Sechelles Seychelles Truth and National Reconciliation Committee rounds up its work
On Thursday 15th February, the Leader of the Opposition, Hon Wavel Ramkalawan chaired a meeting of the Truth and National Reconciliation Committee. The meeting was a working session with Mr. Richard Rogers, an international human rights lawyer, who had been assisting them with the drafting of the model law that is to be presented together with the final report of the Committee.
At that meeting a final review of the law was done. The proposed text was reviewed and all members reached consensus on it.
The next step is the presentation of the report to the National Assembly. Once adopted, the report, together with the proposed law, will be sent to the President, who in turn will have it approved by the Cabinet. The final step will be for the Attorney General to finalise the piece of legislation, have it gazetted and passed by the National Assembly.
The hope of the Committee is that by the 18th June, when the country celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Constitution, the Commission will have been established and the process of truth, reconciliation and national unity can begin.
At that meeting a final review of the law was done. The proposed text was reviewed and all members reached consensus on it.
The next step is the presentation of the report to the National Assembly. Once adopted, the report, together with the proposed law, will be sent to the President, who in turn will have it approved by the Cabinet. The final step will be for the Attorney General to finalise the piece of legislation, have it gazetted and passed by the National Assembly.
The hope of the Committee is that by the 18th June, when the country celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Constitution, the Commission will have been established and the process of truth, reconciliation and national unity can begin.

France Maria So the 18th of June will be the 25th anniversary of the Constitution. What was before that?
Luc Chang-Ko What about the 26% who voted no for the constitution? Parti Seselwa, National Alliance Party and Seychelles National Movement. We saw in last presidential election how the constitution became a constipation.Clive Georges Delorie When Mr. Mancham spoke of National Reconciliation, you of all people demanded justice and with reference to this the majority of the opposition supported you which led to the downfall of the Democratic Party of which they never recuperated.What comes around will always go around.Comment - Little wonder that Yugoslav politicians took poison in the middle of the ICC Session all the judges, court officials and the media the so call Justice system and delivery/benchmark today Will we be allow to request some kind of representation from those leading Law firms that advised on the SIROP program, other members /leading person of the Justice such as Sir George Souyave person in Exile, Chief Justice Dodurado from Zanzibar, Lord Beloff and others those who handled the High Court Review on that SIROP program those law firms in Folkestone , Canterbury an Maidstone and the person of Judge Wolf, those from South Africa and the USA, France. The Mandela and ANC/Pan African Congress major debacles All the leading NGO Lawyers we have been in contacts and seek helped to address the issues to the UNHCR and the European CourtsBeside other law first the former Chamber of Judge Ben Chataway today for the Daugherty Chamber and what we have be addressing him in writing and those Law firms in Strasbourg Racine and those in Rouen will we be be getting some kind of financial support from the state or the international communities or the UN or EU to help address the very long and complicate or are they going to stew and botched every thing up and then say that is Justice and how it happened and that is history. The Seychelles government the National Assembly and other international Justice Body ought to do their research how and why the ICC got created on the back of that SIROP program we were the first to initiate, demand this kind of institutions to try among other European leading Politicians and their institutions what ensued.Overnight 19/2/18, the undemocratic, antisocial mechanism being applied to force their Justice approach on our person having managed that SIROP program for some 30 years, system be they the ICC, International Court or European court and other National European Court who use and apply either excessive spin, the Blair people would say or we prefer to say it bluntly, that infernal satanic rage/rave, mad cow mechanism its impact of the mind and mental function of anybody when this/they are applied and the end results. Some would use the terminology demonize. In Creole Seychellois or Mauritian given that the Justice of that Truth Commission will have to take into consideration the aspects of the Creole mind and thinking process - the Gunny bag method and other modern invented adjectives publicized by former Minister Pat Pillay and former National Assembly Speaker and MNA. Once again the total if not purposeful refusal to take into consideration Seychelles have had some twelve attempted and active coup d'etat, catalogue of attempted coup d'etats and the major one of the planters Unilateral Independence attempt before Independence, other aspects of the international Justice who will study and take into consideration these twelve or thirteen attempted coup d'etat, assassination and killing method/eliminating methods and attempt to get at the root, causes of the problematic and issues - the politicians and individual in the current National Assembly motives and objectives, terrible benchmark. Just as they are condemning the SPUP/SPPF coup d'etat their approach and in any society, when politicians those elected to represent the greater cause and interests of a nation and people fail utterly -what ensues this for the past 8,000 years. The Justice of Seychelles African Union, Commonwealth, Francophone, the UN, EU, the Gulf Region and the Vatican had there not been that SIROP program and its contributory capacity for democratic process what would have ensued in that small nation country of Sechelles Seychelles. The greater Powers involved and those with very vast fortunes and other motives and interests. Mentioning the Powers, over the past 45 years of that small nation existence in the Indian Ocean, the many nations their Justices, police, intelligence Services, national Institutions, diplomacy engage actively, their reports and view of our issues, the many international Institutions the global Military and Security workings and Regional Defense workings, Risks Management, and yet for that Little Englander Lawyer it mean nothing - the same mind set as the vast many in England. This is a major and very serious problem and they have chosen him to prepare the Final Report for the Assembly Truth And Reconciliation commission. It is a bloody disgrace to humanity and mankind workings. Those National Assembly members who have allowed their person to be gunny bag and former Minister and Speaker Pat Pillay many colorful adjectives of their person.
