Saturday, 25 January 2014

Cérémonie d’investiture du nouveau Président malgache ce samedi

Passation de pouvoir à Iavoloha

Cérémonie d’investiture du nouveau Président malgache ce samedi

Le Vice-Président Faure à la cérémonie d’investiture

Le Vice-Président Danny Faure est arrivé à Madagascar hier après-midi afin de représenter le Président James Michel à la cérémonie d’investiture du nouveau Président élu de la IVème République de Madagascar.

M. Hery Rajaonarimampianina sera investi chef d’Etat malgache ce samedi lors d’une cérémonie au Stade municipal de Mahamasina, à Antananarivo.

Le Vice-Président Faure a été accueilli à son arrivée à l’Aéroport d’Ivato à Antananarivo par le Premier Ministre malgache, M. Jean Omer Beriziky, et le Ministre des Affaires étrangères malgache, M. Jacques Ulrich  Randriantiana.

Seront également présents du côté des Seychelles à la cérémonie d’investiture ce samedi : le Ministre des Affaires étrangères, M. Jean-Paul Adam, et l’Ambassadeur Callixte D’Offay.

Le diplomate seychellois, M. Claude Morel, y sera lui aussi mais en sa capacité de chef du bureau de liaison de la Commission de l’Océan Indien (COI) à Madagascar.

La cérémonie de ce samedi sera dirigée par la Haute Cour Constitutionnelle et des chefs d’Etat sont attendus dans la capitale malgache. Ceci est un signe de reconnaissance pour le nouveau régime à Madagascar. C’est un évènement marquant la fin de la Transition et le début d’une nouvelle ère pour la Grande île.

L’investiture du Président Hery Rajaonarimampianina fait suite à la proclamation des résultats officiels et définitifs de l'élection du 17 janvier dernier. Le scrutin présidentiel a été jugé crédible par l’ensemble de lacommunauté internationale.

A signaler que la passation de pouvoir entre le Président de la transition, M. Andry Rajoelina et le nouveau président élu M. Hery Rajaonarimampianina a eu lieu hier (vendredi).

Selon l'article 48 de la Constitution malgache, « la passation officielle du pouvoir se fait entre le Président sortant et le Président nouvellement élu. Avant son entrée en fonction, le Président de la République, en audience solennelle de la Haute Cour Constitutionnelle, devant la Nation, et en présence du gouvernement, de l'Assemblée Nationale, du Sénat et de la Cour Suprême, prête serment. Ainsi, le mandat présidentiel commence à partir du jour de la prestation de serment ».

La Cour Electorale Spéciale (CES) avait dénombré 7 971 790 électeurs inscrits dont 4 043.246 votants avec un taux de participation de 50,72%. Hery Rajaonarimampianina avait obtenu 2 060. 124 voix, soit 53,49% des suffrages exprimés, tandis que son adversaire politique Jean Louis Robinson a été crédité de 46,51% des voix.

M. Rajoelina a transmis symboliquement, hier, lors de la cérémonie officielle de passation, le pouvoir à son allié M. Hery Rajaonarimampianina, vainqueur de l’élection présidentielle, en lui remettant une grosse clédorée significative du Palais présidentiel d'Iavoloha.
« Je remets cette clé à Hery Rajaonarimampianina, la clé du pouvoir, et celle qui devrait mener vers le développement et du succès pour Madagascar », a souligné M. Rajoelina, particulièrement ému, lors de la cérémonie.

Durant son allocution, M. Rajoelina a souhaité à Hery Rajaonarimampianina, la réussite dans sa lourde responsabilité d'être à la tête de la nation malgache et de mettre l'intérêt de la nation et de la population malgache avant tout autre intérêt.

« Je vous souhaite beaucoup de succès, je vous donne ma bénédiction », a-t-il dit dans un discours prononcé au palais présidentiel en présence des hauts dignitaires du pays, de représentants des forces de l’ordre, du corps diplomatique et d’autres invités.

