Wednesday, 7 November 2012

President Barack Obama re - election - the global media failed responsibilities.

Currently forum FECAS-ECSVS is down very likely the last issues we posted about the two Seychellois pirate issues, Judge EJ Stiven and President JA Michel. This space is not the most appropriate to post this thread - we are pressed for time.

We have been requested to share online our deeper thoughts about the USA 2012 election, process and results - the eventual future - possibilities. We have listened on TV/Online the views of so many experts, Panels and indeed the reality not just President Barack Obama, but President Bill Clinton and President Bush Junior presidency, the important gaps and those so call experts views of which we are very concern.

We request to those who can to research the issues we addressed President Bill Clinton upon his election - the time, ongoing changes in the COMECON, the USSR, the issues of Yugoslavia. on account of the very special reason, process then Bill Clinton had been chosen to become the USA President and those who have the capacity to quasi gather all the relevant info/details about such candidate and personality. Why he was chosen and we underlined this time and time again.

The COMECON  and the USSR was not changed by guns and killing like the North African Spring, Iraq, Yugoslavia other places where the USA believe you can only change by the power and use of guns. We worked hard to drive this home to President Bill Clinton and the reaction of the Pentagon, the Services - CIA, FBI and State Department how dare we. The many other nations involved, including the former USSR, China their respective media their views. Forget the view of President Francois Mitterrand because he was behaving just like the USA high parties.

Very important in the face of this historic, very peaceful change in the COMECON and the USSR after it had come together by 1 and 2 World War events. The USA very major and big mistake and we will repeat it here - to shoe to the world they were Master of the situation, they created and took major role in the mess with other parties to break up Yugoslavia and the outcome. Thus the need to involved NATO and militarize that part of Europe and drag the European Agendas, dynamic it/with it, what really ensued.

Suddenly - to undermine those who had been involved the COMECON and USSR change the USA began to create situation in the Gulf Region, North Africa - again so that those in USA could show the world the USA was in control, forget the issues of the Taliban and Al Kaida.  {Among many other we have corp-orated with Dr Henry Kissinger}

Hence why we have time and time again question - why did the USA - White House allocate the CIA the Budge of 21 billions and this was President Bill Clinton  doing and he had been shared a great deal of information about the real issues of the changes in the COMECON, the USSR and elsewhere - the very reason those who had put him in Office.

Those involved had been fully aware of the Warsaw Pact Military situation, most important he Block financial situation as well as that of the USA and the rest of the Western Nations then. President Bill Clinton had been put in Office because it had been judge he would be able to carry a great deal of changes that the world required using the USA resource - gone were the days were just guns, brutal force and nuclear capabilities counted. He failed and what followed. We have also address the issues of IOR - RIM issues.  President Clinton had been associated with force/parties who had brought the changes in the COMECON and the USSR, next was a real agenda for Africa, Asia and the Gulf Region - not the preaching of the UN but what the people wished.

Again the reflection - instead of formulating/help formulate the kind of Policies that would change Africa drastically - events, the wars and Terror issues, Famine.

We will not enter the issues of President Bush Junior election and Presidency - sufficient to say those who work in such field and issues as we do - just like China needed changing, the USSR and the COMECON, the USA needed changing. Just as we studied and worked the issues of the COMECON  and USSR change, we have in depth understanding of the USA workings and vast complexities - thus our statement had we been in France or Germany at the time of the COMECON change the USSR and the former COMECON  would be a different landscape, so to EU and the world. Those in the USA who failed to grasp the opportunity to contribute to changes to  the world/global working. those who went about piece meal changing thing or patching up as they say.

We spent a great deal of time researching and listening on the many arguments and debate about the four year of President Obama at the white House on all issues and some very controversial and those of the Republican candidate. The vast majority of the debate was about USA needs, its people - none addressed the call these,  the world had changed, the balance of economic, social and financial power had change to the Indian Ocean - the very reason those who helped put president  Obama in Office and indeed the president himself never discussed the core issues affecting the future of the Indian Ocean Region for a social and Economic, Scientific prospective.
Those who had helped President Obama come to Office the first time in 2008, the Euphoria yes we can, those in Africa, EU and Asia who believed in him - with a good handful of salt. We/they had seen and studied the social economic/political situation developing in the USA where by under President Bush Senior the large section of the Latin /Hispanic communities who supported his politic and policy - yet come President Bush Junior, again those involved who was well  aware that the time was coming when radical political share of power in the USA would/was about to take place.

"The Kenya PM this evening when ask to comment on President Obama re -election he said this - the world media and large majority had judge /concluded it was chance/flux that president Obama had been elected and his reelection proved otherwise. He has been briefed in the issues of the Indian Ocean Regional workings- the other coin/side of the African Union people and the media refuse to discuss in public. Again President Obama very important reason to be elected in 2008 and those who brought about the North African Spring change - the blood bath, the utter mess and all the major/important social; economic and democratic workings set back 10/20 years.

We recollect the 2008 President Obama election and Welcome party to the white House, the crowd this time and yet again the thousands and the global media who failed and refused to acknowledge this face - not body even took the time to even mention it all the great experts. Yet it could have gone very wrong for President Obama and the Democratic Party as it did for PM Gordon Brown and after two years the issues which have come about/out in the public. We have near 30 years of experience in this field. The same media their attitude, benchmark handling the issues of the COMECON and USSR changes, the Reunification and the Treuhand/privatization issues. Their completely racist and arrogant stand as if the Indian Ocean Region is some Balkan, god forsaken place on earth or some place. The prefer to drum up war, killing and destruction - they get more public demand and viewing/coverage.

We have experience one of the world worst financial melt down some 60 most important banks and financial institutions in the USA failed. This said the politic President Obama followed and set in place, events in EU particularly.

During the whole of the early election for the white House nobody talked about the real reason President Obama had been put in office - his Indian Ocean African roots, the alternative mechanism and workings we have addressed over the many years.

Some $6 billions has been spent on TV and other election tools - yet the Republican camp completely failed and refused to note that President Obama had been elected in 2008 on a large Latino/Hispanic, Black, Asian USA share of the population as against the white- we, those who had foreseen this situation. development at the time of electing President Bill Clinton and at this election the very reality - come 2016 the next USA Presidential election the situation.

This said the aspiration of the Latin American economic, political and social aspiration. The aspiration of the Black USA populace and the Asians - the long overdue need/requirement  having failed in 1988/91 to grasp the situation and radically formulate new global policy. The need to formulate a global politic and policies that will encompass, embrace the aspiration of the Hispanic populace, the Black and Asian sector of the USA population and in turn who this reflect in the greater Indian ocean Region economic, social and scientific workings. The future generation. We are not writing a lecture here or a doctorate, simply sharing our views.

President Obama need to formulate a new Regional Indian Ocean Economic, Social and political partnership and this include Africa - not the same reason as the Yugoslavia war was started and many such other issues. Time has changed and the people are not stupid After 22 years of the COMECON  and USSR change, what ought /could have been and those who planned, engineered the Regional India ocean development - they developed and acquired a great deal of knowledge and scientific wealth. Unlike the British and other who refused to learn - should the USA fail/refuse to learn and contribute to put in place such entities and major workings - then come January 2013 when the terrible fiscal package and other draconian measures is schedule to become law - the world will yet again experience a very real if not terminal economic and financial meltdown.

By the way we addressed a thread about Folkestone in Kent and a link to the last Gathering of the IOR - RIM nations, 29th October - 2nd November, 2012

Obama - Biden  Official site 

Die sechs Gründe für Obamas Sieg

 BBC News coverage of the Election

 L'Europe craint un plus grand interventionnisme d'Obama II

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