Given that Sechelles Seychelles is all about super fraud, thieving and robbing others, the less able adding the link of the then big 8 firms of chartered accountant in particular then KPMG who audited Seychelles government books/Finance we made it a point to meet with four of them, then global economy and discuss and hear they view on this program concept then safe Price Waterhouse, Coopers & Lybrand, Mr /Judge E J Stiven had worked for after graduating from Cambridge and later Mr Paul Stravens shop close by today the Shard building Qatar - the impacting issues of that SIROP portal- we are not a politician and will never be one, the need to state on a number of time have stated because of what took place with those big 5 Firms, then Conservative government of Lady Thatcher the mega market distortions, benchmark issues, boom bust debacle - that SIROP program the call for setting up the SFO it take very special abilities and knowledge to work such thematic at such high level of any nation. Given the dimension of the issues we ask everybody, all those with the capacity to communicate with leading International lawyer Rogers including the Lawyer of former President F A Rene, Lawyer Philippe Boulle and Lawyer Pardiwall, Towmey, Lablach the many statements, the unique capacity to drive/synergize, leverage and contribute that then CERN 1988, the mighty USA, Pentagon debacle about CERN the important French and Italian Involvement then Illuminati, that the WWW connectivity was deployed made possible -without the significantly important high working of our French ancestors right across the Board this would not have been possible and we have been working and managing those high workings for the past near 40 years in exile, the rich experience acquired and knowledge. After 1987 how the new global information became available and managed we were quasi the architect of this process and when any entity become involve in such highly dynamic world working what this means. For the party/parties involved, we are being very conservative with that statement. The developing issue of the Submarine fiber optic Super Highway, then PM Blair and that SIROP project in the first place without that WWW and associated technology the state of the Gulf Region economy and South Asia and Asia as well as Africa.
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Tex J. G. Albert shared his post to the group: Seychelles Hero: Gerard Hoarau.
'Speaking to the local press after the meeting, Mr. Rogers said “This Commission is for finding out the truth about what happened in a difficult period of Seychelles’ history. It’s about allowing victims to tell their story and allowing perpetrators to give their versions of events and explained why things happened. It’s about national reconciliation and hopefully, with the process, we will see some healing,” said Mr. Rogers.
Mr. Rogers who has a background in transitional justice, has assisted other countries in that important tasks, namely Cambodia, Sri Lankan, Uganda, Rwanda among others.'
Tex J. G. Albert shared State House Seychelles's post to the group: Sesel Mon Rapel - Seychelles: I Remember / Je Me Souviens.
4 hrs · 'President Danny Faure received international British lawyer, Richard Rogers, today at State House today. He was accompanied by the Leader of the Opposition, who is also the chairman of the Truth, Reconciliation and National Unity Committee, Honourable Wavel Ramkalawan and Leader of Government Business in the National Assembly who is also a member of the Committee, Honourable Charles Decomarmond.
Mr. Rogers is on an official visit in Seychelles to assist the Committee in the drafting of a model law that will be appropriate to Seychelles for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission that will be set up soon.'
President Faure received international British lawyer, Richard Rogers
Fri, 16 February 2018
218K 206K 1863
President Danny Faure received international British lawyer, Richard Rogers, today at State House today. He was accompanied by the Leader of the Opposition, who is also the chairman of the Truth, Reconciliation and National Unity Committee, Honourable Wavel Ramkalawan and Leader of Government Business in the National Assembly who is also a member of the Committee, Honourable Charles Decomarmond.
