[size=18][color=blue]We have been having eye issues for a few years now since 2008 and began to have our sight tested. The approach and attitude of those we talked to and tested our sight – only they know everything attitude - this is very much an English/British problem not on the Continent.
This has been partly due to spending too many hours in front of a computer screens. We knew this would be the case; we had researched and read the issues. (Just a s spending too much time in front of monitor screen can affect your eye sight and such related work – you change your environment and work can stop and improve your eyesight, the food, exercise, Vitamins, many other interests, the sea, Mountain, sport and exercise – including one level of super vitamin e b c d and the amount /frequency of sex relation/life. With a great deal more –like meditation, prayers, Yoga among others.) The excessive application of the antisocial what we have termed “satanic rage/rave etc in the form of par science can have very damaging impacts, black Magic and Voodoo”
Beside the computer/Monitor side effects- there are certain parties form the current Conservative Party and Institutions –they believe it would not be bad idea if we lost our sight completely.
There exist science and discipline to achieve this – in the form of Par Science. As a results we have been having instance of losing our focus when walking in Public and having to shut our eye for a while and this can/is liable to cause accident depending where one is – by the way those Conservative and on the Street those boasting about it. Gone are the days of total secrecy –on the web there is a very great deal about Medicine - one only need to research and search- read.
It became so bad, we decided against our Doctor/GP to either attend the Emergency Clinic for Eye or the Local University Facilities and we did. They tested our sight some six weeks ago and in private discussed some of our concern and the nature of our work/responsibility and their impacts and we listened.
Because we had worked for a while in the Spectacle/special Frame business between 1979 – 83, those who know hence have some understanding g and knowledge – when ask to choose a Frame had wanted an Essilor Frame – the flexible one and the Technology is very unique.
They did not have this range or Silhouette and others instead opted for a German Frame. Which they stock. Many of you may will not understand they have many side effects which need to be talked and thought of properly – be very careful of those so call British/English Eye – Optician experts. The science and Benchmark they use to advice counsel and guide Customers and the public. Beside everybody own situation and needs.
The person who tested our eye is an Indian decent person and the actual spectacle/oculists of Pakistan decent and we chatted a great deal about the Indian Ocean and related community issues. Hinting and indicating our choice for a French or German Frame.
We went to collect our pair of Glass 20/8/13,it had been ready when the Royal Baby was born – decided not to collect it – the Family issues, Britain, Community, France and Europe. Most important what we have teased President Ghadaffi Son with his Austrian very expensive Frame – Optil Group. The Mauritius International Fair on 18/8/13 and the Ari Show in Kent this past Sunday.
We have been using a pair of reading gall from Foklkestone Library – where we concepted that Community Coat of Arms/Heraldic and the Masonic Lodge across the street –using this pair of Glass how and what it has impacted over the past 3-4 years. We have also had to make certain protection.
This said just as we addressed the issues of that accident with Iran Khan and the fork lift where we were and what we talked and then the accident of his and what the Pakistan and world media attributed that accident and related issues.
Because we have worked and have responsibilities decided to share our concern with the person who work on our Frame and lenses – We told of our many friendship in East Africa, Mauritius and the Indian Ocean – the region. We told her very plainly that when we start wearing this new pair of German glass it would impact our work and r3elevgant issues. We asked her to watch the media.
This morning the announcement that former PM Musharaft had been indicted/charged with the death/killing of Benazir Butho. (We have also addressed the issues on Forum– what really caused her death and the so call expert and official version) A great deal is realted to High Interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary management workings. Mrs. Benazir Butho knew about this we have contributed to many issues, like wise President Musharaft, and the current Pakistan PM – how he came to power and events of the last election. Had we been able to acquire a pair of Essilor the outcome and events would have been very different this morning – we know the White House, a number of EU high Institutions, Regional Indian Ocean, the UN and African Union monitor what we are writing and addressing. We once again ask those in Pakistan to read and note what we have addressed here. These individual who know of our work and what we represent in the Indian Ocean and how it can and impact their lives and work. [/size]
[size=24][color=red]Pakistan’s Musharraf Indicted For Bhutto Killing[/color] [/size]
SLAMABAD — An anti-terrorism court in Pakistan Tuesday indicted former military leader Pervez Musharraf on charges of conspiring to murder Benazir Bhutto, the country’s iconic politician who was twice elected as prime minister.
The court hearing took place amid extremely tight security in the garrison city of Rawalpindi, where the powerful military is headquartered. Journalists were not allowed in the court room for a hearing that lasted just 20 minutes.
Prosecutor Chaudhry Mohammad Azhar says former President Musharraf was personally present in the court when the judge read out charges to him. He told VOA the former army chief has been charged with murder, conspiracy to murder and facilitating the crime.
“Yes, he (Musharraf) did appear himself and he was read over the charge against him. He pleaded not guilty and opted to be tried in the case,” Azhar said.
This is the first time that a former army chief has been charged with a crime in Pakistan, where the top military leadership until now has been considered untouchable by the courts.
The army has run the country for nearly half its 66-year history, and intervened at times through coups. The army continues to dominate foreign policy matters even though Pakistan is witnessing a sustained period of democratic rule since President Musharraf resigned under threat of impeachment in 2008.
Prosecutor Azhar says that Tuesday’s indictment has marked the formal beginning of the high-profile trial of Mr. Musharraf and the next proceedings will take place on August 27th, when the court will record evidence against him.
Following the hearing Tuesday morning, defense lawyer, Afshan Adil, spoke with reporters outside the court and again rejected charges against her client, calling them fabricated.
“The (former) President denied all charges. He is not involved in the case at all, totally," Adil said. "In fact, I believe that of all the offenses that he has been charged with, not a single case is applicable on the President. I don’t know how these proceedings are being carried out against him.”
Pervez Musharraf seized power in a 1999 coup and went on to rule Pakistan as military president for nearly a decade. The former army commando stepped down from office to avoid impeachment and left the country few months later after his supporters were defeated in the 2008 national elections.
He was ruling the country when Benazir Bhutto was assassinated in December of 2007. She was killed in a gun-and-bomb attack during an election rally in Rawalpindi, just weeks after she came back to Pakistan from years in self-imposed exile.
Authorities at the time blamed Taliban extremists. Mr. Musharraf insists he warned Bhutto of the danger she faced, rejecting allegations that he provided poor security arrangements for the former prime minister, which led to her assassination.
Mr. Musharraf ended his self-imposed exile and returned to Pakistan early this year to take part in the elections this past May but was barred from doing so because of pending legal cases. He has been placed under detention in his farm house near the capital city while the courts hear the cases against him.
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Monday, 1 July 2013
Historic State visit of Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa 29/6/13
Historic State visit of Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa 29/6/13
We have had a bad bout of hay-fever something we have not had for several years - it make concentrating, working on complex and heavy issues difficult in spite taking six anti hay fever/cold/flue tablets for several days.
We had been focusing on the situation in Mauritius the past six months, beside the national social, political and corporate issues - important the need, requirement to follow closely any movements in the mega Protocol and accord signed by the two nation and people last July National Day celebrations 17 - 20/6/12. Our person is embroiled in some of the debacles as well as our greater exile, community workings and from the Interdisciplinary High management prospective. Related events in France and Britain associated - those affected and involved small and important. Possibly this has been the reason for the bout of hay-fever. To emphasis this importance from several prospective - we have set up that SIROP website and that Senate website since.
