Sunday, 19 April 2015

The COI, RIM Association of Nations, BRICS impact on the agenda to return the Illois back to their Homeland.

The COI, RIM Association of Nations, BRICS impact on the agenda to return the Illois back to their Homeland. 

How many remember/recall 1989 in London, the Delhomme Family in France and London, the De Chermond/Souyave, the Old Family who owned Silhouette (were we learn to eat Bread Pudding - Family bakery) the announcement for the vast majority outsider as they say still doubting/uncertain multiparty would come or that President FA Rene would make that announcement December 1990.
Particularly, the Family of the Monty - Mr Olaph Monty his total commitment/engagement in our cause and the Hooper Family.

We made this statement to them, those responsible - however difficult, poor, challenging the circumstance, try and get some cash together, to prepare to return home- the Price of Land and very many issues will be changing and their own properties and whatever they had lost. In doing this we trusted them.  What really took place - my person ought to have been like a little Idi Amin or Mugabe may things may just have worked otherwise.  Those who can and have the capacity to remember those eventful years leading to the  Historic announcement.

At the Adventist Church there had been several sermon about the five foolish bridesmaid/virgins and the five wise bridesmaids/virgins. How the synergy/dynamic impact even the church workings and the topics that/which come to the Ministers and priests minds.  Those who took to misunderstanding.
{We had been very cold and plain about our lot then - Judge EJ Stiven, the Earl of Oxford, the Great Mitterrand and the many experienced military, Intelligence and former diplomats constants reminders - how the people, politicians and others use and abuse a given person in political cause and workings, when they have achieved their objective - they are dumped, discarded and rejected and they get some other fools to come and play the monkey/clown for them.}  Hence the statement about Idi Amin and Mugabe.

To help us overcome the negativity we remembered the Cold Storage of Old Seychelles, the Cold Storage of Mr Maxime Larue and Mr Daddy Michel, the cold Storage of Mr Ramnijk Vablajhi and then Mr Micheal Green. Other Cold Storage on the Island for those large Hotels - including Coral Strand our person in there alive and thinking.

Events which ensued and what really took place.  What about the global euphoria, region Africa, Gulf Region, India, Pakistan, Australia and South Africa, the USA.  The media situation and blood drinking lot.

By all counts - the conservative Coalition should have made the announcement which of the Plan A, B, C  they had finally decided for for the return of the Illois to their Homeland before the election.  What influenced and impacted them not to do so. Yet their very comportment  in 1989 to 1991 over Sechelles Seychelles multiparty return  and that SIROP program. Later they wrote on Wikipedia, other media they helped change Seychelles via the Commonwealth.  They have not done this  and  who ever wins the next election in 15 days time will have to make this statement.

Just like/as lady Thatcher missed a great opportunity back in 1881 at the height of the Vietnam boat people, the Sri Lanka and many important refugee/exile issues - the concept to use part or one of those Island to start a platform/place/colony and land of refuge for not just the Illois and under the UN Flag as event is unfolding in Italy - this is the horror of world workings and their media manure - out in the world exist force which overnight can revert the situation force the politicians hands. The media can take a very long walk.

The present Conservative Coalition who knew the plans under then PM Blair government and later PM Gordon Brown,   how they mismanaged the whole concept - the obstacle they created and invented.  As usual over the course of history Britain and many other nations have never reacted or forced to react safe when a major events or terrible situation have developed as the UN  -  International Court Ruling.  Those Illois are going back to their Homeland.

If Mr AlFayad was still in business - we would have buzzed him  as we did in the past what about starting a little project together there. Immediately the circus.

Having written we need an International review for that SIROP program be they UN, EU or African Union  impulsed - in Africa the many UN project for Repatriation and resettlement of exile/refugees. For the Indian Ocean beside the recent Sri Lanka development - the Seychelles is and will be for many years a very important landmark project. The determination not to allow the UN, EU or then OAU or the big nations to direct and dictate the pace, development and agenda of this historic program - we took our destiny in our own hands. At the end of the day it is the results that matters - however pathetic  our results have proved.  Today in the region we are know and acclaimed for this unique achievements and future generation and future generation will take and write about it.

The mega revolution this SIROP program brought to Britain and its many historic and Arcadian institution and workings. For the Illois and those 600 or so that have lived in Seychelles this ought to be part of their Benchmark - what more they benefited directly where as those many leading exile/refugee families are still out there in the cold over the past 26 years events and developments in Seychelles, the many regional and international bodies and institutions which became engaged to the current so call democratic point and stage.  They have been educated importantly - not programmed and brained washed.

They have seen and learned in a modern world environment how small nations an its people can work closely and collaborate in comparison to the old dictum of the British or French system. Such learning process are very unique and very expensive.

