Sunday, 30 December 2012

The appointment of Norman Schwarzkopf, - death and that SIROP program

We ask/request all those who do not know the facts/did not know to do theirrespective research before they jump to conclusion.

As early as 1981 we had acquired the connection of Leading and importantFrench General - those in France who judge we could play an important role inchanging Sechelles Seychelles one party state/Communist regime.  The French Intelligence knew of those Seychelloisin Exile they could work with - capable of undertaking the high responsibilityto change Seychelles. Sir James Mancham was not on that List. Friends andacquaintance he had - but after the South Africa mercenary mega mess - theserious military at that the French had no confidence in him.  We had also had the opportunity totalk/discuss with senior South African, Israeli, French, Austrian High militaryOperative about the ability and capability of Sir James Mancham in then exile.We took more to listening as we had been taught than  to loud mouth and talk crap - the worse anyserious Senior military will tolerate. Only give you view when ask for.

For those who know we had already acquired a number of years ofcontributing to such issues. Be it the USA, USSR, the COMECON, South Africa,Britain, France, Italy and Germany.

It was those collective experiences that led our person to decide whenrequested by the percentage of Seychelles exile community to take over theresponsibility of Mr Gerrard Houreau to find a Solution that we decidedMilitary option/Solution to change then Seychelles Communist system/One Partysystem was not on my/our agenda - my surprise when those form the aboveNations' reacted robustly - because we had taken that conclusion - form ourpart - the first time we state this - those who ought to have known and were inthe know.

That SIROP program was a very serious Topic for those insider, the very Seniormany high Officials from the Nation mention above - because, given that the mechanismat work, was influencing a great deal of very high global, regional, internationaland National politic, diplomacy, finance, economic and military issues anddevelopment - beside scientific and media issues.  The other aspect our own capabilities andtraining in term of High Interdisciplinary management discipline to make suchcontribution - again those who  recalland know the debate as to who would be best to Head the US Arm Force -particularly the Gulf Region.

Had we not been involved - able to make such contribution - other namewould have been put forward. To note the issues of the Falkland War, the Frenchinvolvement what we have addressed briefly. Those in the USA very high up who knew of these issues.

Cover briefly then President Ronald Reagan Office and some of theappointments and nominations - the debacle of Secretary General  Gorbachev, the issues of Mr Gromyko, Edward Shevardnadze leaving then Mr Gorbachev totake the responsibility in His country those involved very high in the world whoknew the issues. The very politic, of Mr Gorbachev what mechanism was impactingit/them - those in USA, Germany France and Britain who knew it - what waswritten in the media/ press and TV in comparison.  We had a great deal of respect of the Soviet intelligenceService. Until today we cannot understand why when they were provided with theinformation - what was really driving Mr Gorbachev to make certaindecision  and this a the Highest level ofSoviet Military, Diplomatic, Intelligence, National and Economic, they havenever addressed it.  For anybody to getinvolve - play a leading in the changes that took place in the COMECON - USSR,that person must have know a great deal and had very good capabilities. Just thinkof all the properly trained diplomats, their resources, their respectivenational intelligence Services, their Politicians and many important world andnational institutions and the media - their concern and greater politicaldebate - objective. What took all if not most of them by surprise.

At the time of the Super Gun debacle - then Lady Tacther government, establishment and the media, thelunacy/near madness that prevailed - because we had dared not to follow thedirective and take the responsibility to put in place the required people, planand talk for a military Operation as was the norm for all those Small nationsfrom Africa, Indian Ocean and West Indies and Asia. We had dared to put acomplete mad Plan forward in the form of that SIROP program - the system , establishmentreacted and our important working connection of then Seychelles government and those in the Oil and Arm Industry, theyjudge the could muddle/dirty the water is the proper word by setting up SaddamHussein, his connections, indirectly upsetting/ making it very difficult todevelop, put together the required connection, discussion and resources for theSIROP program. The Office of then US President was reasonably informed, awareof those issues - their London and Paris Embassy. Both Seychelles governmentand the Seychelles exile/our person had very important and influentialGerman/Austrian and Swiss working high connections. With out going into thedetails this influenced the very appointment and nomination of Genera Schwarzkopf l.  As such they wereuntil the decision to name him as the Head of the Allies Forces, again thePresident F Mitterrand, some of his Ministers, Military and illuminate/Masonichigh workings knew about those issues. As against what the media took towriting and later what was recorded.

We had tried to address the Germany government, their London Embassy, theAustrian, the Italian and particularly President F Mitterrand that developmentaround the Super Gun issues - circus were not real, it was a fabrication, con,set up and why. We also had a meeting with the Russian on this subject andtried to get the South African to help and the Israeli Embassy to help. Just asthe North African super fiasco going on - those so call senior diplomatsrefused to do anything and those who knew they would not be able to do anything- who abuse this working.

The more we pressed ahead with the very many aspect of the highly complexprogram of SIROP  given the web we havepresented some of the complexities for the public  and others. The worse, the Saddam Hussein politicand those who was driving him to invade Kuwait. Those who understood the mechanism - a few great individuals we had beenin quasi contacts like Dr Henry Kissinger and some in France for the the eliteof France Command knew/were aware. Now because this SIROP Program required agreat deal of good will, support, contributions from Seychelles many importantCommunist workings, diplomacy, finance, economy, military - we had to have theability to check, reviews those/such issues with the high parties, theirMilitary and intelligence service and others - most important President FA Renehimself, those from the Gulf Region, Latin America, Asia, Africa, Pakistan andIndia.

Had we not put that SIROP program, the way, manner we did - there would nothave been a Kuwait Invasion - with great certainty. In the build up to theAllies force, NATO, the media circus, what was really going on. For instancePresident Saddam Hussein and those who supported him just could not understandwhy that SIROP Mechanism was impacting certain important military developmentand yet when he and those who supported endeavored to enlist it it/they failed- like wise the Allies Force.

We do not know the requirement for making public such information in theUSA with out getting into big trouble. General Schwarzkopf once appointed he familiarizedhimself with all the aspect of our person knowledge and experience in suchissues, all those involved and certainly all the complexities of that SIROPprogram - the German Unification, the Austrian high connection, the Italian,most important the French and what he had to advice then President Bush - whatPresident Bush knew and what he has shared to the public and Officials - thereis very important disparity.  Whatmechanism we used to communicate with then White House, its IntelligenceService, Military and many others the many workings and development of thisSIROP program.

All along President FA Rene had and maintained and developed his ownnetworks, military and intelligence connections - we/ I had known of this andthe challenges it would pose/prove and certainly when Sir James Mancham, DrFerrari, Minister D Joubert, Mr Christopher Savy and those from the MPRExecutive took to hijacking that SIROP program - what they did not know and certainlythey would be no match to President FA Rene and they had refused tolisten.  The total Fiasco  - forget the Constitution debate, the localoppositions. They had no clue what was going on Internationally in  the greater workings of diplomacy, militaryand economy of the world and the region. General Schwarzkopf and those from  hisOffice knew of this.

It is really strange the way nation carry on with wars and their objective. Saddam Hussein and a few hadtried to make a few bucks on arms and selling technology - the USA and thoseinvolved when they realized the potential of that SIROP program how they set upproper shop as they say to develop a massive platform - connectivity tobenefits the USA in many aspects, likewise Britain - France many entities, theItalian, the Germans, the Austrians and a few others.  We will not go into the details here becausethis is not the purpose of this thread. Hover sufficient to say that that platformwas linked to President FA Rene Platform and highly complex high corporateworkings, former COMECON, USSR and Gulf Region Officials. Particularly in thePrivatization of the East German economy, that of the USSR and former COMECON.

What is equally important, those form Solidarnos and other former COMECONactivist who was given Power and later plastered with Honorary doctor titleslike our current Sir James Mancham and those who know the reality - what wasdriving them and who the real credit ought to be given.  Little wonder the young generation likeJulian Assange and many others who are fully aware that a great deal of those/suchissues have been buried, covered and dumped in some storage they want to dig itup, dig into it try and find  out whatreally took place. In return the scorpion nest and vipers nest they haveunleashed upon themselves.

As the Founder of SIROP we have asked for accountability and had the Nationsupported this call, the Oppositions and the International community suchissues would have had to come out, debate and addressed even if in close roomand the such and proper notes made/taken down.

Having played a very important role in General Schwarzkopf nomination and appointment howshortly upon the Allies Army was put together this relation change and webecame antagonist.  He was/became one ofthose hell bent to destroy - oppose that SIROP program at all cost - whateverit took and cost. President Reagan, President Bush Senior, Junior, PresidentClinton, President Carter and certainly some of the Kennedy Family were put inthe know for good reason over the course of time.

What also need to be said those in London who knew much more than we havewritten here and using it to influence his judgment and the White House, theMedia, public and European decision makers and the public.