We have also had to cover the historic visit to Sechelles Seychelles of African Union Chair person and the associated issues of OAU 50 Anniversary. Communication among creatures is very important and how nations defers in communication practice and knowledge and how the Seychellois go about this - be they out of Seychelles or in that country. The fact from Seychelles Nation, Today Seychelles, Le Seychellois and Weekly beside the many forums and Facebook pages very little qualitative coverage/writing. The many upside down comments just do not make things easier.
It had been announced that Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa also historic State visit 29/6/13 to take place - Sir Lanka is not just any country in the Indian Ocean Region, the requirement to be very open minded and prepared to look/take in the many complex associated issues over the past 21 or more years and President J A Michel State Visit last year - developments.
The politic and relation between Sechelles Seychelles and Sir Lanka under President FA Rene and current President JA Michel is very different. We would like to cover some of the aspects.
The Seychelles Sir Lanka relation goes back a very long time - stories we were have been told of the Second world War and the Sir Lankan Soldier community stationed there. Those Families that took to staying there afterwards or rather came. Beside the excellent Tea and Cable and Wireless connections.
From the prospective of our Seychelles exile/refugees - we first came across their important then world debacle in 1977 - the War between the Tamil Tigers, call for two separate nations and division/partition of that country. There is a great deal written about Sri Lanka - we will link Wikipedia at the bottom, it is not super accurate but helps.
Given that/ what we have addressed about events in East Africa, the 1950/60's, the proposed Hong Kong of East Africa - Zanzibar, the Revolution and Communist/Socialist taking power events and important impacts on Sechelles Seychelles. The Political situation in Sri Lanka which would have been on the mid of the British Colonial Administration of Zanzibar and Seychelles - the many strong comments by some of them Westminster never knew really what was going in the Colonies and how they made and formulated policies and took decisions.
How ever for Individual like the Mr James R Mancham, FA Rene and Mrs Hilda Stevenson Delhomme, events and development in that country would not have gone unnoticed and the kind of government/system the were preparing to set in place as we approached, debated about our independence and Constitution. The politicians of the region took to monitoring, taking example where they were positive for their own action and situation. In 1977 events in Seychelles, the coup d'etat the Communist take over, the Cold War situation the None Aligned Movement - those Seychellois who had to flee their country to Britain, Europe, South Africa, Australia, Canada and the USA. Our person belonged to the European continental aspect as against Britain.
Loosing everything, a very unfriendly - in many instance insulting British position towards the Seychelles exile/refugee did not improve the situation - typical of British workings and strange arrogance, they had failed to take due note, advice of their own civil Servants and local experts they had created a situation where those they had ruled and administered were left at the mercy of ruthless politicians, military opportunists and Communist onslaught - takeover. Within/under those sets of circumstance a large number of Seychellois exile, including former Cabinet Minsters found themselves in Britain/London.
Over the years took the pain to address the many aspects of the Seychelles community in Britain. The migrants - Students, the economic Migrants organised in the 50/60's by the Colonial Service. The Service - Army recruit, the East Africa Seychelles community who had to flee East Africa after Independence and the new exile Refugee community of 1977. The experience and understanding of the many complex and important aspect of British Colonial and UK politic, government, institutions, media, police, work etc. Hence as against all those who called for setting Military Unit to topple Seychelles government - we advocated that we need to set up long Term Grass development, structures and lobby as other many other Communities in Britain.
The strange things is that, for the 15 years we lived in exile until 1991 none of those former Ministers care to address and explain in public why they took the decision they had to take - question would have been ask of them about Zanzibar and Sri Lanka.
For the prospective of Grass Root, Ethnic Minority and Community workings we found ourselves having to develop and build strong workings contacts and sharing common resources as those Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) activists and those who had fled in the 1983 riots some 150,000 Tamil Civilian had fled the country/Sri Lanka - those in Britain, beside the death. (It must be remembered we had the Vietnam Boat people situation/issues going on and they to in London will also add a wikipedia link)
Here beside the Asian from East Africa and Zanzibar in particular, Latin Americans, Africans from Ethiopia and Somalia, Eritreans, some Iraqi, Bangladesh exile/refugees - three distinctive community - we tried to explain to many in London of our French Connection with the Vietnam and the Vietnam community in London we had to share the resource, grass root building, Training etc. ( The Seychelles exile had attempted at least 3/4 counter coup against then President FA Rene government) Some of the common arguments and advocacy which develop for international, national and Home Office and UN arguments. ( Wikipedia do not do justice what really took place in London about the Vietnam/Boat people, the Tamil, the Zanzibar and our Seychelles exile community - Hence give that cold and brutal facts of the way the International community had handled their situation and our situation and our fate - proposed to Mrs Margaret Thatcher and his government, the British media and the Masonic Establishment that an International Project ought to be put in place - where by one of the islands of BIOT - Diego Garcia, could be taken and the minimum infrastructure put into place and those who wish to go and live their form the Vietnam, Sri Lanka - Tamils, Seychellois, the Chagossian and other African exile, the dynamic international and regional this/it would create - its management and impact on regional and world affairs - then Cold War and Communist issues. Then None Aligned Movement - We raised this possibility with a few of their executives when the occasion permitted and Voluntary Sector - today the world and the Indian Ocean would have been very different) The USA, the White House and Intelligence Service got to know and hear about this project/concept, including the French and the Italian and the South Africans and East African Community
As a result of the many very dynamic regional and in turn impacting international issues an our exile/refugee workings - how this impacted and influenced those who had to make the choice for an engagement Ring for then Princess Diana - why they choose a Stone from Sri Lanka - in term of historic, archaic, illuminati and Templar such workings then, the present and future.
We took to monitoring events in the Region affecting and impacting all aspects - those who knew and was/were aware of what we were doing. We developed a very strong and important workings connections - as such, the ideas, experience acquired affected, helped us to put that SIROP program the way we did. Meaning, the many impacting and influencing mechanism, dynamics, linkages an d those form Mrs Thatcher government and the British Masonic entities - accused us we have developed Weapon of Mass Destruction. Just because they did not and could not understand the concept we had put together. Quote Wikipedia - In 1987, the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord was signed and Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) was deployed in northern Sri Lanka to stabilise the region by neutralising the LTTE.[120] The same year, the JVP launched its second insurrection in Southern Sri Lanka,[121] necessitating redeployment of the IPKF in 1990. ( It was not and had not been Sri Lanka which had influenced and impacted those development it had been that SIROP program and the nature of its deployment - we state it there exist mechanism and discipline to prove and disprove this. Those from the Tamil Community in Exile, be they USA, France, German and Britain very aware. Until events in Seychelles 1991, the announcement of Multi party return and those who dare state the Commonwealth freed Seychelles form Communist and One Party State system.) This is some of the most important reason our person would not be allowed to return to Seychelles with the other exiles. This is part of the Network we have addressed and written so much about linked to/with that SIROP program . How the vast majority of those involved could not understand what took place we did, the discrediting, the hijack and take over of that program and those involved - it has been repeated and recorded time and time across history - we also knew this before writing and putting that program together. ( By the way two important incidents, - that Sri Lankan person who advised our person in then BRC Library Vauxhall - today the Head office of MI 5 about giving one life for one people and country and in the end you are left broken, alone and nobody appreciate - that was 1982/3, the incident of a former Sri Lanka Seychellois a Family we had been friend and close to his family, he had serve in the British special force - how those politicians in Seychelles had ordered that person to have us killed/executed)
We have addressed about the setting up of the COI and IOR Secretariat in Mauritius, the crash of the global economy and that SIROP program then President FA Rene and the Exile who had return. Events in Europe and Sri Lanka.
