - as such the experience and knowledge required - from this prospective question, raise the Management or due accountability debate/question. This from the deteriorating - departing manner things were being managed be they from EU, the USA, Russia and China.
Nobody would expect of us to explain the detail process of what made up the ISS - International Space Station Project, fro example you have a given government, their respective officials and administration preference or decision for a given segment of the Project and how it get implemented and the Resources allocated. A government change and those Official change one is called upon to manage the continuity, bridge and able to link the issues and maintain - see to it that they are maintained. The high management discipline involved is very complex - had one not been able to provide the due contribution - by now things would have been very different and we have form time to to time hinted them.
In breaking the rules to address the issue in public we want to address Russia President Valdimir Putin, his Scientific officials circle and the many which compose and make the Russia part/Component of that ISS Project/Program - from the knowledge and experience acquired it requires great resolve to become involve and engage/work in such issues. Likewise President Obama, those from NATO, the UN, other nations and entities contributing including Japan. The issues here is not we are getting old and lack the energy - to stay focus and maintain concentration. The issues and challenge is the development of new sets of High management discipline to apply/work the issues adequately.
How many recall early 1980's when Europe was battling to come to grip with its economic and Financial woes. Those who had to go into their Room/ space and think out/develop High Management discipline which would impact, the thinking of the Politicians, the big bankers, markets and finances, those who engineer society, the Media, the Education, the Health system and the very long list required to make/work a half health nation and group of nations and Communities - This began to fail some 10 years ago and we pointed, argued and harassed those who could that something need to to be done - From a media argument those who may have their respective inclination of British greatness. Just as its success or percentage of it - the mess and things which did not and have not worked out - the need to take the responsibility above all the commotion of national politic. Those involved, those who can lend to such unique and important discipline development. Again this discipline ability to drive/work and synergize deep space program, new energy, new communication science.
The refusal and inability of Russia to continue participation/work and involvement in these program will lend to very severe disconnection of many and some of the highly and sensitive building blocks we have strived and contributed to building.
When you or anybody is called upon to develop and work such issues given you respective responsibility - the need to develop long and short very critical discipline to manage events 10/20 years ahead - these are not video games and political ploys - it /they are real science. Over the past five years across Europe and the rest of the world society, scientist, politicians, academicians have failed and failing to develop the due discipline to manage and work highly sensitive world issues five/ten years down the road - the reason and source of this problem/difficulty - inability. We had concluded some 10 years ago that the Trend in the discipline being developed would lend/ bring about such major negative outcome and impact including such workings relation - the ISS. From the good and bad experience we amassed - part/relevancy of positive high Interdisciplinary /Multidisciplinary management at the most chaotic of situation and stage of issues to develop/the ability to develop the due/required discipline to take the from where the problematic/ negative and mess and work them through - manage them adequately. In the case of the ISS to rebuild the working Trust, broken relation and develop or engineer new parameters, dimension and visions. This cannot and will not be achieved working from Britain alone. The outcome of the Local and European election have not just signaled - for those familiar with our workings - develop and pose a much bigger challenges and they need/will require to be resolved - if they are not what can be expected - to achieve this human, need to become involved, engaged , not aliens or abnormal humans. If we want to achieve this process without violence, major wars and conflicts today new academic institutions need/is required to reappraise their purpose and functionality.
In 1981, when we were compelled to come to Britain - Mrs Thatcher and her Officials, government in-spite of the utter mess, chaotic situation and crises did not take lightly when criticized, being presented with options which were not British or composed of Britishness as some would say, we had to battle and work them out - the notion Britain Imperial greatness, the stuff that made them rule the world - the very high percentage then and more so today who refuse to sit down and take stock, given the education and advancement of knowledge that the notion entertained was ill based/incorrect values.
PM Tony Blair made many mistakes and gaff - in the end comporting as a God. We were must have been importantly involved as such to know and monitor/adequately aware of what took place and the Britain it build.
Those young Conservatives, PM Cameron, the Chancellor, Minister for Work and Pension, Minister for Foreign Affairs - beside the many young Conservative they have recruited - they have failed and is failing to build upon the lesson of Mrs Thatcher and PM Blair Government and economic, diplomatic mistakes.
This challenge is not just in Britain - outcome of Sunday EU election - human resource capable to assimilate the mistakes and errors of the past 15 years and build something better.
Once upon a time when we were youthful hated the idea of those who write great ideas of how to change society and world events - preferred the approach, you get inside/out there and do what you have to do - beside the positive results - those who have amassed credits, taken credits for works and issues they were not entitled - had those issues been addressed those who may judge they would have prove as evidence of one rightful contribution and participation. Centuries and ages gone by have proved those who have lend and contributed to such importance issues and changes did not take to writing them down other did in their life time or afterwards.
Europe economy, society need to be re-enginerred, not by the destruction and far right politic- we would like to leave the thought with/to everybody what we said that had we not stayed in Britain - the social , economic and political changes in the former East Europe, Russia and china would have been very different - meaning, there must have been a concept on the table to be able to achieve this and the arguments.
The formulation and conception of that ISS - Space Station Project was for Humanity, Europe, China, the America, Africa, World - a mirror of what society could have been like the alternative Europe, Russia and East Europe. The kind of Europe had we/our person lived in France, Germany to contribute to impacting the rest of the world. Those in the USA who have far more resource who refuse to take the blame/acknowledge they are wrong and at fault. Those in/from the USA they judge we best serve their objective and purposed by being bogged/pegged and tied down in Britain for very very many reasons.
We will be linking a few articles and media issues - how much/aware are those writing and making the statements and experts advice aware of the issues above or iota of the issues above - this is the/our dilemma.
Note - From the very brief discussions we held in Vienna December/January 2014 was informed that Professor Dr Hofmann, had to spend the best part of his old/retired age in a Psychiatric Hospital/Institution, taking a lot of medication. One read of many possibilities and scenarios affecting the life of great European Guru, when they are appreciated how they have put on a pedestal or destroyed the respective motives.
Professor Hofmann - had refused to endorsed - the British Institutions, media and particularly PM Blair Europeanization/Globalization of that very critical/satanized Human communication - the political view and objectives. Professor Hofmann had also concluded it was a European and global control mechanism attempt to control the mass. The Establishment involvement to destroy his work and life, the discipline he represented - those in the process of taking his work and repackaging them and making their fortunes, fame. At the end of the Day those who joined and participated in this horror - their ethic, respective view of their person and the society the live and work in.
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