Mr. Rogers is on an official visit in Seychelles to assist the Committee in the drafting of a model law that will be appropriate to Seychelles for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission that will be set up soon.
President Faure welcomed Mr. Rogers to State House and commended the two leaders for the bipartisan approach on this very important work which will lead the establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The President thanked Mr. Rogers for his valuable contribution and support given to the committee.
Speaking to the local press after the meeting, Mr. Rogers said “This Commission is for finding out the truth about what happened in a difficult period of Seychelles’ history. It’s about allowing victims to tell their story and allowing perpetrators to give their versions of events and explained why things happened. It’s about national reconciliation and hopefully, with the process, we will see some healing,” said Mr. Rogers.
Mr. Rogers who has a background in transitional justice, has assisted other countries in that important tasks, namely Cambodia, Sri Lankan, Uganda, Rwanda among others.
Partners | Global Diligence
RICHARD J ROGERS. An expert in international human rights and international criminal law, Richard advises governments, businesses, international organisations, or individuals facing legal challenges stemming from armed conflict or unstable environments. Richard is a qualified lawyer in California, England and Wales, ...
Richard J. Rogers | Professional Profile - LinkedIn
Other - Founding Partner - Global Diligence LLP
View Richard J. Rogers' profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Richard J. has 9 ... Richard is a qualified lawyer in California (current practicing certificate), England and Wales (unregistered barrister), as well as Cambodia. He worked for ... He has UK Government security clearance. Moreover, he ...
Land grabbing in Cambodia. Richard Rogers' battle for the truth ...
15 Mar 2017 - It is especially thanks to British lawyer Richard Rogers that the International Criminal Court (ICC) announced in September that environmental destruction will be considered a crime against humanity. It is thanks to him that the case of land grabs (land concessions granted, often illegally, to foreign investors) ...
Breaking: British lawyer Richard Rogers... - The Phnom Penh Post ...
Breaking: British lawyer Richard Rogers files ICC complaint against Cambodia's 'ruling elite' for 'widespread and systematic' land grabbing.
The Cambodia Tribunal's Richard Rogers in Phnom Penh -
11 Mar 2009 - On March 31 after 30 years of impunity senior members of the bloody Khmer Rouge regime will face their first trial before a United Nations-backed tribunal in Cambodia. Richard Rogers the British-born lawyer coordinating the defense team for the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia tells ...
Richard Rogers | Open Development Cambodia (ODC)
A British lawyer has asked the International Criminal Court to investigate “widespread and systematic” land grabbing in Cambodia over the past 14 years as a crime against humanity. The complaint filed in The Hague yesterday by lawyer Richard Rogers, who is officially representing 10 Cambodian victims, ... Kevin ...
British lawyer targets 'ruling elite' in ICC complaint, National, Phnom ...
7 Oct 2014 - A British lawyer has asked the International Criminal Court to launch an investigation into “widespread and systematic” land grabbing in Cambodia for more than a decade by what he calls the Kingdom's “ruling elite”. The complaint filed with the Hague court today by lawyer Richard Rogers, who is ...
Richard J Rogers,MAP Member, Lawyer, International criminal law and Human Rights expert
How a lawyer's salary surges once it reaches £100,000
Edwin Adrienne This is dragging out too long. It is simple - we need a framework in place to allow those who are responsible for the atrocities of the past to come forward and tell the truth, so the families who have suffered most can have closure, and answers. It takes very little courage to take up arms and take over a defenceless nation but it takes true courage to step forward and tell the truth - not "my" truth but simply THE TRUTH. Unfortunately we lack a Mandela amognst us.