Until we went to Angers - Loire with the active knowledge of then PM Johnmajor and President F Mitterrand, those three suitcase, the Red Delsey for the pregnantmother - the Mauritius politic and connections then and my grey Samsonite -newfrom Selfridges. In the course of my workings had used at least two or three.Most important that Old suitcase of the Epstine/Beloff Family we had put allthe SIROP papers, many notes and documents. That suit case was not empty.  TheUSA Intelligence and others we had taken those documents to France and thereasons - events nobody have addressed, not even  President Mitterrand and his manyassociates.  Most important to say/notethat Gulf War could have been averted if managed differently - those who knew.General Schwarzkopf one the major Military personality who opposed my return toSeychelles lead and take any part in that SIROP program, then those form USApolitic.  There is one person alive whoknow and is aware of these issues - General Colin Powel.

The vast majority in Seychelles particularly our politicians, those whowanted to change Seychelles, African, Arabs, Indians, Pakistan did not know ofsuch issues until recently when we began sharing it in public.

We have taken some pictures of Harrods today - those who had ask me to buythe two suit case at Harrods, the Kashogi Family connection and we had said nofor very many reasons - instead choose Selfridge and over the many years themany important good will and benefits they have got/acquired and what theywrite about the the media. I/We had know of these development and impact beforewe decided to buy and suitcase and my decision to use the Epstine/Beloff oldsuitcase.  By the way Sir James Manchamknew none of these until very recently too.

In as much as we refused to take the good advice and buy those suitcasesfrom Harrods - we did go a couple of time to look at their options, we triedtheir perfume then also - what we have addressed about this Program impactingand affecting perfume development, high Fashion, cooking - restaurant and hautecuisine,  the cinema and the bothclassical and popular music , the arts sports. Most important what we have beenaddressing - given our French ancestral Heritage have stated we decided touse/choose a Toulouse Lautrec  recipe,Sir James Mancham for all his great knowledge of food and wine was not awareand lady Thatcher wanted to crucify our person because she judge we werebelittling British cooking - she went up in Arms.  Today we have a proper Tourist and HotelAcademy, our University,  anybody whocare to do an MA or BA trying to cook a Toulouse Lautrec - President FA Rene inspite of letting him know he had no clue, let alone the Seychelles politiciansand Oppositions - we in turn have developed the most terrible bad eating habitssince 1991 - may be the God's have come to punish us too as they say - we hadpromised to buy a Toulouse Lautrec cook book for President FA Rene - he judgewe were winding him up too.

There are very many important issues relating to Angers - Loire, theChurch,  then GeneraSchwarzkopf , theFrench government, Intelligence service and the Masonic/illuminati establishment  we have to wait more time before we make it public.  That SIROP program in reality was not aboutjust $500 - $800 millions economic package/development program- it was a muchbigger program involving many $ trillions, the restructuring of the USA andWestern finance, Economy, that of the USSR former Russia and the COMECON  countries and the total mess we landed ourself into. What about the appointment and nomination of Mr DSK, those who knewof the issues, closely related.  Whatreally took place at the IMF and World Bank instead.  They also formed part ofthe New ECU and later EURO issues and the total mess we have landed our selfinto the good Lord only know what they have done with all the information andwhat else.  The Gulf War, Kuwait adiversion from the greater picture. Most important how the Soviet  and their Allies have been short change ifthat is the proper expression and the current development in global relation.  It is also very sad about such greatworkings, many of those involved have departed and leaving us - taking alltheir most important secrets with them - what we think we know or have beenwritten and the truth is far from the truth and then reality of issues.

After the Gulf War events and our involvement - personal challenge with theGeneral Schwarzkopf, his high Office and events, much more his Corporate high Associates to agreater extent this is what this thread is all about -  those who really know the Truth. Includingthose who would have wished him as US President - events, what the media do notwrite about.

Harrods Knight Bridge
Angers Loire where those three suit cases were left

Thursday, 6 December 2012

30e anniversaire : Ramgoolam offre Rs 15 millions à la Commission de l’océan Indien

We have read the statement at L’express over the decision of PM Ramgoolam to donate $500,000 to the COI on its 30th anniversary and the very brief comments below.

Our Seychelles exile/refugee community in EU are not invited to such events – we are excluded and yet the historic events, development surrounding the formation, so call meetings by then respective heads of state 30 years ago to set up this Regional body.

How many of these so call leading politicians – including PM Ramgoolam would dare to come forward in public and address the state of global politic not 30 years ago but 1979. It had been just two years since the coup d’état in Sechelles Seychelles. There had already been two attempted counter coup d’état in Seychelles by Summer 1979 our discussions with senior staff of UNIDO/World Bank in Vienna, politicians, diplomats and news media in Vienna where then old UNIDO building used to be – the make shift accommodation.

The actual climate between those staff/workers of the UNIDO, those who represented the West ideological interests, economic and politic, institutional views and those form the USSR, COMECON Block, Communist world and Warsaw Pact. Vienna was a very neutral country and in spite – the undercurrent and, tension, the likely hood that you made one mistake, one false step would you be killed. Forget the spying going using every dirty methods by both Camps.

What about then Austrian government of Dr Bruno Kreisky, his Ministers – its relation with the USA, USSR, COMECON, Warsaw Pact, the Arab World, then OAU, Asia, Latin America. We had belong to one of the few Seychellois then to have had contact with some of the officials and individuals, those family members of my then Austrian wife –ex Pirate Arms deputy Manager, that President Mancham had given 24 hours to leave Seychelles and the reasons. Then working of Seychelles government.

The prospective form Indian Ocean, Africa, the Gulf Region, Asia – India and Pakistan and South Asia, Australia and most important South Africa. Most of the leading international Strategic report, documents, research and recommendations be they form the French Ministry or British colonial files and that of the USA is available. These Powers had a specific political view, their interest for the Indian Ocean. Mauritius had no voice because of its politic – meaning it was an independent state with the Queen as head of state and as such how it formulated it politic, foreign politic and international workings. Then Madagascar situation – the government of President Didier Ratsiraka its impact on/in Indian Ocean regional workings, that of both Comoro, the French Interests, that of Seychelles, Reunion the French important interests – the role of the Soldiers of fortunes. The politic and reasons for their respective engagement.

Most important then None aligned Movement in the Region, the function and responsibility – most of their papers, documents and the such is still there for anybody to research and make their conclusion.

Most important the role of the USSR, the COMECON Block, Warsaw pact interests and influence, military economic, scientific in the Indian Ocean region, then Africa – South African entity, the utter bitter and violent situation between then South Africa and the Communist Block, their respective agents and many interests. We defy and challenge anybody in Mauritius alive to come forward and explain, tell us they knew and know better than we did of the situation then and what was going on. Including their intelligence Service and police.

Then we had/have President FA Rene – we have read many issues at SFP Blog about issues affecting daily lives of Seychelles but the greater political, economic and military reasons for FA Rene pursuing the politic he did and those involved have never been debated and addressed. 

What about the former Ministers of President Mancham – their state of mind, lives, daily ongoing in London, their respective connections and contacts. The politics of the exile, those like Mr Felix Hoareau who had set up SEA in Swansea and bitter division, interfight between the exile factions – those manipulating them.

We had been in contact by phone only form Vienna shortly after events of 1978 our landing in Vienna instead of buying a Private health hotel and leaving a quiet life as the Family had wished and so to my then wife. 

We had had contacts with the South African, the French Embassy, the Israeli and the USA people later embassy – not British, because of our conclusion they had muck up – it was their fault we had landed in the mess and they had enough problem of their own to become involved and contribute to anything positive.

We had taken to discussion with very many leading personalities about the situation in Seychelles and the Indian Ocean. Forget Dr Maxime Ferrari visit to Vienna – his comportment is no better then, the present lot of Ministers and position of Dr Karl Pisec. He was only interested to have the Hon Consul to further his business interests.

Since 1978, from the Old UNIDO building we had been pressing very many in Vienna under the above briefly mention political, economic and military conditions to help/support us to do something to change the current development in Seychelles – the direction of things. We shared information we have never shared in public to date – the Policy of then British government long Term and where it had gone wrong. Obviously they cheek the issues and information we have presented and what followed. They realised we were not daft/some stupid moron for a small Island.

We do not have the statement of President Mancham address to the UN – but we do know we addressed the UNIDO officials because we could not address the UN official in person about the possibility of helping change Seychelles by force and their reaction. We were told bluntly that the UNIDO or UN was not there to change government by military force – however had we a serious economic program and concept for our country they would help implement and support it. That was the same ray of light/hope we had been given and we hung onto it. We were also very aware of the coverts workings of the UN and its other bodies. 