In 1998, we decided to contact a Group of Leading Sri Lankan then based in Harley Street and registered two companies with them - what we had discussed, then development in Seychelles, then Indian Ocean , the President FA Rene. SIMCA Mondo Trading and FB Mondo.
Those Sri Lankans who used those connection to gear up and build many important business entities, the project for a very large Tourist development and a quasi Cyber City in Sri Lanka. We have addressed the issues in the past. Our efforts to get Lehman Brothers to come to Seychelles and the Heinz, the Seychelles Stock Exchange then. The Seychelles Tanker Fleet concept and Reclamation project then. Gulf Region issues. India and Pakistan, Bangladesh. The links and rapport with then Seychelles government it would be on record.
There is a very great deal about that Tsunami and Earth quake of 2004/5 we have not addressed. We knew of those in Sri Lanka abusing of our Seychelles exile/refugee workings, manipulating then, then EU then USA and Regional issues - because we were not in government how they treated our exile/refugee issues. We explained in spite of Sri Lanka very old culture and belief as India< Pakistan and Bangladesh - those 21,000 Seychelles exiles have mechanism, dynamic , heritage which had been handed down to them and these same mechanism were driving the USA it was build upon them, Canada, Quebec - we the 21,000 had the sole rights to use them in exile. We have addressed the UN, the EU, the International Court, then OAU, the Commonwealth, the USA. Those British friends who knew of our plight and desperation then Tony Blair government, the mega abuse - those who had been working a plan to help get us out of Britain to go and live and work in Sri Lanka.
In 2004 we went to Seychelles upon the advice and much debate in London to help resolve the situation - the fact that that SIROP program had impacted the greater workings of the whole region and we were being robbed, many aspects of that Program Hijacked, we explained of defensive mechanism in that program. How upon our return to Britain that December we went to see several individuals and explain what had transpired - their view of our greater heraldic workings and accountability. That Earth quake and Tsunami which devastated the Indian Ocean, the cost of India, the Many who perished in Sri Lanka. We endeavored to explain time and time and everybody just played deaf. They invented their explanation reasons. They put into place the Anti Terrorist Legislation.
Using the same mechanism and dynamic we decided to work - engage with Sri Lanka, the details we will not make public. Events form that Tsunami and Earth quake those who know and monitored the issues to date. Equally important events with the Tamil and Separatist Movements.
Had, those Sri Lankan in Harley Streets and London we had been in contact the war and the out come of that War could have been very different - what the media writes and what the politicians write. Those mechanism have been driving issues and particularly President JA Michel visit to that country last year. The protocols and accord.
We have been writing help us migrate to the continent with that SIROP program and greater working of our Seychelles community everybody would see a marked impact in the Indian and Regional workings. Those who know and are manipulating us. Had we migrated to Europe with those workings the relation of Seychelles and Sri Lanka would be very different today.
Most important the accord signed by the two Heads of state on 26/6/13 would/may never have been signed.
We have noted the important community of the Sri Lanka in Seychelles, the blood donation they made their role in running the economy - yet what Seychelles government of the SPPF/PL choose to treat and deal with our 21,000 exile/refuge issues as if we just do not exist. What the opposition have been fighting and writing about Seychellois being made second citizens in his own country.
With our head still affected with the hay-fever have tried to digest and analyse the meaning of that Protocol/ Including Sri Lanka wish to join the COI, our person did the original research in Vienna 1978/9 and events. The logic that it too and at that original research took Sri Lanka into consideration.
We have addressed the issues of that SIROP program how it impacted the whole of the region including Sri lanka, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh - yet the attitude and reaction of those high parties.
We have listened to the address of Sri Lanka President in the National assembly, the joint declaration, the mention of Sri Lanka being the oldest democracy in South Asia and formerly a British colony as Seychelles. The aspiration to build and develop democratic workings ans share values and experience - because of the issues of those 21,000 exile we have been forced compel to write what we have here briefly.
Most important the setting up of Sri Lanka Bank in Seychelles shortly with a $ 10 millions credit line - the money owned/outstanding to our person was $15 millions and the money Seychelles got form the Tsunami compensation was $30 millions beside other money.
There is a much bigger and important project the Spain Seychelles fishing industry and that Morocco Tunnel and the greater Europe and Africa project - we have pleaded and written to many st up a Branch of Santandar in Seychelles, the mega cack up in Spain and Greece/Europe - they do not instead a Branch of the Sri Lanka Bank.
From the exile/refugee prospective need to look back at evenvts and history of the region and development the past 36 years. The fact that those 21,000 exile/refugee are a very important player the the Seychelles and regional issues - we drove OAU to become African Union. We have been driving the issues of COI. After the mega global meltdown in 1995 we drove the mechanism that help/contributed to set into place the IOR Regional workings.
Having worked the above issues and what we have address about the global meltdown. The lies and cover up - very important to access the economic capabilities of Sri Lanka, Industrial, Educational and Scientific - most important how such working could be very positive for Seychelles future. There is a a need to re-balance the politic of Seychelles its democratic workings - as and when President Nelson Mandela leaves us - events which will take place in South Africa how they will impact Seychelles and other regional economic workings.
The question what would happen overnight if we did transfer the major workings of that SIROP to mainland Europe, our greater workings and the so call peace in Sri Lanka. There would be a major change in Regional Gulf, Indian Ocean and Africa workings and Asia.
For this reason we began this article by explaining the historic visit of Dr Navin Ramgoolam to Seychelles last years and the many accord between these two old friendly people nations. How we/those SIROP program have impacted important political, cultural, and economic workings in Mauritius and the joining of Sri Lanka to the COI its secretariat in Mauritius.
Events in North Africa, countries which were more stable and economic prosperous than Seychelles, the so call North African Spring. The politicians , the media, the army need to listen in Seychelles.
We have had a bad bout of hay-fever something we have not had for several years - it make concentrating, working on complex and heavy issues difficult in spite taking six anti hay fever/cold/flue tablets for several days.
We had been focusing on the situation in Mauritius the past six months, beside the national social, political and corporate issues - important the need, requirement to follow closely any movements in the mega Protocol and accord signed by the two nation and people last July National Day celebrations 17 - 20/6/12. Our person is embroiled in some of the debacles as well as our greater exile, community workings and from the Interdisciplinary High management prospective. Related events in France and Britain associated - those affected and involved small and important. Possibly this has been the reason for the bout of hay-fever. To emphasis this importance from several prospective - we have set up that SIROP website and that Senate website since.
We have also had to cover the historic visit to Sechelles Seychelles of African Union Chair person and the associated issues of OAU 50 Anniversary. Communication among creatures is very important and how nations defers in communication practice and knowledge and how the Seychellois go about this - be they out of Seychelles or in that country. The fact from Seychelles Nation, Today Seychelles, Le Seychellois and Weekly beside the many forums and Facebook pages very little qualitative coverage/writing. The many upside down comments just do not make things easier.
It had been announced that Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa also historic State visit 29/6/13 to take place - Sir Lanka is not just any country in the Indian Ocean Region, the requirement to be very open minded and prepared to look/take in the many complex associated issues over the past 21 or more years and President J A Michel State Visit last year - developments.
The politic and relation between Sechelles Seychelles and Sir Lanka under President FA Rene and current President JA Michel is very different. We would like to cover some of the aspects.
The Seychelles Sir Lanka relation goes back a very long time - stories we were have been told of the Second world War and the Sir Lankan Soldier community stationed there. Those Families that took to staying there afterwards or rather came. Beside the excellent Tea and Cable and Wireless connections.