Josette Hoarau We would like some more background information on Mr. Rogers. Is he acting pro-bono? If not, who is paying for it? What was the criteria and the procedure for his selection and was this position advertised? Some more details of his background and experience would also be helpful
Comment -Good morning world, we had wanted to blog or News the developing instead en devoured to find out more about Human Rights leading lawyer Rogers and came across the Sri Lanka video statement which we have posted at our Community Forum - this is a very important example of the double standard of global politic and Justice System and its benchmark - our Seychelles exile/refugees workings beside Africa and the Gulf linking politic then Cold War had important linking issues to/with the Tamil Tigers and the Sri Lanka government. The many instance our issues have influenced military and killing/death in that Country and both side knew about and have known about this and the important why - what the British and international media then write have written. Among one of the important issue the Tamil Tiger communities in Britain and Europe, the Lady Thatcher government and politic refugees/exiles and everybody pretend would like the world to believe it never happened, the Boat incident of putting the ex Tigers on a Prison Barge in the Thames and the project we presented to her government at the time of taking one of the Island in the BIOT group and creating a special colony under the UN mandate, the idea of the SNM/MPR to get mercenary to create a situation on BIOT to attract world attention to our plight/politic, get the USA to become involved directly for several exile/refugees communities then in Britain including Seychelles and Illois. May be leading lawyer Rogers education and experience how he has dealt with Black politic and Africa, we from the Seychelles it was not the Black who were leading the fight //////////////////////struggle to change Seychelles they were ex Planters/Farmers and their French ancestors had build that Seychelles and as such the vast many linking issues, culture, politic with France and their global network - hence we turned to the Irish, the Scots and other European Nations for help given the awful British history - What about the person of Sir Nicolas Fairbain who supported Cold War battle against Communist - what about the role of Lord Oxford former governor of Seychelles and Zanzibar his many advice and support - the manner that SIROP program was written and those involved, those leading world person and politicians, important aspects of the politic and economy of Sri Lanka was taken in the equation of that Program and Seychelles change and the Region. We have cited/state to the UN, UNHCR, the International Court of Justice the Claim papers for the Royal court of Justice and the European court of Justice and the Justice of Seychelles and Mauritius and the Francophone and France -the time will come when this topic will have to be plainly spoken, the bad if not awful relation between Britain and the Seychelles Franco families and their respective interests and they wanting to cover up and slant, distort what really took place this is a very serious challenge and critic. To certain extent hate involved. To this day be it former President Mancham and his former Ministers and President and the SPUP have refused to state the terrible relation which existed and prevailed in colonial /Seychelles Britannia and the why - the dreadful Planters relation and the manner the Constitutions was written and the political process for Independence - the strong views of the Planters at the time and all those who told and made it know to DP Leaders and officials - that the mess Britain was cooking for the Seychelles was as bad as Zanzibar and it would come to hunt them, in other word the mess of the exiles and Exodus had been foreseen and talked about and FA Rene and Associates knew about it and knew that this was a very important card/weapon he had and how he used and abused it. Sir Fairbain and the Earl of Oxford knew very well and so to the many Irish politicians who became involved with our Colonial issues. Former leading Colonial Administrator like Judge EJ Stiven who knew most of the leading politicians in Seychelles and the region had warned about this situation - he was afraid, very concerned and shared his knowledge with the then Constitutional Adviser, he had played an important role in the Zanzibar Constitution sand other Constitution issue of Tanzania and Kenya. What he discussed and talked with then Seychelles leading Lawyers, Judges and Magistrate, Senior Police officers, Intelligence Service visiting Officials, the expat community, the USA officials - he also kept dairy and all his thoughts and concern would be in there. It was wrong/improper to allow Hon Wavel a second generation migrant Indian citizen to chair that Commission as he will disfavor the Planters community and their Rights and children Plaints before the Truth Commission in Favor of the Indian and those who will be guiding and dictating him. The above said how those advised us which Lawyer to go to and what to discuss and not discus in public or even the lawyers and others - then deny these ever took place, the many Embassies in London who knew and monitored the issues and we had to addressed those who were supposed to be keeping three eyes on our person and activities. We suppose the view and issues of Vatican mean nothing to the International Justice their defrauded and debased Justice thinking - after those who had spend all their life time praying and then dare say they are Christians -
Josette Hoarau We would like some more background information on Mr. Rogers. Is he acting pro-bono? If not, who is paying for it? What was the criteria and the procedure for his selection and was this position advertised? Some more details of his background and experience would also be helpful
