Two weeks ago addressed an article on North Korea on Facebook we are doing this again today
Sir James Mancham was very aware of how our Seychelles many daft at times and at time very complex and sophisticated way above the Heads of the government, the SPPF/PL Majority Assembly and the current LDS Assembly majority - his approach to the attitude of our upcoming politicians if that is the best way one can ascribe them, In his own time and way would put his thoughts to papers/the books he wrote and the Lectures and meetings he held. Very meaningless to very many in that Seychelles.
He had the ability and capacity of taking what was ongoing of our issues and develop special capacity to remodel them to suit the views and attitude, communication mode of those of the greater world. In particular our South and North Korea issues among a few highly sensitive one. .
A lot of imbeciles in that country call Seychelles who did not or just do not know Sir James capacity we say shut Edmond up - send him to a loony bin - that Truth Commission is as useless as a cow that you feed and does not yield milk, we could have chosen a uglier example - Sir James Mancham had refuse to attempt to communicate and explain the vast populace at home why he held such views and the respective arguments - because he would be insulted and lampooned by humans who know absolutely nothing of what the issues were and how they worked. They term and call this Democracy.
I had wanted to remind Pastor Terry Johnson of the Adventist Church Sermon 2/9/17 - it sounded like the Jones and Koresh situation meaning the church and Pastor very grave concern for his congregation and humanity in general and the Christian. Now the news this morning North Korea have exploded a hydrogen bomb.
Please note our effort to try and explain how Sir James Mancham perceive our complicated global links, connection and workings and how he strived to develop a special if not his own unique method of interpreting them and applying them when things.moments became very difficult. President FA Rene and eventually one or two individual, in that Seychelles understood, in Mauritius, certain countries of Africa, the gulf region , India and Pakistan china Asia the Canada, Europe -where he got the information and material to work with and equally important the technique and discipline to work such very difficult thematic.
After some 40 years of working with him on some of those issues and the manner we did this, make it such/possible that one acquires a degree of understanding and knowledge - beside we have impute with such personalities as Dr Kissinger and we can/could site a number of other world distinguish persons in their respective fields, knowledge and disciplines, capacities.
The need to go back to 1986/87 then then USSR and West Nuclear crises Sir James had been our first President in-spite there were complexities we had better advantage and understand ability of their management - what the politicians and media and the so call Institutions have written of how the global Nuclear crises of 1987/88 was resolved - this is the mega if not super mess the world have landed whereby other entities and other mechanism are called to impute and provide solutions and do things then the politicians and media tell lies and invent how they were done and the position arrived at - then come another crises and they try to use their methods and the mess that/which ensues and this is the kind of situation we are in with current Russia and North Korea.
Given the gravity of the situation had Sir James Mancham been alive he would have undertaken some attempts at helping to diffuse the situation using the above mentioned workings - even President FA Rene may have en-devoured do not misjudge him and his capacity to understand /grasp the situation - safe that he lack today the people around him to send them to talk and dialogue make a given input what about Dr Maxim Ferrari.
Beside we have some 35 years of working with a good number of countries their high politicians and other how we have worked and the experience that in Seychelles the approach that is compelling the current political individum to act and respond is very much a controlled in the Cold War era would have been called manipulating they are being manipulated and controlled.
Given that Sir James Mancham is not alive and that lot in Seychelles so full of their own wisdom and knowledge to go about making contact with certain officials and authorities is not my cup of tea the part explanation yet, yet within our workings is the given capacity to influence development in North Korea, its relation with the Russian, China, and other Powers - current direction of things/events..
Currently in the White House and the battle of the American people the person of President Donald Trump over the years while he developed his mega business consortium the many instance we have crossed and impute - this ought to give him the confidence that in-spite of Sir James not being around we can impute and have the capacity to impute - those who failed and refused to grasp what has happen in the USA and the White House.
We are writing this article for Facebook and would have had to write it differently for our IOISS Blog however will copy it to the Blog as it is - we have never professed and promoted the fact that we are masters at writing and putting on papers how we think and do things /make impute and contribute in our given field of knowledge and experience.
Sir. James Mancham, Founding President of the Seychelles, you made a speech at the IIFWP conference/North Korea grave development