The Seychelles Opposition knew nothing, the Madagascar government knew noting or very little, Mauritius and the British knew little safe their secret service at UNUIDO/Vienna, the French knew very little safe the South African and a few individuals, took the initiative and risk which we had been explain would entail/involved and decided to research into the workings and function of then CARICOM and such Small state groupings - These research took nine months to do and our first draft paper – titled Indian Ocean Industrial Investment promotion Centre – the UN/World Bank and UNIDIO were handed posted copies of the research. We had been offered a posting to Africa after President FA Rene refused/failed to endorse our Job application to World Bank/ IMF post. Our letter ought o have been saved on archive.

The issues today and past you may have great ideas and research – the important question is to have the capacity to formulate, help or put it then in action in the face of whatever and most brutal opposition. Some of the issues we have been involved which may never come out – cold resolve was required to convinced the UN many bodies, the so call international communities and those in the Indian Ocean that the idea was a good one, implementable then in 1979 in the face of then political global situation and regional situation and None Aligned movement stand. 

There had been a number of important military as well as economic issues involving then USA and its allies and the USS, China then Warsaw pact and China, Gulf region respective supporting state of their respective camps , Indian and Pakistan, South Africa which had cost lives – involved military operations and their respective leading politicians , national institutions and military. These have never came about to date in relation to the setting up of the COI. President F Mitterrand, those in Germany, Italy, the USA, South Africa, China, the USSR and some of the COMECON HEAD state got to know later, including individual like President /Saddam Hussein, President Khadafy, Nyerere, Mobutu, those in North /Africa, those in India and Pakistan.

This is one of our avid reason for the CERN project and the WWW development – those who lied and have lied and covered up and their control of thing and events of the Cold War and the so call media and what wiki leak may have leaked.

Yet events of the past 30 years – those like Sir James Mancham today who think he is the most important person in the world for the Indian Ocean, those form African Union and the current political lots. It was our political plight, looking and seeking for solution to our then mess that led me to undertake this research and risk our lives and Family. You lot in Seychelles do not understand and quite appreciate its meaning. What it took and take to peat your working capacity against the best of the USSR, South African, Israel, British, French, USA, China and many other nations and still be able to work and stay alive and the conclusions. Those of you from the exile/refugee in Seychelles who have return you attitude and positions. You have your properties back, some of your lost freedoms and enjoy what your ancestors started we – we have nothings and those 21,000 still in exile and they are being excluded and the sleaze, con, propaganda from Seychelles government the COI and RIM Association respective bodies and that of the Commonwealth, the UN, the Francophone, the AU. Events like the North African Spring ought to have been more wide spread for the crap the nations and people have had to take the past 30 years and the cover up.

What we have addressed is brief and scant. We defy and challenge any of the above mention to interview our person indepth. What we had written in private notes – that that research upon its presentation proved became the first important, serious to then West/USA and allies verses the USSR, Communist workings in the Indian Ocean. The Pentagon, CIA and KGB have their own report and conclusion on this work. We had been very clear in our private note what we had hoped to achieve. Do you in Mauritius know the capabilities and power, resources of the USA and allies then and the USA, the Communist global block, China, Latin America, Asia and Gulf region workings.

Copy of this research however baldy written ought to be in a show case in our national archive as Tourists attraction and people should be coming round the world to see it and read it. How about this Idea Minister Alan St Ange, like all Seychellois only what come from/out of then is vital and important.

PM Dr Ramgoolam to take the heat off the Jean Jacques Family issues – come forward and offer $500,000 gift to the COI and those who are easily control conn they fall for it. Their highly corrupted benchmark in place.

You have all the west media they write ton of crap over Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya we dare then to put a Team of researchers on this issues what they will find and unearth – the filth and then what the respective Indian Ocean media have written.

We want to ask everybody in Seychelles those hundreds of laptops given to those school children what do they use it for and those from the older of them. We could have been very rude – will refrain. Equally important all those who have praised the current chair of COI Mr Jean Claude de l'Estrac former head of L’express for many years what they – he and his papers have address the past 30 year they ought to be ashamed and go and hide themselves. Their benchmark. We have got a couple of hobos – white, nerds, pretending they work of the Interpol and such service in the computer room where we are and obviously listening, picking, creaming off what we are working on and they are threathing us that the British Commonwealth Freemason will have us killed for what we are writing.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

President Barack Obama re - election - the global media failed responsibilities.

Currently forum FECAS-ECSVS is down very likely the last issues we posted about the two Seychellois pirate issues, Judge EJ Stiven and President JA Michel. This space is not the most appropriate to post this thread - we are pressed for time.

We have been requested to share online our deeper thoughts about the USA 2012 election, process and results - the eventual future - possibilities. We have listened on TV/Online the views of so many experts, Panels and indeed the reality not just President Barack Obama, but President Bill Clinton and President Bush Junior presidency, the important gaps and those so call experts views of which we are very concern.

We request to those who can to research the issues we addressed President Bill Clinton upon his election - the time, ongoing changes in the COMECON, the USSR, the issues of Yugoslavia. on account of the very special reason, process then Bill Clinton had been chosen to become the USA President and those who have the capacity to quasi gather all the relevant info/details about such candidate and personality. Why he was chosen and we underlined this time and time again.

The COMECON  and the USSR was not changed by guns and killing like the North African Spring, Iraq, Yugoslavia other places where the USA believe you can only change by the power and use of guns. We worked hard to drive this home to President Bill Clinton and the reaction of the Pentagon, the Services - CIA, FBI and State Department how dare we. The many other nations involved, including the former USSR, China their respective media their views. Forget the view of President Francois Mitterrand because he was behaving just like the USA high parties.

Very important in the face of this historic, very peaceful change in the COMECON and the USSR after it had come together by 1 and 2 World War events. The USA very major and big mistake and we will repeat it here - to shoe to the world they were Master of the situation, they created and took major role in the mess with other parties to break up Yugoslavia and the outcome. Thus the need to involved NATO and militarize that part of Europe and drag the European Agendas, dynamic it/with it, what really ensued.

Suddenly - to undermine those who had been involved the COMECON and USSR change the USA began to create situation in the Gulf Region, North Africa - again so that those in USA could show the world the USA was in control, forget the issues of the Taliban and Al Kaida.  {Among many other we have corp-orated with Dr Henry Kissinger}

Hence why we have time and time again question - why did the USA - White House allocate the CIA the Budge of 21 billions and this was President Bill Clinton  doing and he had been shared a great deal of information about the real issues of the changes in the COMECON, the USSR and elsewhere - the very reason those who had put him in Office.

Those involved had been fully aware of the Warsaw Pact Military situation, most important he Block financial situation as well as that of the USA and the rest of the Western Nations then. President Bill Clinton had been put in Office because it had been judge he would be able to carry a great deal of changes that the world required using the USA resource - gone were the days were just guns, brutal force and nuclear capabilities counted. He failed and what followed. We have also address the issues of IOR - RIM issues.  President Clinton had been associated with force/parties who had brought the changes in the COMECON and the USSR, next was a real agenda for Africa, Asia and the Gulf Region - not the preaching of the UN but what the people wished.

Again the reflection - instead of formulating/help formulate the kind of Policies that would change Africa drastically - events, the wars and Terror issues, Famine.

We will not enter the issues of President Bush Junior election and Presidency - sufficient to say those who work in such field and issues as we do - just like China needed changing, the USSR and the COMECON, the USA needed changing. Just as we studied and worked the issues of the COMECON  and USSR change, we have in depth understanding of the USA workings and vast complexities - thus our statement had we been in France or Germany at the time of the COMECON change the USSR and the former COMECON  would be a different landscape, so to EU and the world. Those in the USA who failed to grasp the opportunity to contribute to changes to  the world/global working. those who went about piece meal changing thing or patching up as they say.

We spent a great deal of time researching and listening on the many arguments and debate about the four year of President Obama at the white House on all issues and some very controversial and those of the Republican candidate. The vast majority of the debate was about USA needs, its people - none addressed the call these,  the world had changed, the balance of economic, social and financial power had change to the Indian Ocean - the very reason those who helped put president  Obama in Office and indeed the president himself never discussed the core issues affecting the future of the Indian Ocean Region for a social and Economic, Scientific prospective.
Those who had helped President Obama come to Office the first time in 2008, the Euphoria yes we can, those in Africa, EU and Asia who believed in him - with a good handful of salt. We/they had seen and studied the social economic/political situation developing in the USA where by under President Bush Senior the large section of the Latin /Hispanic communities who supported his politic and policy - yet come President Bush Junior, again those involved who was well  aware that the time was coming when radical political share of power in the USA would/was about to take place.

"The Kenya PM this evening when ask to comment on President Obama re -election he said this - the world media and large majority had judge /concluded it was chance/flux that president Obama had been elected and his reelection proved otherwise. He has been briefed in the issues of the Indian Ocean Regional workings- the other coin/side of the African Union people and the media refuse to discuss in public. Again President Obama very important reason to be elected in 2008 and those who brought about the North African Spring change - the blood bath, the utter mess and all the major/important social; economic and democratic workings set back 10/20 years.