From the prospective of our Seychelles exile/refugees - we first came across their important then world debacle in 1977 - the War between the Tamil Tigers, call for two separate nations and division/partition of that country. There is a great deal written about Sri Lanka - we will link Wikipedia at the bottom, it is not super accurate but helps.
Given that/ what we have addressed about events in East Africa, the 1950/60's, the proposed Hong Kong of East Africa - Zanzibar, the Revolution and Communist/Socialist taking power events and important impacts on Sechelles Seychelles. The Political situation in Sri Lanka which would have been on the mid of the British Colonial Administration of Zanzibar and Seychelles - the many strong comments by some of them Westminster never knew really what was going in the Colonies and how they made and formulated policies and took decisions.
How ever for Individual like the Mr James R Mancham, FA Rene and Mrs Hilda Stevenson Delhomme, events and development in that country would not have gone unnoticed and the kind of government/system the were preparing to set in place as we approached, debated about our independence and Constitution. The politicians of the region took to monitoring, taking example where they were positive for their own action and situation. In 1977 events in Seychelles, the coup d'etat the Communist take over, the Cold War situation the None Aligned Movement - those Seychellois who had to flee their country to Britain, Europe, South Africa, Australia, Canada and the USA. Our person belonged to the European continental aspect as against Britain.
Loosing everything, a very unfriendly - in many instance insulting British position towards the Seychelles exile/refugee did not improve the situation - typical of British workings and strange arrogance, they had failed to take due note, advice of their own civil Servants and local experts they had created a situation where those they had ruled and administered were left at the mercy of ruthless politicians, military opportunists and Communist onslaught - takeover. Within/under those sets of circumstance a large number of Seychellois exile, including former Cabinet Minsters found themselves in Britain/London.
Over the years took the pain to address the many aspects of the Seychelles community in Britain. The migrants - Students, the economic Migrants organised in the 50/60's by the Colonial Service. The Service - Army recruit, the East Africa Seychelles community who had to flee East Africa after Independence and the new exile Refugee community of 1977. The experience and understanding of the many complex and important aspect of British Colonial and UK politic, government, institutions, media, police, work etc. Hence as against all those who called for setting Military Unit to topple Seychelles government - we advocated that we need to set up long Term Grass development, structures and lobby as other many other Communities in Britain.
The strange things is that, for the 15 years we lived in exile until 1991 none of those former Ministers care to address and explain in public why they took the decision they had to take - question would have been ask of them about Zanzibar and Sri Lanka.
For the prospective of Grass Root, Ethnic Minority and Community workings we found ourselves having to develop and build strong workings contacts and sharing common resources as those Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) activists and those who had fled in the 1983 riots some 150,000 Tamil Civilian had fled the country/Sri Lanka - those in Britain, beside the death. (It must be remembered we had the Vietnam Boat people situation/issues going on and they to in London will also add a wikipedia link)
Here beside the Asian from East Africa and Zanzibar in particular, Latin Americans, Africans from Ethiopia and Somalia, Eritreans, some Iraqi, Bangladesh exile/refugees - three distinctive community - we tried to explain to many in London of our French Connection with the Vietnam and the Vietnam community in London we had to share the resource, grass root building, Training etc. ( The Seychelles exile had attempted at least 3/4 counter coup against then President FA Rene government) Some of the common arguments and advocacy which develop for international, national and Home Office and UN arguments. ( Wikipedia do not do justice what really took place in London about the Vietnam/Boat people, the Tamil, the Zanzibar and our Seychelles exile community - Hence give that cold and brutal facts of the way the International community had handled their situation and our situation and our fate - proposed to Mrs Margaret Thatcher and his government, the British media and the Masonic Establishment that an International Project ought to be put in place - where by one of the islands of BIOT - Diego Garcia, could be taken and the minimum infrastructure put into place and those who wish to go and live their form the Vietnam, Sri Lanka - Tamils, Seychellois, the Chagossian and other African exile, the dynamic international and regional this/it would create - its management and impact on regional and world affairs - then Cold War and Communist issues. Then None Aligned Movement - We raised this possibility with a few of their executives when the occasion permitted and Voluntary Sector - today the world and the Indian Ocean would have been very different) The USA, the White House and Intelligence Service got to know and hear about this project/concept, including the French and the Italian and the South Africans and East African Community
As a result of the many very dynamic regional and in turn impacting international issues an our exile/refugee workings - how this impacted and influenced those who had to make the choice for an engagement Ring for then Princess Diana - why they choose a Stone from Sri Lanka - in term of historic, archaic, illuminati and Templar such workings then, the present and future.
We took to monitoring events in the Region affecting and impacting all aspects - those who knew and was/were aware of what we were doing. We developed a very strong and important workings connections - as such, the ideas, experience acquired affected, helped us to put that SIROP program the way we did. Meaning, the many impacting and influencing mechanism, dynamics, linkages an d those form Mrs Thatcher government and the British Masonic entities - accused us we have developed Weapon of Mass Destruction. Just because they did not and could not understand the concept we had put together. Quote Wikipedia - In 1987, the Indo-Sri Lanka Accord was signed and Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) was deployed in northern Sri Lanka to stabilise the region by neutralising the LTTE.[120] The same year, the JVP launched its second insurrection in Southern Sri Lanka,[121] necessitating redeployment of the IPKF in 1990. ( It was not and had not been Sri Lanka which had influenced and impacted those development it had been that SIROP program and the nature of its deployment - we state it there exist mechanism and discipline to prove and disprove this. Those from the Tamil Community in Exile, be they USA, France, German and Britain very aware. Until events in Seychelles 1991, the announcement of Multi party return and those who dare state the Commonwealth freed Seychelles form Communist and One Party State system.) This is some of the most important reason our person would not be allowed to return to Seychelles with the other exiles. This is part of the Network we have addressed and written so much about linked to/with that SIROP program . How the vast majority of those involved could not understand what took place we did, the discrediting, the hijack and take over of that program and those involved - it has been repeated and recorded time and time across history - we also knew this before writing and putting that program together. ( By the way two important incidents, - that Sri Lankan person who advised our person in then BRC Library Vauxhall - today the Head office of MI 5 about giving one life for one people and country and in the end you are left broken, alone and nobody appreciate - that was 1982/3, the incident of a former Sri Lanka Seychellois a Family we had been friend and close to his family, he had serve in the British special force - how those politicians in Seychelles had ordered that person to have us killed/executed)
We have addressed about the setting up of the COI and IOR Secretariat in Mauritius, the crash of the global economy and that SIROP program then President FA Rene and the Exile who had return. Events in Europe and Sri Lanka.
In 1998, we decided to contact a Group of Leading Sri Lankan then based in Harley Street and registered two companies with them - what we had discussed, then development in Seychelles, then Indian Ocean , the President FA Rene. SIMCA Mondo Trading and FB Mondo.
Those Sri Lankans who used those connection to gear up and build many important business entities, the project for a very large Tourist development and a quasi Cyber City in Sri Lanka. We have addressed the issues in the past. Our efforts to get Lehman Brothers to come to Seychelles and the Heinz, the Seychelles Stock Exchange then. The Seychelles Tanker Fleet concept and Reclamation project then. Gulf Region issues. India and Pakistan, Bangladesh. The links and rapport with then Seychelles government it would be on record.
