Vienna Millennium Tower across the Danube (This image is copy write - we are borrowing it) a Wikipedia version
We have addressed some of the issues on our SIROP Blog space, Community Forums and Email messages.
From London/Britain we had/have been writing, threading that there are important synergistic impacts/dynamics importantly involved within the Millennium approaching , those who had written and forecast the world would end, civilization as we know it - which would/will influence the World, Europe, Civilization, Global politic, Economy, the very long list of what make the world work and our little planet Earth - including the mighty USA, Russia, China, Latin America. Particularly then World working 1997 onward approaching the Millennium and the preparation for the World/Earth greatest Historic moment.
The world dynamic, synergy was very very different for those who are trained, educated to understand such science and associated disciplines - beside the pressure on many minds the great uncertainty and challenges the Millennium would pose exactly because of the synergistic, dynamic changes, developing issues which given until the Millennium arrival had been terrible botched up - badly managed, across the globe the even greater challenges, the future synergy/dynamic of the Millennium would bring - the inadequate human preparedness in very many fields.
As we were approaching this great moment, event and history - those across Europe, the USA and around the world who went on high alert mode - curtailing/restricting the Right of is citizens across the globe and evoking, Military, National Security and Society dangers and Heightened Terrorist and Criminal activities. Curtailing the media and other aspect of Communication in the process - including Educational.
This in itself did not lend to mankind unique gift and abilities to think properly/normally - the restraints. The intense monitoring, Policing, Big Brother role which was being emphasized as paramount and required to protect and provide safety for the world population, Nations, civilizations - the manner the politicians and many other Institutions took over the Management of World affairs and the Management disciplines, systems, mechanism they debated and introduced and put into place - the vast majority with no regards for the future and the synergy/dynamic impact. Yet in their countless documents, reports they would write, address that such concern and issues have been duly/adequately addressed.
There is the important need to look back at Europe in 1997 beside its official Institutions - the important role of the "Illuminati, Archaic, Templar, Fraternal/Christian, other belief and practices and the global Masonic workings, the NGO's". In the USA then White House - President and its Institutions. Likewise Russia, China, Latin America, North America, Africa, Asia - what about the Vatican.
The Many in USA, Latin America, North America, the EU, Africa, Asia, the Gulf Region, Australia, China who were reasonably if not importantly aware given the much different global positive synergistic working - the impacts on all the media and the communities and citizens of the World - that that SIROP program had been a very important approach, thinking, collaborative process/experience, example, finding solution and nation's workings in overcoming challenges and obstacles - conflicts. As such the mega battle between the high Illuminati, archaic, Templar, fraternal, masonic workings of Europe and Britain - the need to influence and decided the fate/future of the world and Europe by insisting that the core of that Program remained in Britain - those who set about re-branding, rebuilding the many associated and important issues, reinventing and rewriting the many issues in preparation to the coming Millennium. Among high profile human issues - the debacles and terrible issues of the fate of Princess Diana and the Al Fayad. Those who were not trained and had adequate capacity to work, manage and handle such high complicated issues and the media of course - yet they were Officials, they represented the people and the were supposedly employed/duly accredited to to this. Again what we have written. To achieve the degree of effective success and progress involving that SIROP program and other Higher Issues we represented and worked with - our person had to be/become involved.
There is a very great deal of dishonesty in the Intellectual and academic working of Britain and respective institutions - on myth alone a country and civilization cannot exist and function. On of the Fundamental reason we have engaged and drove the issue which saw Professor Von Hayak advising then Lady Thatcher - the interdisciplinary disparity we encountered between the German speaking Economic working and that of Britain. The education/High education, University, College academic system - the small percentage who had adequate knowledge and understanding just as their German speaking counterpart were incapable of making the due impute - contributions, given the larger/greater majority their respective academic and education system/concepts. The very nature their media works form TV, News paper etc and again the important role for those who know the reality we played in the restructuring of Fleet Street, the re working of Britain/London very big media entity and why.
In the face of current global clamp down after events of 2008, important control and manipulation of Academic discipline and we have monitored and studied the British issues - yet again in Germany, Austria and Switzerland the very critical approach and discipline in place to take a given discipline in itself and take it to pieces, look at its very core, atom and address them in manner that the academic fraternity will understand. The French are having/experiencing grave, if not very serious problems and challenges. We are concern with Britain and the German speaking Academic Institutions, because of the unique and very important role they have both played in the advent to the Millennium and ongoing events and the respective why.
The need to emphasis, stress, explain for a given degree of safe/conducive working of the world, Europe, the USA, Latin America etc., then important need and ability to take a Program like SIROP and trash it/dissects it, study it from the many facets and angles - because of its important properties, synergy, dynamic - events, politic, agendas, debate, particularly the historic construction Program which those big Multinational, Individuals, construction companies, those with Money to build and invests - the/its ongoing impact in the 1997 and approaching Millennium and future to come.
