Saudi Arabian Minister calls on Minister Radegonde

10.06.2021 Ramkalawan welcomes the Minister of State for African Countries Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to gain from Saudi’s US $1 billion fund for Africa By Elsie Pointe |11 June 2021 We've got to listen to US press conference this morning hence this article. The significant support the Saudi give to that SIR0P programme. Some of the finance for the reclamation project - the lands reclaimed. In Yesterday Truth Commission hearing the government offer of a plot of land to the Uzice on Perseverance. The Uzice family were also involved and supported that SIROP program. The US in greater part found themselves in a super mes because of that SIROP program the Truth commission Plaint and the National Assembly. The Truth Commission need to call them to account since they have refused to account.
I began writing to President Faure to allocate a plot for that SIROP - NEOM working in Seychelles and his office response or the old Mahe Beach.
The Saudi Minister /Ambassador for African Affairs, other senior Ministers the issues of that SIROP program and African Union change Qaddafi. That SIROP program leveraging the mighty Saudi economic and financial workings. Regional and international issues. We advocating for a greater participation inclusiveness, in that NEOM thematic.
The Saudi have a right to request from the LDS government for a Plot to put a project on.
President Michel offer to share an office at the L'espace building. Minister Ferrari need to be mindful that he does not repeat the may mistakes that his father Dr Ferrari made and then spin the issues. There is that mega global Kashogii killing incident in Turkey and the messed up relation with that SIROP program.
Now that the Saudi have come forward to work on more wider approach with those in Seychelles they will soon learn the major problematic unlike Mauritius how many in Seychelles works and then spin. Including the issue of Yemen.
Coming back to the topic of Seychelles government providing the Saudi with parcel of land on the Reclamation - The Ambassador who visited Seychelles and his African Tour must be well versed in the abnormal high interdisciplinary thematic of Africa and the Arab world. The G7 meeting in Cornwall the Covid and climate change debacle. In 2014 when the Sar Respiratory virus struck in particular Saudi Arabia Prince Salman was no where near Power those in power then. We had just relaunched that SIROP portal hosted in Spain and those whose economy and interests was, were being leverage what the media crazy west media was writing and what we were observing. What amounted to abuses of that SIROP program mechanism, working dynamics, the call to relocate that SIROP program not just the hosting but the management to the continent, then President Obama in Office many sleepless night over some of the issues and excess coffee and vice President Biden. In Europe those in Office, France - this was not done, the why and the pandemic phenomena which developed and what ensued, the UN and WHO statement. Those talking after the Pandemic and rebuilding the world economy that SIROP program must have a safer place, environment to manage its many highly important past issues and future ones. The EU Institutions have failed come a new Team how everything change and nobody know anything or remember until they will be in office after 3 years then it is too late. That SIROP mechanism in part driven the African Union mechanism and dynamics. Beside the Arab world - In the greater world we live those who can reflect on our comment and study it - We could have address certain thought linked with Illuminati discipline we will not do it. They are associated with that SIROP program and Saudi Arabia from its inception and they are not about to vanish, unless we have a third world war conflict. This reflect what we have ben addressing the Truth Commission several emails and copy to the relevant high parties. The need for some form of authoritative reporting, reflection, In office then President Michel, Sir James alive and president FA Rene and SAJ.
Saturday 12/6/21 - The Seychelles Truth Commission mandate will end in 2022. Now that it has listen to aspect of that SIROP plaint, the many critical publications about the function and role of the Council of Europe not to be confused with the European Council.
We have addressed them several correspondences, its Human Rights Commission, the Court and NGO umbrella body on that SIROP program -seeking help, support with that SIROP plaint before the Seychelles Truth Commission. .
We ask the Truth Commission officials to read briefly the Wikipedia publication of the role, purpose and function of this Body. That SIROP program was in greater part impute, thought out by several members of then European Union 1986/87 events and European council Body, Its institutions, the Vatican, Pan European organisation, NATO, Including Britain until it left the EU bock 31/01/2021, the very many gross abuses and corrupted workings and human rights issues we have addressed them.. The Royal Court of Justice Judicial review debacles. Again because that program was mostly based and worked from Britain, the gross mismanagement by it many institutions of that Program and then to write they /the Commonwealth change Seychelles Communist system one party system. The role and responsibilities of the Council of Europe.
This is not just a figment of imagination, invention our part, the Northern Ireland political entities we worked that SIROP program with and the US/Good Friday agreement we contributed to helped leveraged.
The Republic of Ireland many high parties knowledge and contribution to that SIROP program to this day. In turn the capacity of that program to influence important issue of the Republic, including EU Institutions. .
Then we have nation, government like Malta and those from the Knight Templar Illuminati, the respective responsibility of the Council of Europe to monitor and manage that SIROP program from 1986/87, what really happened. Other Interfaith and NGO bodies in Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain , Netherlands, institutions who impute in that SIROP program at many levels.
Then we have those Refugees Bodies of Europe who were involved, the UNHCR, the mandate of the council of Europe.Council of Europe of Europe

13/6/21 we ask readers to refer to the above comment and this is an extension of the above comment. This morning the news the China had discovered over 24 variant in its bat population. We want to question this information. An important question can China make available its research on SAR in 2014. - China claims to have found 24 different previously-unknown coronaviruses in bats as it fights back against growing lab leak suspicions -
We ask all those who can please refer to China great damn project and the information they have provided. That grate damn decision was leverage by that SIROP programme mechanism, dynamics on the line of other Large world projects including the Channel Tunnel project and Scandinavia how those used and apply that SIROP leverage mechanism to drive their own national and international project, decision at the time. The science in place to prove and disprove this. We will add the Wikipedia article here. In Seychelles Sir James Mancham and FA Rene knowledge. Those in France.
Another important China development was leveraged by that SIROP program was the TGV technology acquisition, transfer from Germany to China then issue and politic and those in Germany knowledge again that SIROP program leverage mechanism and then what was written. -
Part of the above issue, thank you, acknowledgement and Seychelles China Bilateral projects Development, the University, the National Assembly and the Palais de Justice building.