Comment -Good morning world, we had wanted to blog or News the developing instead en devoured to find out more about Human Rights leading lawyer Rogers and came across the Sri Lanka video statement which we have posted at our Community Forum - this is a very important example of the double standard of global politic and Justice System and its benchmark - our Seychelles exile/refugees workings beside Africa and the Gulf linking politic then Cold War had important linking issues to/with the Tamil Tigers and the Sri Lanka government. The many instance our issues have influenced military and killing/death in that Country and both side knew about and have known about this and the important why - what the British and international media then write have written. Among one of the important issue the Tamil Tiger communities in Britain and Europe, the Lady Thatcher government and politic refugees/exiles and everybody pretend would like the world to believe it never happened, the Boat incident of putting the ex Tigers on a Prison Barge in the Thames and the project we presented to her government at the time of taking one of the Island in the BIOT group and creating a special colony under the UN mandate, the idea of the SNM/MPR to get mercenary to create a situation on BIOT to attract world attention to our plight/politic, get the USA to become involved directly for several exile/refugees communities then in Britain including Seychelles and Illois. May be leading lawyer Rogers education and experience how he has dealt with Black politic and Africa, we from the Seychelles it was not the Black who were leading the fight //////////////////////struggle to change Seychelles they were ex Planters/Farmers and their French ancestors had build that Seychelles and as such the vast many linking issues, culture, politic with France and their global network - hence we turned to the Irish, the Scots and other European Nations for help given the awful British history - What about the person of Sir Nicolas Fairbain who supported Cold War battle against Communist - what about the role of Lord Oxford former governor of Seychelles and Zanzibar his many advice and support - the manner that SIROP program was written and those involved, those leading world person and politicians, important aspects of the politic and economy of Sri Lanka was taken in the equation of that Program and Seychelles change and the Region. We have cited/state to the UN, UNHCR, the International Court of Justice the Claim papers for the Royal court of Justice and the European court of Justice and the Justice of Seychelles and Mauritius and the Francophone and France -the time will come when this topic will have to be plainly spoken, the bad if not awful relation between Britain and the Seychelles Franco families and their respective interests and they wanting to cover up and slant, distort what really took place this is a very serious challenge and critic. To certain extent hate involved. To this day be it former President Mancham and his former Ministers and President and the SPUP have refused to state the terrible relation which existed and prevailed in colonial /Seychelles Britannia and the why - the dreadful Planters relation and the manner the Constitutions was written and the political process for Independence - the strong views of the Planters at the time and all those who told and made it know to DP Leaders and officials - that the mess Britain was cooking for the Seychelles was as bad as Zanzibar and it would come to hunt them, in other word the mess of the exiles and Exodus had been foreseen and talked about and FA Rene and Associates knew about it and knew that this was a very important card/weapon he had and how he used and abused it. Sir Fairbain and the Earl of Oxford knew very well and so to the many Irish politicians who became involved with our Colonial issues. Former leading Colonial Administrator like Judge EJ Stiven who knew most of the leading politicians in Seychelles and the region had warned about this situation - he was afraid, very concerned and shared his knowledge with the then Constitutional Adviser, he had played an important role in the Zanzibar Constitution sand other Constitution issue of Tanzania and Kenya. What he discussed and talked with then Seychelles leading Lawyers, Judges and Magistrate, Senior Police officers, Intelligence Service visiting Officials, the expat community, the USA officials - he also kept dairy and all his thoughts and concern would be in there. It was wrong/improper to allow Hon Wavel a second generation migrant Indian citizen to chair that Commission as he will disfavor the Planters community and their Rights and children Plaints before the Truth Commission in Favor of the Indian and those who will be guiding and dictating him. The above said how those advised us which Lawyer to go to and what to discuss and not discus in public or even the lawyers and others - then deny these ever took place, the many Embassies in London who knew and monitored the issues and we had to addressed those who were supposed to be keeping three eyes on our person and activities. We suppose the view and issues of Vatican mean nothing to the International Justice their defrauded and debased Justice thinking - after those who had spend all their life time praying and then dare say they are Christians -

One of the leading Law firm who original advised and we discussed the issue of that SIROP program 1987 then USA Embassy, Canada and Italy those who helped make the contact and they moved to the left wing of the above building Kingsley and Napley , Binney and Binney they were both by the then US Embassy and firm of solicitors, Malkin Jenners close to where the Commonwealth Masonic Lodge is - the lawyers we had to explain/tell who we were, the research in 1978/9 Vienna by UNIDO what become the COI, at the time we had some 3/4 years researching by International institute for Strategic Studies and the Royal Institute for Strategic Studies Beside High management experience in then Britain, Europe and world. The French and Vienna counter part

Now we are in bigger trouble that we ever thought the two personalities what they knew of that SIROP program and how it involved South Africa important politics and events the very person of President Mandela and Bishop Desmond ~~Tutu, they both and their Officials knew of those leading Law firms involvements and who they were and the why the new President of South Africa the debacle.;

The mighty Amnesty International, then Islington, then PM Blair how with our SIROP and other Community issues contributed that Amnesty International move to their New Office and many issues -then Guardian News paper close by.

The mighty Amnesty International, then Islington, then PM Blair how with our SIROP and other Community issues contributed that Amnesty International move to their New Office and many issues -then Guardian News paper close by.