To a great certainty such work, dissecting, study, trashing out approach and report would be very different. between the German speaking nations, the British and the French speaking Academicians, the respective national benchmark, institutions and education and political system in place which impede or encourage/drive such process.
Then we have a collective EU challenges how the EU institutions on reporting, evaluating and monitoring works - the standards and benchmarks. It is importantly this which have led/contributed that we address this thread/Issues.
Here we had/have across the public, business entities, markets, countless other areas of EU economy, society - the reasonable notion that until 1997, that SIROP program had been a very unique and challenging new way of solving political and economic problems, challenges - involving the former COMECON, USSR, Africa, Gulf Region, Latin America, Asia Europe and China - yet if one when to the or an appropriate DG or Strasbourg MEP/Commissioners or Department Heads - one heard a different language, talk and view of that SIROP program, the issues of those involved the past COMECON, the past USSR, the past Africa, the past Latin America, the past Germany, the past France and the past Austria among others. How does one, a young person understand, equate this - in his respective University there exist the science, discipline to take a subject or select a subject which that SIROP program had impacted and trash it/sort, study it to its core and at EU Level this just do not exist or they refuse to include or take it/them on board. We are talking of the fundamental of synergistic and dynamic workings, impacting and abilities to impact - where at EU level they would only talk of Leverage and gearing - they refuse and do not have the capacity to weigh and study this in details as in the Universities and high academic institutions.
Being content to say/state that such/this Economic program have impacted a given society, social sector and population is inadequate - example the Channel Tunnel - the manner in Britain, the research and study undertaken and the role of that SIROP program. The way in France their respective Institutions interact, study, dissect and go about understanding the relevancy of the synergistic, dynamic impacts - leave aside the leverage and gearing issues. The conclusion differed greatly - we can extend this to the Nord pas de Calais Economic development. Across Europe the many such Economic projects and Programs - how they interlinked and their inter dynamic and inter synergistic workings - again the distinction between leverage and gearing of such project and programs.
In Britain, itself given that the decision, battle had been taken over by the Labour government - PM Blair - we are being very very economical with information and what really rook place, the system in place to drive and quasi manage such mega Projects, programs and associating synergistic, driving energy - those projects when in place and finish their respective impact on the coming Millennium and the future. The fact and this is very serious, those current politicians and managers and high executives who somehow have lost control, wreck havoc, out to sabotage other individual contributions in History and in the process disconnect and destroy - the synergistic and dynamic workings relation. Most important the/its respective impact on our world today - Europe, the USA, Russia, the former East Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia, Africa, the Gulf Region, China. Having been addressing this topic for the past 10 years very certain some individuals must have taken the issues/topic up and gone through the process of studying, weighing, calculating, quantifying, coding and putting in mathematical formulas - the long list of scientific approach - yet.
With the availability of information on the web a great deal of material, study prior to the Millennium and after. The many facets and manner of presentation - views and arguments/respective objectives.
The above addressed - there is the need to do some form of catalog if one can call it that, given the important complex relation between that SIROP program, prior to the Millennium in Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Spain, Scandinavia, Belgium, Austria - new East Europe Nations to the EU and Russia itself.
It is not good enough to say - that, that having relaunched the online version of that Program is sufficient to rebuild the very damaged synergy, dynamic - gearing and leverage mechanism which had been in place in 1997 until the Millennium - the current Economic and Financial workings of EU. Most important the vast array and massive economic studies which have been undertaken by very many governments, respective institutions, International institutions and such bodies and tier report and finding/conclusion after events of 2007/8.
The need and requirement to identify those key and important projects and sub project and, events, issues and provide their respective information, those involved -
Where does that leave those retched 21/25,000 exile, the nation of Sechelles Seychelles population and the new migrants, the current state of things and very messy situation, politic, economy, national industry and at the core two burning issues the Energy/Gas Exploration possibilities today and the future - those involved and wishing to become involved and the Geo Strategic importance, the region, regional workings in turn - from East Africa, South Africa, the Gulf Region, Asia, Australia, North Africa, the regional and international institutions it form part of - the relation of such study/research, trashing out is my preferred word at academic and appropriate scientific level/standard - using European Norms. Because of the EU important involvement as we have described above - in their Universities, national workings and institutions - the very different and marked view, approach, importance of that SIROP program in 1997, the Millennium and the terrible state we are in. The involvement of the IMF and World Bank and the UN.
Only a blasted or demented lunatic - human, would dare say if/should such a study/ be undertaken and it is found and can be quantified, equated and proven that, that SIROP program have played a major role/impact on the events and issues approaching the Millennium in then Europe and the Millennium itself and then for political argument those from India, the African Union, Australia, Asia and the USA or China discredit and say very much otherwise.