This briefly said - what of the impact of the COI, the RIM Association and fast development of BRICS on the forthcoming Illois return Project/program.

Today unlike some 26 years ago communication, media, education have exploded, knowledge with it.   Yet because of the terrible role and posture of Mauritius towards those 21,000 Seychelles exile and their SIROP program - the mega abuse and abuse, the role of COI, the RIM Association  impacts respective role in planning and formulating topics and thematic the next 12 months.

Those Illois, where other have used guns and violence to bring progress and development they can apply their ideas to the WWW and this was created/concepted by the those involved in that SIROP program - take good note and remember it carefully - in-spite of whatever the Parliament and  and other will say.

For example we have been writing of the future regional Equations in many aspects once Britain decided to implement what every plan - within and among the existing many developed structured of the Indian Ocean Region - beside Military diplomacy and Strategic disciplines.

Those Illois are by large of African Origin and they will be leaning more towards African Union Institutions for support and implementing many of their issues and Britain coming back to Africa and the Indian ocean with their baggage to work and dialogue. What a blissful scenario. Everybody will have to go back in their old trunks and cupboards and basements, get their old notes, books and memorabilia polish them and clean them and make them presentable for the purpose.

That Scandal in Mauritius will come to hunt then for many generation to come.  This have been brewing for a very long time - all those who judge Mauritius was on the right course/track for become an exemplary nation because of it culture mix and Arcadian heritage - quality of human progress and economy, the British those who know them very well will threat the elite of Mauritius institutions a bunch of thieves and very dishonest entities for a very long time.  We know what was being said on the streets of London for a very long time since the inception of that SIROP program - how that COI and RIM Association issues was being managed from Mauritius and By Mauritius.

In developing and implementing any form/kind of Refugee/exile Returning and repatriation program you need trust. If there have been a long Military or genocidal situation the weariness of those exile/refugee to become committed and engage,  it is very natural.  For a very long time we have been writing and stating/exposing our lot.  Forget the Mauritius Assembly and the media they have been taking everybody for a very long ride for too long.   the games everybody played.

These Illois after our own bitter experience are not going to trust the Mauritius entities easily - they there abound vast possibilities and resources.  These Illois can choose to take a Referendum and decided which camp they prefer to be ruled and dominated.  It is a strange situation a bit like ours back in 1973 before independence.  Again the many important lessons to be learned.

From an EU, African Union, IMF/World Bank and USA prospective or the Commonwealth  events in Mauritius have pointed any future Illois Project cannot and must not be entrusted to the Mauritius government and institutions - what will ensue and bound to take place - in the event of any part or participatory workings our fate and lot the fate of those Illois will be worse, they will be robbed, taken to the laundry, ripped off whiles the many other powerful entities they make their $millions and fortunes and what their politician and media will tell the world. This scenario is not encouraging.
Yet given Seychelles, Mauritius, the COI, RIM Nation and BRICS nation current economy the decision to implement a given adopted plan would and could have been very forthcoming to the economic climate/synergy /dynamic.

However having said we will all need/require to go in the basement get our old pictures, notes and memorabilia for colonial Britain - the current Britain and the utter corruptive system/benchmark - this have forced other to become corrupt if not more corrupt - it is a very vicious circle.  To refer to that SIROP program -how this program gave Britain,  the first green economic shoots and those who have gone on to write what and now the total madness of lies and con and dishonesty what is driving and making the economy work  - the same terrible situation back in 2007/8.

Among/ad-mist all this, confronting one - the Illois must not repeat the fat of those like the Delhomme, Family, the Souyave and Monty Family we had gone out of our way and told them - the inevitable change coming to Seychelles in 12 to 15 months time. They lost very big time to speculators and, ruthless and greedy individuals the the state of the Seychelles nation today. Then we knew all the efforts to block, use any dirty mean for those individual getting their hands on money to restart their lives and rebuild - what took place the mega exclusion and those in Britain who were involved  and the USA - the fate of the Illois is not going to be much better.

We have/had the KPMG dragged before the international institutions several times in the past - they had been then Seychelles government/auditors and we trusted them, the efforts we took to share the information then Cold War about that SIROP program how they comported and behaved.  KPMG have written that Report/Study for the Illois return project and in Mauritius the Auditors of the collapse Rawat empire were/was KPMG.

By the way it also remain to be seen how the Illois once the announcement is made will comport themselves - like those Seychellois who returned home after 1992/3, the 3rd Republic.  Those who will be appointed and nominated to serve on bodies like the COI, the RIM Association, the many African Union bodies and the Commonwealth and the Francophone.