We recollect the 2008 President Obama election and Welcome party to the white House, the crowd this time and yet again the thousands and the global media who failed and refused to acknowledge this face - not body even took the time to even mention it all the great experts. Yet it could have gone very wrong for President Obama and the Democratic Party as it did for PM Gordon Brown and after two years the issues which have come about/out in the public. We have near 30 years of experience in this field. The same media their attitude, benchmark handling the issues of the COMECON and USSR changes, the Reunification and the Treuhand/privatization issues. Their completely racist and arrogant stand as if the Indian Ocean Region is some Balkan, god forsaken place on earth or some place. The prefer to drum up war, killing and destruction - they get more public demand and viewing/coverage.

We have experience one of the world worst financial melt down some 60 most important banks and financial institutions in the USA failed. This said the politic President Obama followed and set in place, events in EU particularly.

During the whole of the early election for the white House nobody talked about the real reason President Obama had been put in office - his Indian Ocean African roots, the alternative mechanism and workings we have addressed over the many years.

Some $6 billions has been spent on TV and other election tools - yet the Republican camp completely failed and refused to note that President Obama had been elected in 2008 on a large Latino/Hispanic, Black, Asian USA share of the population as against the white- we, those who had foreseen this situation. development at the time of electing President Bill Clinton and at this election the very reality - come 2016 the next USA Presidential election the situation.

This said the aspiration of the Latin American economic, political and social aspiration. The aspiration of the Black USA populace and the Asians - the long overdue need/requirement  having failed in 1988/91 to grasp the situation and radically formulate new global policy. The need to formulate a global politic and policies that will encompass, embrace the aspiration of the Hispanic populace, the Black and Asian sector of the USA population and in turn who this reflect in the greater Indian ocean Region economic, social and scientific workings. The future generation. We are not writing a lecture here or a doctorate, simply sharing our views.

President Obama need to formulate a new Regional Indian Ocean Economic, Social and political partnership and this include Africa - not the same reason as the Yugoslavia war was started and many such other issues. Time has changed and the people are not stupid After 22 years of the COMECON  and USSR change, what ought /could have been and those who planned, engineered the Regional India ocean development - they developed and acquired a great deal of knowledge and scientific wealth. Unlike the British and other who refused to learn - should the USA fail/refuse to learn and contribute to put in place such entities and major workings - then come January 2013 when the terrible fiscal package and other draconian measures is schedule to become law - the world will yet again experience a very real if not terminal economic and financial meltdown.

By the way we addressed a thread about Folkestone in Kent and a link to the last Gathering of the IOR - RIM nations, 29th October - 2nd November, 2012

Obama - Biden  Official site 

Die sechs Gründe für Obamas Sieg

 BBC News coverage of the Election

 L'Europe craint un plus grand interventionnisme d'Obama II

Friday, 5 October 2012

The British media, USA, EU and international media critic at President Obama poor performance at the Denver USA Debate

We/ I do not have to share my view with nobody - we/I mean nobody including the White House, the State Department, the Services - However.

We have been involved in not just highly USA Presidential elections for some 35 years now in term of Interdisciplinary high Management discipline, those from the British, EU - French, Italian, British Illuminati Fraternity who know and are aware of these issues for the past 35 years. This involve other major EU, UN, African Union election issues.

In Germany, Paris and Bruxelles those who know the issues.

What happened on Wednesday evening. The Romney Team including their connection to the Service have began to target our person for about two months now, those around the Conservative Party in Britain, PM Cameron Office, VP Nick Clegg and Opposition Labour Leader. Those form the PM John Major era, PM Tony Blair and PM Gordon Brown who know and are aware of the issues.

Including the Murdoch Family, what has not come out tin the public yet. Aspect of the hacking Scandal - we do trust the Wiki Leak people will get to read this note and Mrs Jemaima Gold Smith.

We had signaled to President Obama that as Election approach, things will heat up - to watch out, particularly issues relating to our person. those form the Romney Camp - including the Presidential candidate who know our capacity and ability to contribute to such important workings.

Given that so much is discussed and debated over the social media and in instance issues which are very dangerous and harmful - our respective training and responsibilities do not lend us to discuss everything about the greater workings of high Interdisciplinary management.

Individual like President Bill Clinton, current USA foreign Minister Hillary Clinton know of the issues, both President Bush if they had to be honest.

This practice has taken place in British election, German, Italian, French election those who judge - if they so wish to influence, plainly said brutal manipulation of our persona and given responsibilities - to cause a series of personal mishaps or affects our work and workings environment so that we become very or highly stress and cannot focus properly or manage the issues as we are expected to and the end result in sight.

We experienced this as we took "Dracko" our dog to the Vet and we had particularly chosen a friendly Vet knowing and having work with such issues in ken for the past 21 years how the Local conservatives work, how they manipulate and then deny everything - short of the hacking scandal and the mega Murdoch scandal. We know some of them will be reading this note and discussing it. We had a very nasty time at the Vet, the local Farmers go to hear of it and other families bringing their dogs and cats to the vet picked it up and intervened. We also let the parties involve know that we can become just as awful if pressed - the issues of collateral spillover.

We have address PM Blair Office about a number of personal attempts on our life and that of my son - the file/info should still be available. Those neighbors involved in manipulating the mother of my some what took place in the name of " Freemason/Masonic issues and the such " The harassment using that infernal satanic rage/rage/mad cow and neighbor form hell mechanism" We fully expected those form the White House, former President Bill Clinton, those in Paris and indeed PM Cameron may/to have picked up the incidents - the previous Monday had just had had my flue jab because of such issues and had told the Family.

Suddenly aft the visit to the Vet that evening - all the windows of the Cottage were shut, the many attempts by the same person to play with the Thermostat and what took place that night - in the middle of the night we/I was developing a flue/cold. The person in question works as a Care worker and such regulation and laws, responsibilities. We had picked up other issues form the raging/raving cars.

We had to decided in that state given of the important that TV debate in Denver - USA, those who know my responsibility, in managing working such issues to either go/come down to London and how this impact and influence importantly depending what take place and will take place - the action and reaction of the debate and those involved in managing the debate and the very presidential candidate themselves.

On the Train the issues, at the Bus station those who had picked up the issues - particularly the Black community their suggestions. When we got to Islington what was going on - all those involved and those who picked up and heard everything including the local police, the antique shops and those who belong to the many illu7ninati and, fraternal and masonic factions - including the Polish church and the Catholic church."

We do not have TV or Radio at the Flat - judge that those around President Obama would have listened - we mean listened to what we had exchanged and warned about and how these issues are manipulated.

We had a difficult night - and had stuff our person with a great deal of Flue/cold tablets we had bought in Ashford Kent to control and minimize the impact. We had also gone to the library and Photoshop the records would be available and why.

Next day it was allover the new and Paper how disconnected, unfocused and uncommitted President Obama had been in the so call Denver most important USA Presidential national debate. In the Library we are using the resources all the leading papers have address ed the issues.

This is the terrible benchmark of the global media be they British, the USA and continental media - they know nothing and those so call experts and in the end we have such situation and indeed over the past 35 years many terrible situation and what we have termed collateral spillovers.

{"For all those who will read this note ask them to refer in detail to DSK incident - we have stated time and time again we contribute and can make important input in IMF, World Bank workings again those who know and the corrupted benchmark and the media corrupted benchmark. Had we not intervened DSK would have had a very terrible time."}

To add to the issues the Forum FECAS-ECSVS is down has been brought down, those involved and the reasons. This is something g the White House can directly look onto they have the resources. They have been monitoring this forum for a long time.

We have gone back to our Local GP and explained what took place.

Beside this issues what we have addressed at the new Webs.Com site for SIROP.Webs.Com thread 4/10/12

Mrs Obama has also a Facebook presence and the issues. { We also ask all those who recall the pre election of the Coalition what we communicated to PM Gordon Brown and those form the media who came back afterwards and wrote about his attitude - a very great deal they do not know and will never know - why PM Brown took the position he did and reaction - those of us who work is such high responsibility knew the media had been importantly involved and the case/scandal after wards. The British media are important involved in the issues of President Obama and why. } We would like to add that we have been advice not to travel to Sechelles Seychelles or EU until the USA Presidential election is over and the reasons.

We ask those in Paris the Elysee to read this note/those around DSK and those in Bruxelles who know who we are and our respective capacity.

The Green Lane Veterinary ClinicShenley Farm
Shenley Rd
TN27 9HX
01622 890245

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Saturday, 2 June 2012

"«Pour moi, la région devait passer avant, passion pour la coopération régionale»."