There is a very great deal about that Tsunami and Earth quake of 2004/5 we have not addressed. We knew of those in Sri Lanka abusing of our Seychelles exile/refugee workings, manipulating then, then EU then USA and Regional issues - because we were not in government how they treated our exile/refugee issues. We explained in spite of Sri Lanka very old culture and belief as India< Pakistan and Bangladesh - those 21,000 Seychelles exiles have mechanism, dynamic , heritage which had been handed down to them and these same mechanism were driving the USA it was build upon them, Canada, Quebec - we the 21,000 had the sole rights to use them in exile. We have addressed the UN, the EU, the International Court, then OAU, the Commonwealth, the USA. Those British friends who knew of our plight and desperation then Tony Blair government, the mega abuse - those who had been working a plan to help get us out of Britain to go and live and work in Sri Lanka.
In 2004 we went to Seychelles upon the advice and much debate in London to help resolve the situation - the fact that that SIROP program had impacted the greater workings of the whole region and we were being robbed, many aspects of that Program Hijacked, we explained of defensive mechanism in that program. How upon our return to Britain that December we went to see several individuals and explain what had transpired - their view of our greater heraldic workings and accountability. That Earth quake and Tsunami which devastated the Indian Ocean, the cost of India, the Many who perished in Sri Lanka. We endeavored to explain time and time and everybody just played deaf. They invented their explanation reasons. They put into place the Anti Terrorist Legislation.
Using the same mechanism and dynamic we decided to work - engage with Sri Lanka, the details we will not make public. Events form that Tsunami and Earth quake those who know and monitored the issues to date. Equally important events with the Tamil and Separatist Movements.
Had, those Sri Lankan in Harley Streets and London we had been in contact the war and the out come of that War could have been very different - what the media writes and what the politicians write. Those mechanism have been driving issues and particularly President JA Michel visit to that country last year. The protocols and accord.
We have been writing help us migrate to the continent with that SIROP program and greater working of our Seychelles community everybody would see a marked impact in the Indian and Regional workings. Those who know and are manipulating us. Had we migrated to Europe with those workings the relation of Seychelles and Sri Lanka would be very different today.
Most important the accord signed by the two Heads of state on 26/6/13 would/may never have been signed.
We have noted the important community of the Sri Lanka in Seychelles, the blood donation they made their role in running the economy - yet what Seychelles government of the SPPF/PL choose to treat and deal with our 21,000 exile/refuge issues as if we just do not exist. What the opposition have been fighting and writing about Seychellois being made second citizens in his own country.
With our head still affected with the hay-fever have tried to digest and analyse the meaning of that Protocol/ Including Sri Lanka wish to join the COI, our person did the original research in Vienna 1978/9 and events. The logic that it too and at that original research took Sri Lanka into consideration.
We have addressed the issues of that SIROP program how it impacted the whole of the region including Sri lanka, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh - yet the attitude and reaction of those high parties.
We have listened to the address of Sri Lanka President in the National assembly, the joint declaration, the mention of Sri Lanka being the oldest democracy in South Asia and formerly a British colony as Seychelles. The aspiration to build and develop democratic workings ans share values and experience - because of the issues of those 21,000 exile we have been forced compel to write what we have here briefly.
Most important the setting up of Sri Lanka Bank in Seychelles shortly with a $ 10 millions credit line - the money owned/outstanding to our person was $15 millions and the money Seychelles got form the Tsunami compensation was $30 millions beside other money.
There is a much bigger and important project the Spain Seychelles fishing industry and that Morocco Tunnel and the greater Europe and Africa project - we have pleaded and written to many st up a Branch of Santandar in Seychelles, the mega cack up in Spain and Greece/Europe - they do not instead a Branch of the Sri Lanka Bank.
From the exile/refugee prospective need to look back at evenvts and history of the region and development the past 36 years. The fact that those 21,000 exile/refugee are a very important player the the Seychelles and regional issues - we drove OAU to become African Union. We have been driving the issues of COI. After the mega global meltdown in 1995 we drove the mechanism that help/contributed to set into place the IOR Regional workings.
Having worked the above issues and what we have address about the global meltdown. The lies and cover up - very important to access the economic capabilities of Sri Lanka, Industrial, Educational and Scientific - most important how such working could be very positive for Seychelles future. There is a a need to re-balance the politic of Seychelles its democratic workings - as and when President Nelson Mandela leaves us - events which will take place in South Africa how they will impact Seychelles and other regional economic workings.
The question what would happen overnight if we did transfer the major workings of that SIROP to mainland Europe, our greater workings and the so call peace in Sri Lanka. There would be a major change in Regional Gulf, Indian Ocean and Africa workings and Asia.
For this reason we began this article by explaining the historic visit of Dr Navin Ramgoolam to Seychelles last years and the many accord between these two old friendly people nations. How we/those SIROP program have impacted important political, cultural, and economic workings in Mauritius and the joining of Sri Lanka to the COI its secretariat in Mauritius.
Events in North Africa, countries which were more stable and economic prosperous than Seychelles, the so call North African Spring. The politicians , the media, the army need to listen in Seychelles.
Sri Lanka
Black July
Riots in Sri Lanka
Vietnamese boat people
State visit of Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa - 01.07.2013 Seychelles, Sri Lanka sign three cooperation accords Seychelles and the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka signed three cooperation agreements in the fields of education, defence and air services yesterday morning at State House.
The ceremony was witnessed by President James Michel and Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa who is here on a historic three-day State visit at the invitation of the Seychelles head of state.
Mr Rajapaksa was warmly welcomed on arrival at the Seychelles International Airport last Saturday afternoon by President Michel, Vice-President Danny Faure, Speaker of the National Assembly Dr Patrick Herminie, chief justice Fredrick Egonda-Ntende, and the president of the Court of Appeal Francis MacGregor, ministers, chief of defence forces Brigadier Leopold Payet and other key dignitaries.
Representatives of the local Sri Lankan community were also present to welcome the Sri Lankan President who is accompanied by a high level delegation that includes the Minister for External Affairs, the Minister for Sports, the Minister for Public Relations and Public Affairs, and members of Parliament among other high level staff.
Speaking after the signings, Foreign Affairs Minister Jean-Paul Adam said that “the Seychelles and Sri Lankan governments have both recognised the potential for greater cooperation between our two peoples, and it is with this in mind that we have been working tirelessly to create the necessary frameworks and opportunities for these mutually beneficial engagements to take place”.
Home Affairs and Transport Minister Joël Morgan signed an air service agreement paving the way for the establishment of air links between Seychelles and Sri Lanka.
President James Michel welcomed the decision, adding that the air links would boost trade and tourism between Sri Lanka and Seychelles.
“The new flights will surely open doorways for business, tourism, cooperation and trade exchanges between Seychelles and Sri Lanka. Seychelles can become a gateway to Africa and other parts of the world. The air links will be a catalyst to ensure increased cooperation between our two countries,” said President Michel.
The Minister for Education, Macsuzy Mondon, signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Sri Lankan Ministry of Youth Affairs and Skills establishing the framework for close cooperation in areas of vocational training and youth development. The MoU also outlines an annual leadership programme for 25 Seychellois youth in Sri Lanka.
Minister Adam himself signed an MoU on cooperation between the Seychelles Ministry of Defence and the Sri Lankan Ministry of Defence and Urban Development. This agreement allows for greater exchange of military delegations of all levels and exchanges in the areas of defence education and equipment and technical cooperation.
The Sri Lankan Minister for External Affairs, Professor G L Peiris, signed the agreements, on behalf of the Sri Lankan government.