M. Rajoelina a ainsi loué les efforts du chef de la médiation de la Communauté de développement de l'Afrique Australe (SADC), l’ancien Président du Mozambique, M. Joachim Chissano et le vice- ministre chargé des relations internationales et de la coopération de l'Afrique du Sud, M. Marius Fransman, présents lors de la cérémonie, pour leur engagement dans la recherche de sortie de crise pour Madagascar.

C'est la troisième fois que le peuple malgache connait une passation de pouvoir entre deux chefs d'Etat. Le premier fut la passation entre le Président Philibert Tsiranana (président sortant) et le Général Ramanantsoa. La deuxième était la passation entre Norbert Lala Ratsirahonana (Président par intérim en 1996) et le Président Didier Ratsiraka.

A noter que M. Rajoelina était parvenu au pouvoir en mars 2009, à la faveur d’un coup de force qui a renversé le Président Marc Ravalomanana. 

Le camp de M. Rajoelina revendique une majorité relative dans la nouvelle Assemblée nationale    également élue le 20 décembre, et dont la composition doit encore être confirmée par la Cour électorale spéciale malgache après examen des recours.

Le processus électoral, qui s’est déroulé dans le calme, était considéré comme l’indispensable premier pas pour sortir de la grave crise politique, économique et sociale qui a profondément appauvri Madagascar, mise au ban des nations, depuis près de cinq ans.

Madagascar President Installed, Hopes for New Aid

Top SADC envoy to attend Madagascar inauguration

Ramgoolam vante l’économie bleue à Davos 2014

Prime Minister, Navin Ramgoolam, present at the Davos Forum

Maurice, a souligné le Premier ministre, n’est plus une petite île mais un grand État océan qui gère plus de 1,9 million de kilomètres carrés de ressources marines. Navin Ramgoolam a abordé les thématiques du changement climatique et du développement durable lors du Forum économique mondial à Davos, en Suisse.
Positionner l’économie bleue comme un nouveau pilier économique de Maurice. C’est le principal message qu’a voulu transmettre le Premier ministre (PM) aux 2 500 participants du Forum économique mondial à Davos, en Suisse, dont le thème principal s’articule autour du«Remodelage du monde». L’événement a débuté mercredi et prendra fin aujourd’hui, samedi 25 janvier.
C’est jeudi que serait intervenu Navin Ramgoolam. Il a choisi de se pencher sur les thématiques du changement climatique et du développement durable. Le PM a déclaré à la télévisionmauricienne, jeudi, qu’il s’agit d’un projet de grande envergure qui aura un impact profond sur les générations à venir.
Pour lui, Maurice n’est plus cette petite île qui ne dispose que d’un territoire exigu. Au contraire, elle serait, selon lui, un grand État océan qui exerce une juridiction souveraine sur plus de 1,9 million de kilomètres carrés de ressources marines. Sans compter une étendue de 396 000 kilomètres carrés sur le plateau continental qu’elle gère conjointement avec les Seychelles.
Navin Ramgoolam a expliqué plus d’une fois dans le passé que Maurice peut tirer des leçons desexpériences vécues par d’autres pays dans l’exploitation de l’économie océanique, à l’instar de l’Irlande. Le PM a aussi fait ressortir que la zone économique exclusive de Maurice est deux foisplus grande que celle de l’Irlande. Et que bien que ce pays dispose d’une industrie pétrolière et gazière, celle-ci représente moins de 10 % de sa valeur économique.

Leading the Global Climate and Energy Agenda

Sunday, 19 January 2014

To mark the 30th anniversary of the agreement which cemented the creation of the Indian Ocean Commission (COI), ‘Accord General de Victoria” on 10th January 1984,

Leonid Brezhnev

To mark the 30th anniversary of the agreement which cemented the creation of the Indian Ocean Commission (COI), ‘Accord General de Victoria” on 10th January 1984, two days of activities is being organised in Seychelles.

Present for the activities is the Secretary General of the COI, Jean-Claude de L’Estrac and the current President of the regional organization, El Anrif Hassane, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Comoros.

This morning the two along with Seychelles Minister for Foreign Affairs, Jean Paul Adam held a press conference.

According to Mr. de L’Estrac during the 30 years the COI has spent some 130 million Euros to finance projects in terms of the environment, sustainable development, capacity building, fishing and many more.