Vienna International Comference  Centre - UNIDO build by Chancellor Bruno Kreisky government where the original research was undertaken  for what became  Indian Ocean Commission COI - his government and other Officials, particularly Professor, Dr Micheal Hoffman - the head of Vienna University Faculty of High Management was involved,  Vienna Interdisciplinary Management Institute, then Austria - COMECON - USSR,  China important Consultant Agency Astro Plan was involved, the challenges of the East Block economy then and Austria important role as Nutral nation after the second world war. The involvement of Voest Alpine senior executives,  the role of  then South African and the USA, French and Israel Embassy in Vienna - they were given a copy of that research in person, among many others,  lent us very important support in 1979.

Extract Seychelles Nation  31.05.2012

" M. de l’Estrac, qui a été journaliste avant d’être successivement député, Maire de Beau Bassin-Rose Hill et ministre des Affaires Etrangères de son pays, est un des co-fondateurs de la COI, il y a 28 ans, avec Maxime Ferrari, Callixte d’Offay et autres. 

Lors d’une rencontre avec des journalistes à la Maison Quéau de Quinssy, il a rappelé qu’après avoir été nommé chef de la diplomatie mauricienne en août 1982, il s’est rendu une semaine après aux Seychelles et à Madagascar, ceci pour souligner sa «passion pour la coopération régionale». 

« Pour moi, la région devait passer avant», a-t-il dit.
Les fondations de la COI étaient jetées quelques semaines plus tard lors d’une visite de l’ancien Président France Albert Rene à l’Ile Maurice, qui avait au nombre des fonctionnaires qui l’accompagnaient un certain Callixte d’Offay qui dirige en ce moment le Secrétariat général de la COI. " It is to be noted he was made and officer of the Legion d'honeur by President Francois Mitterrand those who recall the events - good reasons. { Equally important our Sechelles Seychelles Community in EU comittments to then issues, our lobby and support that President FA Rene give the responsibility/portfolio to the then Mr Calixte D'Offay. All those who has forgotten and choose to forget.}
Les grandes dates de l'organisation

This Saturday 2/6/12 - we would like to as those who can and have the capacity, ability to refer to Sechelles Seychelles, Mauritius, Reunion, Madagascar, Comor, Zanzibar, Sir Lanka, Maldive and BIOT - Diego Garcia then - what we have chosen - come to term "archaic, Illuminati, Templar, fraternal, christian, masonic heritage/working" 1979

Today younger generation, academicians, business men, young intellectuals, politicians of all experiences, college students, the many national relevant NGO's of the respective Nations, their respective diplomacy and institutions lending to the working, studying of such issues have the added advantage to research most of the most leading and important world libraries, archives, universities libraries, strategic regional research institutes, intelligence and military database and as such from the information available, at their disposition have a greater grasp and understanding of the real situation the world was, functionality, the position of the West, the East Block, the Capitalist stand verses the Communist or extreme Socialist Ideologies. Most important the Military, Economic, Financial, Diplomatic historic entities they represented. Most important and relevant their global networks in all the above mention spheres.

When one read the history of Indian Ocean Commission COI, unless one is trained, well founded in such Regional and international mechanism and working - the view and conclusion is that a few individuals, politicians, government  Ministers got together and suddenly by magic, the  COI  was born and came into being. I/we have many very young relatives, educated who have no clue and understanding of what the COI stand for and all about - let alone its founding or birth.

Before - we address further issues, we would like to address today's UN/World Bank officials and Institutions, those from NATO, the Intelligence Services of those NATO member nation, including Russia. This include the many important EU Institutions, that of the African Union/ex OAU. The concept, approach, good reasons for those politicians, government Officials/Ministers in then 1982 to formulate and found the COI structure - the grave in term of conflicting/dynamic - meaning the political division wish existed, their Camps, their media, their diplomacy to a great degree - the brutality and ruthless working relation in such issues, then many raging wars, conflicts, revolutions and counter revolutions - the respective that supported and finances their respective ideology - those generation today who have in mind/picture the Cold War as in abstract - the reality and brutality, dynamic of things.

"The idea that today if you go on the web and download for example data on any form of current people, regional conflict on going this can results/lend you into being arrested, interrogated, find yourself being targeted and in instance killed or imprison without trial is a massive contrast to the practise, code of conducts those involved with such issues in 1982" There was no WWW then and those who did and could get hold of such material, information sold and exchange it/them for a great deal of money or favours.

We wish to present this brief then world working to enable those who will read this thread our view that a great deal have not been explained to the greater public, citizens of the regions, education system etc.
Instead of lumping everything together as has been the respective practise for the past 15 years of the Regional Small Nations working, i.e,  the CARICOM, the ASEAN/Pacific Regional Small Nation working and that of the COI under the terminology of "global village" "macro economic dynamics" the need for those younger generation, their nation many functionality to understand and know the different many dynamic, related issues, be they military, economic, big finance, diplomacy, culture, climate, ethnic as well as greater politic involved.

For the past 15years the politicians of the COI region they have failed to explain, via the media and other method the major challenges which posed, presented for those Small nations, their citizens and other national institutions in their respective Regional Economic body. In most instance they have been spoon fed if the terminology can be used. This have impacted their understanding and grasp if any of the functioning/working in our Indian Ocean case the COI. The reality was/is complete different.

Having requested those who can to refer to our then regional and international "archaic etc working/heritage ..... then in 1982 who miss represented and miss explained to the media, citizens, national institutions - what really entailed, the very good reasons for such regional grouping and nations getting together to work in the effort to better their nation economy, people lives and expectations.

In explaining the founding of the COI all those involved who failed and completely refused to address the public, their citizens of the serious, economic division in term of political, military, economic and scientific ideology. This was not just intellectual, diplomatic or paper division - the brutality of it, i.e, the military, conflicts, the loss of lives, the brutal political stand of the respective blocks, parties, governments. In our case the respective position of Madagascar, Seychelles, Zanzibar, then Communist system, the Warsaw Pact, then OAU, then None Aligned Movement, then Commonwealth, then Francophone - their views of the world and its working.

On the other side Mauritius very much in the West Camp i.e, USA, South Africa, Kenya, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, all then central Europe nations, then British politic, Reunion Island - the Comor being influenced strongly by the politic of France and Reunion. The scenario most often presented by France and Britain they dictated, influenced the pace of Small Nations development, agendas and as such existence and working.

"The reason we have address the paragraph about the high possibility of being arrested and prosecuted today for just down loading material from the WWW certain deem/judge conducive to Terror Act/Violate legislations and laws.  What really was taking place back in 1982 - the many conflicts - for instance Madagascar was a one Party State, so to was Sechelles Seychelles and Zanzibar. There was no national debate on such issues, the ruling regime/party got together, discussed and debated what they wanted and that was implemented. The rest of the nation was delivered a fait acomplie.The respective TV and Media machine would go into operation and they would be made to accept this decision.  This influenced the core thinking, attitude of the citizens of those regional nation and their children today.

The Small Nations of the Indian Ocean region were not unique in this practise - hence our request that those who can/have the capacity and ability refer to then 1982 world "archaic, Illuminati, fraternal, Templar, christian and masonic working" The CARICOM  member nations had their divisions. similar division and that of the ASEAN/ Pacific Region. The importance to understand the influence of the USA and NATO politic, beside that of World Bank/IMF in their very existence, working and functioning. The Commonwealth role or the Francophone role.

Given that the incoming Secretary General of the COI was a founding party, as relevant Minister then - not to mention his long experience in our region leading news paper, journalist experience/knowledge - his call for the regional nations to reengage, become more committed to regional working with all its dynamics. The need for today's generation to understand the greater complexities, challenges, then dynamics, obstacles, oppositions, divergence of ideologies which opposed, made, had made it impossible in the term of certain leading British, USA, South Africa, Australia, France, Canadian and indeed OAU officials - anybody contemplating such an economic grouping must be completely mad, it could never happen, it would never be allowed to be debated by the regional politicians and their government - let alone put in place.
For this to happen, to over come the major opposition more was required - beside the ongoing fluid issues - those involved had to link, the idea, the process to greater then USSR, COMECON - Warsaw Pact working, military, diplomacy, economic, finance and like wise the West Camp, NATO, their many Economic, Financial, Strategic national institutions had to be connected and made to engage. For this reason, we state all the high parties involved have failed to explain to the respective citizens and national institutions what it entailed. What really took place - for example look at the issues of BIOT - Diego Garcia the early explanation about the same time in 1982 and today how those who have strived, researched and fought to shed more light on the issues and the knowledge available to the greater public and the world as a result.