During a press conference later at the Kempinski Resort, Baie Lazare, Minister Adam and Prof. Peiris talked of the strength of the relationship between the two countries and the efforts the two leaders are deploying to build on the partnership of mutual benefits.
“This partnership is not only on paper but is practical with high level exchange visits every month,” said Minister Adam.
Mr Adam noted that the two countries are gateways to different parts of the world – Seychelles to Africa and Sri Lanka to Asia – and added that SriLankan Airlines will be flying to Seychelles possibly before the end of this year although everyone recognises that aviation is a complicated business.
There is also a possibility of code-sharing between the SriLankan Airlines and Air Seychelles.
In the financial sector, the Bank of Ceylon of Sri Lanka is to open a branch here and Prof. Peiris noted that this can become a reality by October.
He noted that Seychellois businesses in the tourism, investment and fisheries sectors – be they big or small – can bring their expertise to Sri Lanka and vice-versa. For his part, Minister Adam noted that 93% of long liners in Seychelles have been built in Sri Lanka.
The MoU with the Sri Lankan Ministry of Youth Affairs and Skills to establish the framework for close cooperation in areas of vocational training and youth development, presents an opportunity for young Seychellois and entrepreneurs to tap into the existing possibilities in Sri Lanka.
“Sri Lanka understands that no matter how many degree holders you have you also need to have technical people. What Seychelles is able to tap into in this agreement is to have our own people trained in technical courses like mechanics. This will allow us to build on Sri Lanka’s expertise and at the same time bring practical solutions to our education sector,” said Minister Adam.
Prof. Peiris noted that President Rajapaksa is pleased with what has been accomplished between the two countries since President Michel visited Sri Lanka in August last year.
“This is a perfect example of good bilateral relationship between two countries. It is structured and sequenced,” he said, adding at the two island states have much to contribute to the architecture of the world in regards to economy and other fields.
Source Seychelles Nation http://www.nation.sc/index.php?art=32042 Sri Lanka thanks Seychelles for IOC membership support http://www.nation.sc/index.php?art=32046 http://www.sbcw.sbcseychelles2.com/sbcwbrowse/Television/News/2013-06-30%20TV-8PM-News.wmv |
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council (UPC), helps with designing strategic plan for Seychelles
UNIDO Vienna
Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan
We have already started a thread/discussion on this important national and Regional issues - given the state of stress, unlike Seychelles government, the Officials of Abu Dhabi very limited resource to manage and monitor this important national issue. Hence may have or revert to repeat issues which we have in the past and at the other discussion. All those Arab entities, Intelligence Service, networks who know this. Then we have the important collateral spillover.
We would like to address the International community, even if they like it or not- those 21,000 Seychelles Sechelles exile have rights enshrined under International laws and conventions and Protocols. It is not the whims of a Politician, or president or a particular rich Arab nation/government to quasi nullify this over night. It is of great concern what planning get done, policy get written and plan for implementation, by who and their many objectives and intentions.
Beside we have those near total 45, 000 Seychelles diaspora their right and the International Migration Bodies, the resource, money, time they have spent to explain nations and governments like Seychelles the workings of Diasporas, their important role in building nations, culture, economy, democracy, family relation etc.
We have come to use the resource of a new Library near the Olympic village, what we have written about the issues of the Blair government work and im put to get the Olympic to come to Britain, events and the current situation. Past Olympic where our person have been involved and the greater political, economic reason and the results afterwards like Greece.
In addressing the issues of the Gulf Nation/Arabs in relation to Sechelles Seychelles in the past the position of the British government from Mrs Thatcher, that of John Major, PM Tony Blair and Gordon brown, those who choose to make their own interpretations and false one, to create discord and disseminate hate, racism how they presented our issues in the media, the parliament and greater public and the many mega busty ups. Including that Somali Invasion. They were associated and linked.
We are not just anybody writing this topic - our first experience with planning was that of the New Harbour and Seychelles Airport building - we saw some of those plans and listened to the older generation arguments and debates.
In Austria from 1978 to 1985 worked and associated with several large companies then providing expertise in such fields, they in turn worked with the UN, world Bank and UNIDO to name just a few. Then Arab Gulf world concept and science, discipline of planning and workings such issues.
We are the person who did the research for the Indian Ocean Industrial Promotion and Investment center - the quasi alternative to the CARICOM, those higher politic who judge the Indian Ocean could not and never have such workings and entities. What it takes, knowledge, expertise and understanding to research and formulates such a body/entity.
Over the years between 1978 to 1991 until Seychelles became a multi party nation the many contributions and project references we have worked, made input and associated with. Including the very Gulf Region and North Africa. { In the past would have been reluctant to mention this because of the Terrorist issues and those who abuse this legislation. Those who judge we ought not to divulge such workings and issues}
Example under the government of then President Gaddafi, the Austrian and International consortium involved in using that Oil money /revenue to build complete Cities in Libya, massive irrigation system and underground reservoirs.
With the government of Mrs Thatcher the rebuilding of Kingston Upon Thames, the town of Wandsworth and other such projects.
On the back of that SIROP program 1987/88 we can list a number of important developments across Europe and Scandinavia - the Greater Pas de Calais Development, the South Tirol Economic development, Several major redevelopment in Germany, Italy, France and Holland and Belgium. That Channel Tunnel Project and several such projects in Europe and around the world. Including China and Japan.
Then many development which have been driven and synergize by that program in the Gulf Region we can list them - then these people have the audacity they suddenly know better, they are going to come to Seychelles and formulate strategic plans for the next 20 years.
In the SBC discussion the argument that the Small Island nation need to formulate a development politic and policies which will then be presented at a summit of those nations - for President JA Michel and anybody in Seychelles or USA or Europe this is what got us into big trouble from 1980 unlike Mr Gerrard Hoareau and other exile political leaders from Seychelles in Britain and Europe we belonged to those few if there were any other who linked and associate many of our issues to theirs -
There were no great media possibilities, government presentations, gatherings or social networks as we have today and the manner we worked those issues and those Arabian, gulf region nation now wish to come forward and teach/educate us who to do such workings.
We have addressed how those Arabs nations are using quasi backdoor to take control and dictate to our workings. Meaning how then they will go to their nations gatherings Arab summits and then laugh and giggle those stupid idiots they think we have their best interests - we have come to fish/harvest information and duplicate their system that we can work and control without their involvements.
This said we have worked and acquired expertise in those such field for the past 30 years - have a right to be invited to discuss such issues instead the SPPF/PL Government will select a few individuals that support them with no knowledge of the science, discipline and workings they are allowed to come, make their views known and heard and this get taken on board.
It is one thing having university and college education and textbook knowledge and the real thing. That Abu Dhabi PUC has only a few years in Policy and strategic planning - they have been using until then European, USA and British expertise and south African. How can they suddenly say and argue they can help plan strategies with would best suit long term interest of our nation and the region when they themselves have just began to learn and acquire the science.
There Has/have been an ongoing eeri silence from the Oppositions about our workings/SIROP program and our respective communities across the EU and world wide.
There Has/have been an ongoing eeri silence from the Oppositions about our workings/SIROP program and our respective communities across the EU and world wide.
We need to ask and pose the question – none of you are children and our children today in Sechelles Seychelles how they interact and taught to interact and respond. The daily issues in the media about education and standards and best practice.
We are going to add, and underline to every body who just
did not know or forgotten how London worked under Mrs Thatcher, then John Major
then PM Blair and Gordon Brown. Then
Arab Gulf Investments in London -
including other debacle of Libyan not mention in the media.