For his part, Minister Adam said that COI has been successful in gaining finances because it has proven itself to be efficient in managing the money and its projects which have helped in assisting the population of its five member states, Madagascar, Mauritius, Comoros, Reunion and Seychelles.

Among the activities to commemorate this milestone, there will be an unveiling of a commemorative plaque on Friday 10th January at the National House, the venue which hosted the signing of the ‘Accord General de Victoria’ on that date in 1984.


We have as the current Secretary General of the COI a Leading Mauritius media personality - leave aside out ancestral French Indian Ocean Heritage/workings and British. 

When anybody is called upon to take such an important post it come with responsibility and accountability - I have been writing form the past 30 years what really started the project of COI, then Communist - the West and the Cold War and the None Aligned. "Like thieves in and across Seychelles those poor farmers who plant and they do not know the pain of hard work and planting - the many in Mauritius who just stole and absconded with our ideas and hard work - then climb on some Criminal high horse pointing figures at others or the very person they have defrauded and robbed and cheated with accusation." Meanwhile the very madhouse of global politic those in Powers and with guns their respective positions. 

We did not have guns when we decided with the help of those Austrian - and UNIDO bold statement - Mr EDMOND, the UN is not there to change government or demand they are punish - but if you have a good Economic plan and idea for you country we will help you implement them.

I/We have had a very important British Colonial High Education - those working at the highest position of East Africa and Indian Ocean colonial Administration. Their benchmark. 

With a very great deal of what had been discussed before Seychelles Independence - events in East Africa, Kenya, Tanga, Ugandan and other former British Colony - information reserved for the elite of the Colonial Administration. Their experience and expertise to wage and mange wars and conflicts. the game/profession of Western and Eastern Spies and the Cold War. 

After having talked with many in Vienna their views on the Indian Ocean, Africa, the Gulf Region, the cold war, Britain, France and the USA - I concluded a platform could be put into pace causing/compelling the Communist and extreme Region of not just Seychelles and President FA Rene others in the Region - Madagascar - to adopt a more level headed way of working if they wanted their economy to move forward, their citizens to get business and jobs and their children half educated - an economic platform where by even if they were Communist - their business, economic, projects requirements would be discussed - presented, evaluated and with the right/appropriate UN and European expertise help they implement and acquire the Funding. 

The USA, Britain and others had said bluntly Mr Edmond you are mad - Britain/USA will never allow such a project concept to be formulated by you small people/nation and politic of the Indian Ocean - more or less we will tell and dictate to you as and when we will and what we can do for you. 

I decided to break the rule of UN and dig deep in their information system - with the help of others and We formulate the concept for an Indian Ocean Industrial Investment Promotion Center - having weighed the views of then economic bloc of OAU/South Africa, the CARICOM and Pacific. 

I circulated the draft to as many Trusted and able to understand the issues and their remarks. The CIA, the French, British, South African, the Mossad, then KGB and others must have got their copy - then manner such diplomatic and economic issues were worked out. 

The corrected version sent to the many relevant officials including Seychelles - the need to remind everybody in Seychelles, after a meeting with Mr Fayon form the Government Ministry in Vienna - how acknowledge that Document had been received and a letter addressed to my person had also reached Vienna - because of the important interests Mr Fayon - how had know my person very well and Judge EJ Stiven and many others - suddenly he fell very ill and died - those who know such complex workings he was eliminated - killed. We also monitored many associated issues and a number of important individuals have lost their lives beside the Collateral fall out - the USSR and USA refused to speak and acknowledge - it was just an accident or the such and the many other innocent - give me the resource and staff will make a proper list. 

What about the many co related issues surrounding Seychelles, the many then small Indian Ocean nations, OAU Africa, Gulf Region and Asia, then India, Pakistan and Bangladesh and Afghanistan. The USA, British and European media these are small idiots, half people, imbeciles we write and tell them any crap and it will be believed as reality. 

In Africa, the Indian ocean and today's workings including those from WEF/Davos everybody can talk and write a concpet - the ability and capacity to see and help it come reality is another matter - this we have proved to the world time and time a gain. What it has taken as part of the Seychelles exiles/Refugee the past 30 years to play our part that not only the COI got started and the prestige the Mauritius - we tell them bluntly to their faces - because our ancestors are from Mauritius and Reunion and France. It was our idea and vision - not Mauritius and we were compel to play third fiddle and they took all the credits. 