The question to ask/pose if those involved then to move this agenda forward, make it stay on the Table, keep the ball rolling so to say had to go to difficult and challenging extents, meaning, then Cold War situation - it was ok for the West, NATO to win an issues, call it game, agenda whatever extent and demand on human lives - then raging wars which one can list and their reasons, motives and the linking of the COI to them. At the same time USSR, COMECON - Warsaw Politic, Gulf Region military conflicts, China reactions, military, diplomatic, economic in very greater instance never hinted or even mentioned in public - the global/world benchmark practise. Those who judge only a very few could decide, dictate such agenda, public discussion/debate. In the case of those Heads of governments, their politicians and citizens, institutions, media had not such rights to discuss, associate and try to explain to their citizen such issues.
Between the original research which was done in 1979 at UNIDO, Vienna, we know of no other research unless some individuals come forward and invent them which is always possible. Some 4 years had gone by before those in Seychelles, in the form of President FA Rene, Dr Maxime Ferrari and Mr Calixt Doffay, other ministers involved including Mrs Daniel Doffay, de St Jorre- Minister Jean Paul Adam father, then Mr Giovanni Mario Ricci, then Mr Guy Morel, then Mr Guy Lionnet, Mrs Flavie Jackson - later Mr Kantilal Jivan Shah. What had compel, push President FA Rene to take this issues up, the Madagascar and Zanzibar Head of State in the case of Zanzibar it would have been President Julius Nyerere. They would have been referred and mentioned at an appropriate function/time.

"The foundament for setting up such an institutions, regional body was in the face, confronted to the totally entrenched Camps of the USSR, COMECON, - Warsaw Pact Block, China, the OAU, regional Arab Nation position on Sechelles Seychelles politic, the many military attempts involving the West Nations, their Intelligence Services, other institutions and military and they had failed/were failing - upon the good advice of those who worked for UNIDO/World Bank, IMF, the South Africa economic grouping, East Africa those national who represented them - the position of the above UN body to help us change the situation to create a plat from/body whereby, those with their extreme economic,  central planning, dictatorial, military government/regime would be given the opportunity in polite term, brought about to come on a common Table/forum to discuss the many economic, investment, education, development program, social constraints of their respective government and share common, democratic values, benchmark. In the case of Seychelles, Madagascar, Comor, Zanzibar they had know such values before independence - upon its founding the new political dynamic, progress it brought in regional conflicts and the Seychelles, Madagascar, Comor exile issues. It was a ray, glimmer of hope given the then very horrible and terrible exile situation of the Seychelles, Malagache, Comor. " The only diplomatic language of the region until then had been guns, killing, assasination, coup d'etats, destruction.

Everybody refuse and fail to address, the dynamic which had address, made the research/study possible at UNIDO - Vienna, had move on, the parties driving the issues, be they South Africa, Kenya, France, Britain, Italy on account of our Christian and fraternal heritage/values, the USA events had moved on. Equally events in then USSR, COMECON - Warsaw Pact. Events and development at the None Aligned had moved on too. Not to mention Gulf Region, North Africa and Asian issues linked/had been linked.

Those who explained to us about the history of the COI would like us to believe, this was just a gathering of Small Nations to solve their immediate economic, cultural, tourist, agriculture, fishing, national industries, sports and education. This explanation is completely false and wrong.

When the idea was first presented to the UN/World Bank - IMF 1979, even they with all their vast resources and experience judge it near impossible. Because they knew and were fully aware of the other greater constraints and implications, not the Small Nations politics, national institutions - but the greater global working, military, diplomacy, economy and sphere of interests.

It was the like of South Africa, Israel, Britain, Australia, USA, France, Germany, Holland, Austria, Belgium, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, certainly not India, Canada when they, their military, intelligence Services, their higher national "archaic, fraternal, Illuminati, Templar, masonic" realised that here was the/a concrete opportunity that could change, remix, realigned the military, greater politic, economic working of the Small Nations of the Indian Ocean, the impacts on then East Africa, OAU, Gulf, India/Pakistan issues, BIOT - Diego Garcia, Suez Canal. The Chinese involvements, Cubans, Latin Americans, North African nations like Libya. The divided camp and those who supported favoured that his body be set up and their respective media. Events in Afghanistan, events in then COMECON.  This created what is term as dynamic, synergies - those who manage such issues. Out of this energy began the creation and founding of the COI with all its challenges and problematic at national level. Those from the West, NATO who judge the dynamic/synergy would be in their favour/advantage.

Hence, when the incoming Secretary General of the COI, being one of the founding individuals - the need for him to understand those dynamic and synergies which existed in comparison with today's dynamic and synergies. It is further important to underline, like it or not, those/these synergies/dynamic have been driving much of the COI development, many issues and impacting them.  Yet even to date from their media release - the so to say complete dislocation, refusal to acknowledge this working. The citizens of those Small National continue being spoon fed - being taken for fools. Then we have statement of lack of connectivity, participation and public understanding of the COI working, purpose and greater objectives.

Given that we have gone on to make/play an important role in the setting up of the Indian Ocean Regional Association - why this was deemed necessary, their politic, economic dynamics - most important the shift in global balance of Economic Powers. As such the debate and ongoing debate. The involvement of China, Japan, Russia, Arab State, Iran, India, Pakistan, France, the USA, the EU, NATO, African Union - those from Britain, the USA who judge we have not rights to even mention and address such issues in public - which underline what we have written above of those who judge - we have no business as Small Nation to discuss and interfere in such issues and working. There is an important relation and co relation.

The Indian Ocean is today more than ever very vital for the survival and functioning of the West, and EU economy. At the same time we have a grim scenario of the West economy and financial position. In EU the disintegration of the Single Currency. In the Arab Gulf region the mega political situation, recent events, call for political changes, economic changes, in Asia the impact of China, Japan economic situation, emerging Asian nations. Closer home the many important challenge of African Union. They all pose new challenges and in the process the dynamic, synergies they develop and release - the need, requirement to understand not in a confuse manner events and development - but with clear understanding as those involved who did in 1979 at UNIDO/ World Bank - IMF  Vienna, onward. What compound to the challenges is today's availability of information and growth in education, knowledge in those Small Nation functionality/working, existence.  Including greater emphasis of the role and importance of NGO in those Small Nation regional working/functioning. Their ability to deliver and their available resources.

In our person - we have been emphasising, stressing that greater responsibility for engagement, involvement and delivery over the past 15 years be given to NGO's and in the case of Sechelles Seychelles, the progress have been remarkable. Yet again all those and everybody who fail and refuse to note, take on board the co relation between, the working dynamics of the then COI in 1982, the research associated in 1979 and the progress we have reached/achieved in NGO' s function/role today particularly in Seychelles and Mauritius. This in turn to be brief it impact on good governance standards and its mechanism with regards to African Union such working and standards. We also strongly believe the role of disseminating information about the functioning of the COI greater emphasis ought to be give to the NGO sectors, the relevant actors.

Not to be nasty or otherwise, we recall London 1979 - until the assassination of the Opposition Leader 1984, when we addressed the many ex Ministers of then Sir James Mancham government in exile - that we had undertaken such research, our contributions to the setting up/founding of the COI and other political faction like the MPR/SNM, Leadership, government in exile other Seychellois politicians. In most instance it amounted to - if we did not shut up they would have us killed, it amounted to betrayal. They refused and failed to understand and grasp the greater possibilities  and long term impacts. The return of Multi party and today's Sir James Mancham position and attitude - beside the Opposition parties, the NDP, the SNP and others. Particularly former President Mancham what those who may wish to debate and question in greater details on the political ongoing in London until 1991 as disjointed, it does not co relate, Meaning he has been catapulted on the world and regional high stage in issues he had opposed and knew nothing about - as all good politicians have learnt to make good credit and capitalise with the big help and involvement of the world media. Those who favour and support him like before he was deposed and forced in exile, the benchmark, attitude and corrupted practise.

Jean Claude de L’estrac said that he hopes that the Indian Ocean Commission would work to re-prioritize its activities.

 IOC Ministerial Meeting – Post of Secretary General assigned to Mauritius

Thursday, 22 March 2012

A brief look at the many Institute for Strategic studies in the Indian Ocean

 When anybody gets/become involve in the national strategy, debate to build a new House for its National Intelligence Service important knowledge and expertise is required.

ISSA Forms New Indo-Pacific Institute to Cope With Growing Importance of the Indian Ocean and Pacific Regions

The growing dynamism of the extended Indian Ocean region, added to the centrality of the Pacific Ocean Asian rim to 21st Century strategic growth, led to the creation of a new affiliated organization of the International Strategic Studies Association (ISSA). The new body, ISSA Indo-Pacific Pty. Ltd., was created at the beginning of 2010, based in Perth, Western Australia — on the Indian Ocean — to serve as ISSA's formal representative in the region.