How from 1985 onward
since we began to take certain responsibilities and develop grass root
structures, networks and alliance for our communities, exile/refugees, Diaspora/migrants,
the communities on Indian Ocean and East Africa, South Africa.
We can make an impressive list of those Arab important investment
in London/Britain influenced, impacted and driven by our Community issues even
if the media have written differently – there exist archaic, fraternal,
illuminati, Masonic discipline to prove
and disprove this/these.
Come that SIROP program 1987/88 again the high numbers of
Gulf Region acquisition of assents, properties and entities in London
From 2000 – those Arab entities, their British and European
advisor and others who have been underlining the workings of that SIROP program to their
boss and high parties – how they have become
convinced and as such - the
difference between the Muslim and complex central European high corporate
discipline and how they work, drive the market and big investments. , our Goodwill and resulting major acquisition of large
entities right across Britain – to Wales, Ireland and Scotland.
This said the government of PM Blair who was importantly
involved and encouraged such issues and investment – then set up of the many
London Gulf region Finance structures, the development of their regional Big funds.
What the world have not been told what was causing the Bust
and Boom – in relation to those big investments, the lies coming for the media
and the Stock exchange, Central banks and financial authorities and the USA
Financial Institutions. The real and
untold story of Bernie Madoff. May who have been involved and still not
taken to court and he sits for life. Those Arabs regional Funds Managers were
educated, informed and briefed on n our workings and how they are and get impacted
– the sudden strange interest in Seychelles coming by the back dos and the windows.
Again the issues of our both Seychelles exile/refugee
ancestral heraldic, archaic, fraternal, Masonic and illuminati discipline driving some of
those issues – those Seychellois exiles who have been paid off, those
politicians in Seychelles those from GMR
associates and those in USA – Boston and South Africa who have made massive
fortune then they scream let us start and enact the Terrorist Legislation to
cover our dirty deeds and shut those who have real rights to these workings.
We have made major contributions in that Gulf Jumeirah development - and they were using the best of Western disciplines and expertise - they refused to listen we informed them that they had failed to look at other greater management workings, we had that mega meltdown of 2008 and the financial situation of those developments - if it was not for an abundant Cash flow for their Oil revenue that development would be ghost Cities and Seychelles do not have that kind of cash, unless like the Jewish entities of Lehman Brothers who almost got the Seychelles bankrupt - those Arabs are bent on putting a nose round the neck of that nation by way of debts.
We have been addressing about revamping and rebuilding SIROP program and the manner SPPF/PL government of James Michel he would rather sell his ghost and soul to the Arabs than let the Seychellois bring in international expertise. To say thank you to the Arabs - in return the best spot and sites on the Island is then sold to the Arabs.
For the past three years have decided to use Regus Office in Red Hill to work from and the Library those who know, the sudden influx of Arab influence in that Town and one of the major construction company involved in the Gulf Jumeirah Development their Head Office there - they owe my person $2 millions for unpaid fees. Suddenly the marked change in that town because of that SIROP program and the acquisition of their third Mosque. We want to tell them we know what is going on we are not blind and we trust every Seychellois will not be blinded.
We have Judges in Seychelles, from Small Island workings - who have taken part in major conflicts and disputes - what started this in the first place.
We would like those same Arabs to come to Europe and dictate to our 21,000 exile and communities workings - we know and are very aware of everything they have done up to now. There are issues if we address them here how the white House will be angered.
Those Arabs are devious, next like every mad criminals they will write they liberated Seychelles from one party system.
Take the issues of Madagascar of the three Presidential candidates and France, EU position - the madness, how dare they, who come to Europe and dictate who is fit to stand as presidential candidate - Hence we have been writing for the past 25 years how our greater Seychelles ancestral workings is impacting Europe, economy, politic, fiance, greater diplomatic workings so that nobody will dare say we have just began to invent.
By the way we would like to remind the world, the new ruler of Dubai - we have worked with his Father in many instance and highly complex issues. He ought to take time and research . The younger generation taken to publishing what we were trained ought to be left out of public knowledge
It is such situation and issues which provoke and cause the younger generation to react the way they do and the consequences.
Saturday, 25 May 2013
The Muslim Community in Sechelles Seychelles - Imam Yakub Chaka
Farewell to a veteran Business man - Mr Yakub Chaka
We read at Today's Facebook page of the passing away of Mr Yakub Chaka - Founder, Senior Partner of the Chaka Brothers Pty Ltd.
Beside what has been written - we remember him and the Family as school boy at the SDA Adventist school, then Teacher Miss Hermance Calais and her Family, they moored their boat from Cerf Island just across the Esplanade and facing their shop.
We got a great deal of Teasing in a friendly way form him each time we came in his shop - he knew my Family both side very well - particularly when the parents were away his politeness and courteous disposition. As such we build a relation ship.
When I found myself in the Guardianship of Judge EJ Stiven, beside the Hardware Store for construction - because of the Family Asian connection talked a great deal of issues, about East Africa and the ongoing political situation until I was forced to leave Seychelles and indeed he was one o those few individual I discussed the details of my leaving Seychelles in 1976.
During the heated debate of Seychelles Independence and the three Block, that of Mrs Delhomme, DP and SPUP spent whatever time by his shop to discuss and hear his view on the issues - he was very candid.
He was a shrewd business man and dealt in the purchased of Copra, Vanilla, Patchouli, Cinnamon and Tobacco, Salted fish - the many prominent Seychellois Planters Family who were well acquainted with him and respected his Family, values and traditions.
When I was responsible for the Custom clearance for Beau Vallon Properties and Casurina Estate - we came across each other at the Custom and his positive attitude and discussion. We also purchased some of the construction material from His shop and his help/advice. We did some work for him later in the Transport business
He got to know my Mauritius ex wife and Daughter Vanessa and his views and position.
When I decided to start my own business he gave our person many positive advice.
This said we had to leave the Island and my Austrian wife coming and events - we used to talk some of the issues. In exile from Austria, France and London maintained contact with him and his Family. The very many Opposition faction issues - events.
He was/belonged to one of those Asian Family we could and did rely upon for their support for that SIROP $500 millions combined return program. We/I also kept myself inform of his business development, given I could not return with the other exile/refugee in 1991 onward.
I got to greet the Family and him in 2000, 2004 and 2009
He had become an important personality in the Muslim Faith/representation in Seychelles too and the views we exchanged.
Given my role in the Exile movement, my earlier business learning phase in then Seychelles/life, events surrounding the exile from 1978 to 1991 his contributions to the exile/refugee movement and changes in 1991.
Beside my Interdisciplinary Management Responsibilities and Interfaith working convey to the people of Seychelles, his Family, Associates, the Muslim community in Seychelles, his contributions to build the Seychelles we have today - our appreciation for the important friendship, advice a young man and encouragement. Most important for his views and approach to greater Muslim belief and workings.
He had a great knowledge and understanding of the Seychelles, Mauritius and Reunion ancestral, archaic, fraternal workings.
He supported the idea of a Stock exchange in Seychelles and glad he lived to see its start and a Senate Parliament in Sechelles Seychelles
We join the many in sending our condolence and sympathy to his Family, children and Associates. That of our diaspora, that of the Seychelles East Africa Connections and our International exile/refugee workings Solidarity.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=515890021782146&set=a.417785501592599.84226.414719135232569&type=1&theater" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Today article
Foot note:
How many recall Saturday in Sechelles Seychelles 50's to 70's before independence. We do - then Mr Yakub Chaka of the Chaka Merchant never dreamt he would become an Imam of/for the Muslim Seychelles community -representation, diplomacy of the Muslin, the impressive Mosque. Had he known that we would have as they say in Seychelles "tease - casse du bois with him" Just as he, his brothers and Family took to teasing our Adventist belief and Faith. I/we did not say he lacked respect - that was the way we related.