Beside these are issues we/I had been educated/trained in again citing those from Colonial Britain , Austria and France, Italy, Switzerland we have been in contact with including the USA, south Africa, Kenya. 

We want to address the current Chair of the COI and those involved - you ask what kind of society the world is building - out there there are individual with the same head, brain and even better education, they can think, study and research and debate in private - what I/we have been writing and then there are those who share the issues quietly. 

Beside the point - then 1979, then world benchmark in the Templar, church, interfaith, Illuminati and Masonic workings - we had worked/sued those instruments as we did our research and many discussions and debate. 

This December 2013, with the help/support of other made it to Vienna - the lat time was in Vienna the Berlin Wall still stood and that Autunm of my return to Kilburn - Brent the Wall fell. I decided to go and pray in from of everybody in the church of the Maltese Order on Kantner street, where I had bought my coat for work, office cloth, hats and shoes next road my old office and the many law firms we had known and instance we owned money for work done. In Mauritius and the countries of the COI all of you who will ignore what we have addressed here - yet you expect that with the knowledge and expertise we have acquired to help as much as we can - the need to state openly as their exist a mechanism and discipline to build there exist mechanism and discipline to undo and unbuild. 

Among Dr Chancellor Dr Bruno Kreisky Government a fine person in his Cabinet Dr Joseph Staribacber - a very good friend of the Austrian/Jewish Family we had been important associated with, their business and many friends - he/they had helped, all those who knew and this January 2014 he passed away. {"The above said, those who educated and trained us what we were to talk and not talk about share and not share or keep quiet/shut up - how many remmebrs the old UNIDO buildings - the UN were thinking of pulling out of Vienna - those involved in concepting the Vienna INternational conferencen Center, then East West politic and Cold War, we had been involved in crap in Austria President Obama would say - we contributed along with the like of Professor Dr Hofmann and other leading Vienna/Austrian personality in driving the issues which helped Dr Kreisky against all the odds and opposition to build this project - in my/our case we had learnt of the Austrian Nutral politic in the Indian Ocean - we were intertsted in other important issues of the Region as as such this Center."} to put in politely we had acquired the discipline to help a company merge/ rebuild its entities or go bust and we had been active in Austria as well as Germany, Italy and Switzerland. 

Those of you in Mauritius,  Seychelles and other place who have adopted a very Black Africa comportment - very nasty position. One day you will suffer - other worse and more terrible criminals will do to you worse than you have done to others. 

Then hopefully you will remember or take the few minutes to think.

We would like to add something - why was then Lord Mc Alpine choose to be Mrs Thatcher very close and special adviser in certain fields and issues - we/Our person was involved in that decision.  All those in Mauritius, Seychelles and African Union who call and considers themselves the greatest and greater Freemason that have existed. 

la Commission de l’océan Indien

Indian Ocean Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Before the world got the WWW - and many leading libraries still exist - that the British Library, South Kensington Library, " it was not the norm" for unrecognized, unknown individuals to write and present, debate their view on a given more complex aspect of world, nation working unless he was very famous and the process to achieve this and those involved and the establishments, clubs, control media and Institutions.

Again the existence of the Royal Institute from Strategic Studies - some of the old material, samples can still be studied and mus of it now archived online - the same challenges is to be noted. 

This said, how do one quantify, analyse, access the impacts, report and equate their respective correlation  - meaning.  Those around then Professor Dr Micheal Hofmann, our Interdisciplinary Management Institute Team/Executives - held the capacity to debate, develop formulas and discuss in depth such workings - unlike when you work for a an/a given Intelligence Service then, the restriction, you limitation and scope unless you were very important and at he top of the  pecking order.  

We had given and taken to weighing  and study in greater depth, the impacts of many of a given nation highly complex workings and as such any issues we had to get/become involve directly or indirectly. 