Ever since President Obama came to Office this issues have been on our mind, which we have addressed the White and USA high Institutions - the terrible double standards of the world and their impact and influence - just as the influence, synergy, dynamic of that SIROP program from 1987 onward - this cannot be denied or refuted/ignored.
In France the arrival of President Sarkozy and current President Francois Holland - their view and understanding of the Program - their ignorance, lack of adequate knowledge and information what that SIROP program was really about, the impacts which led to the changes in the COMECON, USSR and the Communist political, Economic and Diplomatic system, France global role - beside other important issues affecting the world. Just as in the African Union, the past Presidency of Jean Ping and the current African Union Presidency the very challenging way the AU system is working and trying to manage the massive agendas it has set itself. .
We have tried to address the many important contributions, properties that Austria and some of its people brought and input in that SIROP program. Having said/address the different scale/values that is being used in the German and British and French speaking Universities/Academic institutions - the observation. Those who were happy to use that SIROP program, synergy, dynamic, say leverage and gearing mechanism, properties for their own national development goals, former East European workings, corporate and geopolitical workings, the enhanced construction Industry and particularly the Banking Sector - the collapse in 2007/8 and the current state of its economy and corporate workings co related to the past and current synergy, dynamic, leverage and gearing possibilities - impacts. The need to note right across the EU Capitals, for those who have worked and associated very importantly with that program - the marked, what we would prefer to term dislocated, disjointed, very malfunctioning of the impacts and benefits of the synergy/dynamic which ought to have been in place a s a direct results of that SIROP program impacts until the Millennium. We will be adding a link to the Millennium Building in Vienna/Center, those Architect involved then, the politicians, the media, the bankers, national institutions and European, East Europe - how they go about formulating at Austrian Academic level such project and why - then to forget and pretend such important links, synergy, dynamic, leverage and gearing never existed is to court in scientific term grave situation or grave challenges and associated problematic - malfunctioning of countless other projects and linking issues.
What about the sad fate of France - those mega project we had worked with then President F Mitterrand - Government, Officials, Institutions, later President Chirac building up to 1997 and the Millennium. Right across EU the same terrible/awful development - scenario.
Our/this Blog is open for official written comments, yet those in Britain and London the manner they have reacted - beside those across the EU, the USA, the Indian Ocean and Africa - including the many threaths and intimidating issues.
The reason we have retrieved some of Prof Dr Michael Hofmann past work and addressed them on Facebook IOIMF page - those in Britain/London who are/hold the view we are inventing the topics related to the respective discipline/scientific workings.
Particularly the Conservatives Camps, their Old colonial mentality - manner they treat those who endeavor to work, address and debate such important disciplines - the notion they only have the God given rights and as human under the Sun to address and work such issues.
We are going to publish some research papers/documents and important material leading personalities and great academicians, professor have/were working on - around the year 1990 - the phenomena, which was driving then political, social, economic and military changes, developments, process in the former COMECON, the USSR. Those involved in the Privatization and Reconstruction of the German Politic - Unification, France politic, economy and Finance as well as the rest of Then Europe. What we have written that the Russians and former East European had to reinvent their National Economic, Corporate/Business, Society functioning and keep on top of the heap upon what benchmarks and scientific values/properties.
Then Events in London - development in the field of big corporate workings, politic and the politic of Europe and the world, Economy and the media - those battling to force the world and Europe to adopt that highly abnormal phenomena, with all its associated debacles/negativity. The person of then lady Thatcher many of her Officials and then Professor Dr Von Hayak. Those who judge and say we had been inventing - the source of those material we were working out in Britain/London.
Likewise in the USA events.
What we wrote to the Courts in Britain, the International Court of Justice, the European Court, the UN, Government officials and Institutions and some of the letters, issues are still available and some of them have kept copies. This was/were not my inventions they were based upon and supported by highly serious work and study undertaken and being undertaken by leading Professors and academicians in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. ( In Britain those who choose to brand the approach to their respective study/research and unacceptable, racist and etc.,) Particularly the Blair era.
What about those in France and Italy.
In Seychelles, Mauritius, Reunion, Madagascar and then OAU, what we had been addressing - again not our invention. Based upon highly very important research and studies by leading Universities and academicians. Their respective respond.
Psychoanalysis and Management
- The Millennium Commission
- Millennium Think Tank
- Millennium Now
- Web Archives National Archives UK
- United Nations Millennium Development Goals
- Urs Millennium Project
- United Nations Millennium Project
- Millennium Development Project
European Nodes Initiative - The Millennium Project
Executive Education Programmen der WU Executive
Executive Education Programmen der WU Executive