ISSA Indo-Pacific Pty. Ltd. will also act as an independent research, analysis, and advisory body, working with regional governments and with the private sector and academia

Australia  Strategic Policy Institute

History of ASPI
 * The Howard Government was keen to promote contestability in policy advice. While it already existed in many sectors, Ministers were concerned that alternative policy advice was less easily found for defence and security issues.
    * The Government agreed to establish a small government owned but independent and non-partisan organisation to make independent inputs into defence policy development.
    * In 2000 Ministers agreed that ASPI would be established as:

          o A company limited by guarantee under the Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997 (CAC Act), wholly owned by the Commonwealth;
          o It would be funded for between $2.1 and $3.0 million for the first seven years of operation from within the budget of the Department of Defence;
          o It would be governed by a board of distinguished Australians;
          o It would be non-partisan with two of the board members being the personal nominees of the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition;
          o The Secretaries of the Departments of Defence and Foreign Affairs and Trade would serve on the board ex-officio.

    * In mid 2001 Ministers appointed the first ASPI board (the Council).
    * The Prime Minister also advised that the remuneration for Directors and the CEO would be determined by the Remuneration Tribunal.
    * These steps were completed and ASPI was incorporated as a company on 22 August 2001.
    * The Council met for the first time on 29 August 2001.  They considered a number of issues relating to the establishment of the Institute, how it would operate and, based on an earlier executive search, agreed to appoint Hugh White as CEO (the Director).
    * In considering how the Institute might operate, Ministers envisaged that:
 o The Institute would maintain a very small permanent staff, and would rely primarily on short-term contracts, secondments and similar arrangements for research work;
          o The CEO (Director) would be responsible for much of the day to day running of the Institute, and would need to be a figure of significant standing;
          o The Institute would not publish views in its own name, but provide a forum for the publication of the views of the authors of its publications;
          o That in addition to a program of research and publication, and the provision of specific work commissioned by Government, the Institute would sponsor and organise a range of activities including lectures, seminars discussions and other events to encourage public discussion and the development of strategic policy perspectives; and
          o The Institute would build a program of visits by prominent international strategic thinkers.
* While the Commonwealth provides the majority of our funding, since 2004 the Institute has endeavoured to develop new funding streams to enable ASPI to sustain and develop its program of work. Sources of additional funding include:

The Strategic and Defence Studies Centre (SDSC) is Australia's leading centre for the study of strategic, defence and wider security issues.

SDSC conducts research and teaching on the role of armed force in international affairs, especially as it affects Australia and its region. We aim to use good scholarship to illuminate strategic and defence policy questions faced by Australia and other countries. Our research therefore seeks to contribute to policy and public debates as much as to academic discourse. Likewise we teach strategic and security studies at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral levels to equip students to work in this field as scholars, analysts or policymakers.

SDSC's research and teaching priorities are the conceptual and historical foundations of strategy and policy, global and Asian regional developments that shape Australia's strategic environment, and Australia's defence policy, strategic posture, military capabilities and operations.

IISS - Internatinal Institute for Strategic Studies

The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) is the world’s leading authority on political-military conflict.

The IISS, based in London, is both a limited company in UK law and a registered charity. It has offices in the US, in Singapore and in Bahrain.

 The IISS was founded in 1958 in the UK by a number of individuals interested in how to maintain civilised international relations in the nuclear age. Much of the Institute’s early work focused on nuclear deterrence and arms control and was hugely influential in setting the intellectual structures for managing the Cold War.

 The Institute grew dramatically during the 1980s and 1990s, expanding both because of the nature of its work and its geographical scope. Its mandate became to look at the problems of conflict, however caused, that might have an important military content. This gave fresh impetus to the Institute as it began to cover more comprehensively political and military issues in all continents. As this mandate developed, the Institute worked hard both to provide the best information and analysis on strategic trends, and to facilitate contacts between government leaders, business people and analysts that would lead to the development of better public policy in the fields of international relations and international security.


Strategic Research Institute Philippines


The Strategic Research Institute Philippines aims to conduct holistic and comprehensive research in the fields of Geopolitics, Strategic Studies, Political Economy, Global and Local  Peace Issues as well as ICT Issues

Dili Institute of Strategic and International Studies (DISIS) Indonesia

Dili Institute of Strategic and International Studies (DISIS) was established in March 2011. It is registered as a National NGO’s with the Timor-Leste NGO’s Forum.  An independent institution with the objective of conducting research within the areas of Political and security policies in the scope of national, regional and international. Dili Institute of Strategic and International Studies is an independent and non-profit organization focus on research oriented on domestic and international affairs, open to the public at large to serve and enhance professional services for common interest.
The objective was established DISIS a response from the recommendations King’s College research team’s findings are conducting research on modern defense of Timor-Leste. Recommendations will be important given the post-independence Timor-Leste has not yet oriented research institutions on issues of foreign relations and defense-security affairs, in order to be able to contribute to national development of Timor-Leste.

A couple factors above become an important reference for the civil society of Timor-Leste to established a think-tank institution which will act as a second-track diplomacy in conducting studies and research as well as seminars and publications related to political and security issues in national and international levels in order to provide recommendations to State institutions and government and other parties interested in promoting national development of Timor-Leste. 

Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS Indonesia)

Centre for Strategic and International Studies (Indonesia)


 Malaysian Strategic Research Centre (MSRC)

 MSRC was set up primarily to advance the understanding of Malaysia's domestic and international activities and its impact and ramifications on the region and the world and vice versa. The primary mission of MSRC is to enhance and promote knowledge in a number of areas, including socio-economics, education, business, politics, and security. As the nation strives to become a developed and industrialized country, its citizenry, too, must be adequately prepared, and knowledge, being a source of power, is one of the keys to success. As such, MSRC seeks to further enrich the quality of knowledge and information on Malaysia and its roles in the international arena.

The Institute of Malaysian and International Studies (IKMAS)

Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia

ISIS Malaysia is a founding member of the ASEAN-Institutes of Strategic and International Studies (ASEAN-ISIS), a group of leading strategic studies institutes from across the ASEAN region. The network currently has three flagships in the Asia-Pacific Roundtable (APR), ASEAN-ISIS Colloquium on Human Rights (AICOHR) and ASEAN People’s Assembly (APA). It is also active in the Track Two diplomacy process and enjoys a close relationship with the ASEAN government process. Formally constituted in 1998, ASEAN-ISIS now comprises eight other member institutions: Brunei Darussalam Institute of Policy and Strategic Studies (BDIPSS), Brunei Darussalam; Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace (CICP), Cambodia; Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Indonesia; Institute of Foreign Affairs (IFA), Laos; Institute for Strategic and Development Studies (ISDS), Philippines; Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA), Singapore; Institute of Security and International Studies (ISIS), Thailand; and Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (formerly Institute for International Relations (IIR), Vietnam)

Strategic Reflection - Fr/Reunion

IRIS - Institut de Realtion Internationales et Strategiques - Fr/Reunion

IRIS was established in 1991 as a result of a private initiative. Despite a strongly compartmentalized domestic environment, IRIS has progressively established itself as a leading actor in international and strategic studies among various French think tanks.

Center for Strategic Decision Research - EU

Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS)

Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS) is a statutory and autonomous institution established on 25 June, 1978 byS the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The Institute was established with aim of the undertaking and promoting research and deliberation on international affairs, security and developmental issues. The Institute is also expected to advance knowledge and understanding of contemporary international and strategic issues in national and regional perspectives.

The Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies Ordinance. 1984, ordinance No. XXVII of 1984 defines the objectives, functions and organizational structure of the Institute. The general guidance and superintendence of the affairs of the Institute are vested in a Board of Governors, headed by the Chairman (appointed by the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh) and consisting of Secretaries of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Defence and Finance, the Principal Staff Officer (PSOs) of the three services of Armed Forces, academics and professionals. The Director General of the Institute is the Member-Secretary of the Board.

The Director General is the Chief Executive of BIISS who is appointed by the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. He directs and coordinates all research and administrative activities of the Institute.

The research activities of the Institute are carried out by the Research Faculty consisting of a team of full-time researchers with varied social sciences background. An officer of the Armed Forces, usually of the rank of Colonel, is also deputed to the Institute to undertake research in the fields of defence related studies. The Institute is organized along territorial and functional distribution of Divisions and Desks. There are five divisions in the Research Faculty that are: (i) Defence Studies; (ii)Non-traditional Security Studies; (iii) International Studies; (vi) Strategic Studies; and (v) Peace and Conflict Studies, Each division is headed by a Research Director.

The Administrative Wing, headed by a Deputy Director (Administration), and the Library and Documentation Centre, headed by a Deputy Director (Library and Documentation) of the Institute are the two other important wings providing support services and valuable inputs to research pursuits of the Institute.

Institute for Strategic Studies Islamabad

The Institute of Strategic Studies is an autonomous non-profit research organization devoted to provide an in-depth understanding and objective analyses of regional and global strategic issues, affecting international peace and security.