The very vast complexities of the Indian Ocean Cold War, None Aligned politic, the Francophone, the commonwealth, the many wars, the very many players and their respective interests. We also read a lot of News Week and supposedly highly rater news papers specializing  in a given field. Compare their views, comment  and evaluation. 

Hence - the issues we have tried to address - it is very demanding to formulate such a project - today's benchmark you are required to be concern with the immediate objectives set out/map out - outlined. 

However in the case of that Indian ocean Industrial Investment and Promotion Center - we were n ot content with just writing an Economic concept - we took to monitoring very many highly complex associated issues. They were very many - it is a science and discipline. 

One of the possibly enjoyable very little aspect of this overall work - was when those decided, they became impresses and synergies to write the Film for Tom Cruise and it was not going to be Cruise either - Top Gun. The Top Gun real darker and shadier energy was the fact in creating that Indian Ocean Industrial Investment  and Promotion Center - the many highly complex cold War, Nato, USA  and Intelligence issues, then BIOT - Diego Garcia and that of the USSR and Warsaw Pact. 

In the USA, Paris, Germany, Italy, London the big media and Film and entertainment wich were/was being impacted and the Films, plays etc., 

When you begin to work such highly complex issues after a time you acquire the knowledge and expertise to work even more complexes issues and impact and manage them.  That was London 1982, then Europe, then USA,  the USSR, then COMECON, the Indian Ocean Region, then OAU, China, India, Pakistan

In London and Europe those who knew and aware of our ability. 

Top gun Film

Top Gun (soundtrack)


Saturday, 11 January 2014

The linkage mechanism which everybody/media refuse to acknowledge in modern politic - General/PM Ariel Sharon

We heard  over the TV of the passing away of former General/Israel PMAriel Sharon, who passed away according to the Israeli professor from the Medical complex he had been at for the past years - one hour ago.

Having addressed a number of important linkage of/with in that SIROP program of 1987/88, with the Israeli, Jewish nation, people and their past the mechanism we had decided to apply to bring about the due changes and process.

For the past one hour have been listening to Al Jazzera, RT, ITV and BBC announcements, comments and commentaries over the life and legacy of Ariel Sharon.

The issues which raced our mind ought we to react and comment if wise what and which.
Last Saturday after the visit to the SDA Church in Vienna, walked by the USA Embassy and took some photos, then went into the University of Vienna Computer and IT Campus to check certain issues then onto the Jewish Museum - it was closed because of he Sabbath, we ought to have known - one Sunday woke up early to travel to the Museum - as is the case staying in collective place/dorm we tend to discuss our program, itinerary and days events.

Later the article in the afternoon we wrote of our visit, the discovery of the old and new Jewish population in Vienna and the version of History.  We had been equally monitoring the health issues surrounding the deteriorating health issues of General/PM Ariel Sharon - those who shared the issues he may pass away whilst we were in Vienna given that he had played such a crucial role - decision and negotiations and linkage that/which would allow those 250,000 former USSR and COMECON Jews beside Ethiopian to migrate to Israel, the USA and beyond. 

As a matter of fact had addressed those important Viennese Jewish personality we had known then back 1979/80' - those who held the view we had to be prudent and not get involved too deeply and with to much of the Jewish community in Vienna.

What do we mean by linkage mechanism which the media and so call experts refuse to address and throwing the blame of events and incidentdirectly on a given person or personality. For instance between 1977 when we had arrive to Austria and the decision to seek political asylum in Strasbourg/France and later in London - the many highly important issues which arose out of Vienna, then high political personalities, business entities, the former USSR and the then COMECON.  Given that Institutions like/as L'ENA in Paris, then Professor Dr Hofmann both Vienna University prominence in the field of High Interdisciplinary workings, then European Economic Forum, then Pra Science Department working with then Vienna University, Institutions like International Institute for Strategic Studies and the Royal Institute for Strategic Studies in London and a few other to differentiate form National Intelligence workings/Departments.  Those who had began to develop the new mechanism, discipline for political, economic and global working linkage, including then Europe the major politicians and players then 1976 onward and the media approach workings then.
There is the important need to differentiate between those who work and are trained in the field/science of counter Intelligence and the such and those who work with the discipline of Interdisciplinary high management science - then late 1970' s very few and we have stated time and time a very small circle and elite knew/aware of the existence of this discipline and associate mechanism.  When events and issues developed how the media and so call experts choose to report and interpret and explain them as what had been the agenda, issues, reason certain linkage and their mechanism had been applied and the objective and desired goal and over plan if any.

It was because we had a reasonable good understanding of such workings that we were able to become involved in then British economic greater challenges and problematic, finding and working to find solutions - bringing in Professor Von Hayek  and the involvement of the greater Jewish workings, communities in Britain,, France, South Africa,  the USA, Israel and then USSR/COMECON among others.

In then Vienna - their leading politicians and such personalities who knew and were aware of our capabilities and involvements. Should the truth be told and ever get out the many high important issues impacts in Austria workings - including the involvements of the Austrian Hapsburg Family, Dr Otto and his surrounding and networks.

Part of the mechanism, discipline of high Interdisciplinary working is to have the capacity to identify a given individual from a given environment, nation, people one can collaborate, correlate and work out challenges, issues, problematic etc.  Among others in then Israel General Ariel Sharon - again later lady Thatcher and many of his government and ministers who became aware and some of their important political and diplomatic relation  - impacts and what those who write history, those reporters the method and manner they choose to report and the reality.

It is very and completely wrong today to say and blame everything good and bad on former General/PM Ariel Sharon - as such our role and contributions to help see the ICC because of the media, those political Leadership who refuse to work by certain standards - after the due linkage, mechanism applied and things had gone very wrong - those and how they choose to blame and the retributions.  Be it a Charles Taylor or Tito, Saddam Hussein, Qaddafi or Arafat, Mandela  and many others. With the ICC and greater EU workings had demanded and lobby that the linkage and mechanism be taken into consideration.

In addressing the issues of General/PM Sharon everybody refuse to address impacts and events surrounding change in the former COMECON and the USSR which impacted the USA/Israeli and Palestinian workings very negative and positive.  Driving a personality into action or workings way beyond their control and knowledge.

Given the understanding of this discipline and science in the USA and it institutions, personalities like President Reagan, Bush Senior and Junior and Bill Clinton very aware of the linkage and mechanism - yet what the USA media writes and their experts.

We would like to address - this to the regional workings of the Cold War and the Indian Ocean then West, East and None aligned workings - again nobody, none of the media presenting and debating the death of Ariel Sharon mentioned or raised these issues or question.  In turn the region of Sechelles Seychelles, BIOT - Diego Garcia, South Africa, the Horn of Africa and Afghanistan.  Strategic issues of the Indian Ocean workings  and then Libya and the region/North Africa - then OAU.

Among the Reporting problematic/accountability - using this discipline to help put into place media which may support and help address with more/ degree of clarity such workings and issues.

Over the many years we have addressed - their are more complicated mechanism, powers at play an d to our great surprise who we have discovered in Vienna as part of the University Campus and studies such science and discipline are studied as against Britain and France. Because of the Science they study and the University promote - the negative label-lings and tagging.

Including that infernal "highly debate satanic mechanism rolled/applied in the vast workings of modern mankind and its media" how they study and the science they have develop to study this workings and associated phenomena.  Something we had began to address then late Mrs Thatcher Government era, then EU Institutions, commission, Court of Justice, Council of Europe, Ombudsman and European Parliament workings. We have also address the UN and the Vatican to develop the science and discipline to study this phenomena and abnormal workings.

Finally - there are certain very sensitive associated issues related to the health incident with former General/PM Ariel Sharon, just as the assassination  of the former President, the mechanism and linkage, the very same with we have discovered impacted the fate of Professor Dr Micheal Hofmann - what their experts and scientist explain and choose to report - those who study and work alternative science and applied discipline.

General/PM Ariel Sharon had formed part of those that had supported the project for a Trans Europe/Africa Transport - Train Network and the great objective - the mega influx of refugees and migrant in  Israel today - the total mess which have engulf North Africa, economy, politic  and regional workings and those involved and those they attribute the blame if it so choose them and their respective media.  Israel Africa - OAU/AU greater politic.

Ariel Sharon -Wikipedia