The purpose of this web site is to generate discussion, and awareness of Pakistan's strategic and security concerns regarding regional and international issues in the light of changing patterns of international relations through its research publications, reports of seminars and conferences as well as lectures by eminent personalities. On this site, you can access our research publications, database and latest updates on global, regional and national security issues.

Research Institute of Strategic Studies (RISS), Tehran

Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) India

IDSA was established as a registered society in New Delhi on November 11, 1965. Its mission was to provide objective assessments of issues relating to national and international security. The initiative for setting up the Institute came from then Defence Minister Shri Yeshwantrao Chavan, who was one of the Institute’s founding members. Over the last forty-plus years, IDSA has played a crucial role in shaping India’s foreign and security policies, including with respect to nuclear weapons, military expenditure, and conventional and non-conventional threats to India.

IDSA has a well-qualified multi-disciplinary research faculty drawn from academia, defence forces and the civil services, and which representing a diversity of views. Research at the Institute is driven by a comprehensive agenda and by the need to provide impartial analyses and policy recommendations. IDSA’s journals, monographs, briefs, and books are the principal mediums through which these analyses and policy recommendations are disseminated. In addition, the news media also carry the views of IDSA experts in the form of op-eds, interviews and participation in debates.

Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR)

In a rapidly changing world, with new horizons and challenges expanding the scope of human activity at every turn, the wise leadership of the United Arab Emirates envisioned the creation of an advanced and independent research institution that would not only keep abreast with new developments at the political, economic and social spheres of human endeavor, but would also formulate the most suitable responses and strategies for keeping the UAE society ahead in the race of modernity. It was with this vision that the UAE President, His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, established the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR), a premier institution of its kind in the Middle East, which has ever since set new benchmarks of excellence and expertise in the field of strategic studies and research

At the heart of the Center's mission is its adoption of a strategic and rational approach in addressing today's and tomorrow's pivotal and pressing issues. It also places a premium on rigorous discipline in the triumph of academic and scientific enterprise. In addition, the ECSSR's core research group involves a cadre of well-educated nationals that derive a qualitative benefit from a specially designed program. The dedication and a sense of duty that characterize these young professionals is remarkable. In their development, they have cultivated a sense of initiative and courage that will undoubtedly light the path to an even greater future.


Regional Centre for Strategic Studies - Sri Lanka

The Regional Centre for Strategic Studies (RCSS) is a South Asian regional  think  tank, based in Colombo, Sri Lanka.  Established in 1993, it is an independent, non-profit and non-governmental organization which encourages research, dialogue, and deliberation on a broad range of conventional and non-conventional sources of conflict. The RCSS enables scholars and other professionals  to address, individually and collectively, problems and issues of topical interest for all South Asian countries.

Sri Lanka Institute of Strategic Studies (SLISS)

The Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute of International Relations and Strategic Studies (LKIIRSS), is a multi-disciplinary research forum dedicated to analyzing Sri Lanka’s strategic interests in the realm of international relations, within the contemporary domestic and global contexts. This Institute functions as a forum for the generation of research and analysis, with a view to providing an input to national policy formulation


Institute for Security Studies  - Africa
ISS - Somali Working Group

Following consultation and discussions with Somali, African and other international scholars, analysts, policy experts and practitioners, and noting the expressed need by a range of international organisations including the United Nations and the African Union for improved research, analysis and policy formulation concerning the Somali region, and recognising the responsibilities of African institutions working on conflict, peace-building and governance to support the efforts of Somalis themselves to address the challenges faced in the Somali region, the Institute for Security Studies has decided to establish a project on the Somali region - the Somali Working Group (SWG).

The Institute for Security Studies (ISS)

The Institute for Security Studies (ISS) is a regional human security policy think-tank with an exclusive focus on Africa. It has offices in Addis Ababa, Cape Town, Nairobi and Pretoria (also the head office). The ISS mission is to conceptualize, inform and enhance the debate on human security in Africa in order to support policy formulation and decision-making at every level. It is working towards a stable and peaceful Africa characterized by sustainable development, human rights, the rule of law, democracy and collaborative security.

 Through its programmes, ISS undertakes work relating inter alia, to crime and justice, arms management, organized crime and money laundering, corruption and governance, terrorism, conflict analysis and prevention, and peace keeping training. The Institute has developed substantial work with and through sub-regional organizations and adopted a co-operative approach in doing so. These organizations include, inter alia, the African Union (AU), Southern African Police Chiefs Cooperating Organization (SARPCCO), the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the Eastern and Southern African Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG), the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD). As a result, the Institute has formalized Memorandum of Understandings and letters of exchange with IGAD, ECCAS, COMESA and ESAAMLG.

 Apart from being a member of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice network (PNI), the Institute serves as a Secretariat for two NGO networks in Africa; the African Human Security Initiative and the Southern African Human Security Network. The Institute also participates in the Civil Society Network Against Corruption (CSNAC) and serves as secretariat for the African Peace Support Trainers Association (APSTA).

 In cooperation with UNODC, and in close partnership with the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), ISS contributed to the IGAD Counter-Terrorism in the Horn of Africa Programme. This is a sub-regional counter-terrorism initiative, which seeks to develop the capacity and expertise of IGAD Member States (Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda) to respond effectively to the threat of terrorism in the sub-region. Key components of the four-year programme include: strengthening judicial capacity, enhancing cooperation (regionally and internationally), improving border security, developing and sharing best practices on counter-terrorism, and enhancing human rights in responding to terrorism.

 ISS is collaborating with UNODC on the project to promote the implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) in West African States. The project entails the provision of assistance to the governments and civil society representatives of the State Parties to the UNCAC in complying with its provisions. It includes the assessment of the normative frameworks and institutional capacities, introduction of effective normative measures to control corruption and the development of an action plan for concrete measures.

Institute of Peace and Security Studies (IPSS)  Kenya

In the face of a rapidly changing society, the twin issues of peace and security are gaining prominence not just in Kenya but globally as well.  Apart from insecurity emanating from social causes, natural disasters also lead to security challenges.  It is increasingly clear that in order to keep up with the concerns of society in all these and other situations, those persons charged with maintaining peace and providing security require up-to-date knowledge and skills to keep up with their demanding tasks.  It is with this clear and increasing need that Kenyatta University established the Institute of Peace and Security Studies in October 2010 under the School of Humanities and Social Sciences in line with her 10 year Strategic and Vision Plan (2005-2015).  The Institute, the first of its kind in the region, is charged with the challenging responsibility of equipping its clients with the knowledge, skills and competencies that will put them at the cutting edge of peace and security provision.

Africa Centre for Strategic Studies

The Africa Center is the pre-eminent Department of Defense institution for strategic security studies, research, and outreach in Africa. The Africa Center engages African partner states and institutions through rigorous academic and outreach programs that build strategic capacity and foster long-term, collaborative relationships.

The Africa Center for Strategic Studies supports United States foreign and security policies by strengthening the strategic capacity of African states to identify and resolve security challenges in ways that promote civil-military cooperation, respect for democratic values, and safeguard human rights.


Forte de plus d'un siècle d'expérience, l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes Internationales, membre de la Fédération Européenne des Ecoles, est dotée d'un statut consultatif auprès du Conseil de l'Europe et est membre de la European Accreditation Board for Higher Education. Après avoir contribué à la formation de cadres de plus de cent nationalités, elle a créé en 1986 le Centre d'Études Diplomatiques et Stratégiques (C.E.D.S.).

Observatoire Geopolitique de l’ Ocean Indien (OGOI) - Mauritius

This project is closely being worked out with the Mauritius Research Council, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Cooperation, StraConsult, etc.

The OGOI has already met three times.

There have been three extensive brainstorming sessions on the Observatoire géopolitique de l'océan Indien (OGOI) project since October 2005. The Convenor was Dr. Vijaya Teelock, Head of the History and Political Science Department at the University of Mauritius (UOM). The objectives and activities of the observatory have been defined and agreed on. The statutes of OGOI have been drafted, discussed and will soon been finalized before being sent to the UOM.

There would be two main components at the level of OGOI: (1) An Academic/Research Committee; (2) A Think Tank. Regular partcipants have been the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Mauritius Research Council, CEDREFI, the Mahatma Gandhi Institute, the Government Information Service, the Ministry of Agro-Industry, the National Library, the Comité Social Chagossiens, Messrs. Vijay Makhan, Amédée Darga, etc.

The soft launch of OGOI will take place on Friday 9 December 2005 at the UOM through the organisation of an Executive Seminar on Geopolitics and International Trade where Mr. Darga, Director of StraConsult and Chairman of Enterprise Mauritius, will talk about "The Geopolitics of Textile and the Clothing Industry". There will be also a presentation on "A definition of Geopolitics and the relevance of geopolitical analyses in today's world" by Prof. Michel Korinman, Professor of Geopolitics at Sorbonne-Paris 4 University.

Note: Comments will be appreciated.