This said, in Sechelles Seychelles of the 50's to 70's the respective proper Creole, Planters - Grand Blanc/Franco - Mauritius-Reunion Families as well as the Expat, British, Scott, Australian, USA Citizens - USAF Staff/Officials, German, Italian, Austrian, Danish, Spanish, Belg, South African and Kenya Born and bread Seychellois jad their Merchant clubs so to say.
Where the friends, intimate met and talk about Family, business - latest development in Britain, the Colonies, India, Pakistan, East Africa, South Africa, the Arab world, North Africa, China, Singapore, Vietnam and Asia - beside the USA, financial issues politic, the weather - climate - the week, months or end of year issues of Feast issues, sickness, death, departure - meaning those who traveled and were abroad, wedding, birth and any news. Property sales and purchase, Court Case, Divorce, Separation, important police and Court cases, Criminal issues, Government House incidents, Cocktails, the Secretariat, Sporting events, visiting dignitaries, the Tobruk club, the Seychelles Club, the Happy Youth Club debacles and later the Yacht club, Rotary, the Round Table and the Masonic entities. . School and education issues, promotion in the Civil Service, the police, the Court, the Harbour etc. This kind of special Club or place of meeting and decision of favorite Merchant Family be they Hindu - the Jivan, the Dhanjee the Parse considered the most influential - the Telmooje Group of companies, the Adam Moosa, the Chaka, the Hassan Ali, Jhumai - their Anse Royal Family Families were Muslims. The Abbey Valabjhi And Bogilal were Breman/Gujarat that was what our Teacher explained, the Meghjee Family of Market Street - their respective belief and politic, role the Dinu Family and the Gros Sammy Family their respective faith and belief. These Merchants Families were the working business links of then Seychelles, they took to Private Banking and landing Money, Commodity speculating - hence what we have written about the Offshore, the Stock Exchange we have been working these issues in our modest Seychellois way for some near 100 years emulating the situation in Europe and the great Capital of the world business - it was not President JR Mancham or FA Rene who opened the eyes of the Creole and the Seychellois Franco Families - yes they contributed importantly to the the Black, the oppressed, the plantation workers, the Hotel, dock workers, the hospital and civil Servants of Black ethnicity - important emancipation, awareness, important progress forward, trust in the limelight - whatever you would care to call it. The respective above Asian Merchant Families to differentiate from the Chinese and the Mancham Merchant them self half Chinese and Franco/Seychellois, similar to my grand parents Mother's side of the Family, awareness of the Seychellois Culture, mix and philosophy, attitude, complexities - beside the negative aspects and problematic. Family division as against the great Asian Family working of East Africa, Asia, Gulf Region. They also played one important Family against another and Merchants against Merchant.
Similarly those individuals and groups who met, encountered each other by the PWD and the Agriculture Department, the Vet Office. Their respective topics and issues.
The situation was very different until we acquired the International Air Port - the populace and economy depended upon the Shipping connections of the Asian Families, the Jivan in Particularly and their politics. Their respective links to East Africa and India and Britain.
This also reflected the Colonial procrastinating politic and attitude between those two great Asian nations the Hindu and the Muslims. They knew and were very bluntly aware and we talked/discussed openly - why the British colonial Service preferred the Hindu to acquire certain business Agencies, Franchise and the co - related big business politic. The view that the Muslim Merchants Community had to be made to play second fiddle and stay that way for ever. That was in their Bible/code of operation.
This said how they groomed, pushed and used their acquired position to enhance the position of their children in education, society and the Culture. Their envisaged future. The next Generation of Merchants and business man and woman. Just as they did in East Africa, Mauritius and Reunion.
Those visiting and workings British Colonial expats and Civil Servants knew very little of such workings, safe their Police and Intelligence Officers and the USA likewise. Let alone those from Westminster - they knew nothing safe what they were told and written on paper - hence the utter madness, the polities and politic they formulated in some clubs, private places and Parliament. This/these situation be they in East Africa or the Indian Ocean was/were the cause of the disenchantment, discontentment, dislocation and rotten apple and pears again the British Colonial system/administrations.
{ Hence all those Merchants who had lived and worked very closely with those real Creole and Grand Blanc/Planters - Franco/Seychellois Families - fully aware of the political powered box that was brewing, developing and in place and prepared to support a unilateral Independence if this had gone ahead to protect and safeguard their life long work, business, families and future. } They also developed skill and very good technique of collecting, gathering and manipulating information - intelligence to their respective Nationality and ethnicity advantage. Which the SPUP hated/dislike and DP did not always appreciate - like. The Planters and Mrs Delhomme Party knew what the game and situation was all about.
For most of the above Saturday as the shopping day, business deadline had to be met and business reconciliation, debts sorted out. The SDA Seventh Day Adventist were a different Christian entity - hence " the Teasing/Casse du bois" from all the above mention merchants Families - it was not the logic of things so to say - their big shopping day was Friday or Wednesday and Sunday if they found a shop open. .
Equally important the Politic they played, business mix model, their important role in the economy as such they were seen and respected - their Children, education. The so call then Creole and Grand Blanc, Planters of Franco/Seychellois - knew exactly of the position and important relation that existed and played out daily in their respective lives and existences. { By the way unlike the Seychellois logic/Thinking and philosophy, attitude - those Asian communities and Muslim in Seychelles are very aware of events in the world, events that changed Seychelles as against the Commonwealth garbage/propaganda and President Mancham version and East Africa and their own country from business and religious prospective - most important the WWW and the IT world, what real historic benefits it brought the Asian and Muslim communities in Seychelles and the region how they cash and capitalize on it and the Seychellois of Black and creole ethnicity how they fails and are failing to cash in and benefits of it and they are being left behind.} Yet it was our creation/conception and in the process have made India, Pakistan and Bangladesh explode in economic Term and those high percentage of Seychellois refusal to think - had this been a real Muslim or Asian/Hindu invention and contributions how their world would have been very different today and respective global position.
Their respective Powers, enhanced connections - were extended to the Civil Service, the Medical, Education, the Police, the Court, the Judiciary, the Customs, the Financial - Banking sector of the economy, the Agriculture sector real economy, in particular, the Assembly or District council, the Local media.
During the 15 years of One party System/Communist anybody who wanted/wished to lead the exile/refugees had to know a very great deal of such workings and be equally connected - they financed and influenced some of the important issues, development and decisions. We were very aware.
Equally important had Sechelles Seychelles been changed by use if force - Military coup, the Politic any incoming government would be compel/force to put into place to bring sanity and re-balance, the imbalance and develop the due policy - Strategy for a Seychelles those would seem to work for all parties and ethnicity. Both Mr Gerrard Hoareau and our Person held the view, beside Mr David Joubert - there had to be radical readjustment to be made. The nation had to redraw the politic of the Merchant, greater emphasis and efforts made that the Creole or Franco Seychellois become involved and work in the Trading Industry/business. We would have had to face all the consequences.
Equally important, when called upon to write/put together that SIROP program - $500 millions, the complexities and had Seychelles progressed/changed as we had envisaged in 1991, meaning with a Senate, with a Stock Exchange beside the Offshore and Economic Free-zone entities. The real politic, policy, formulation as to the Merchants and Trading entities - Until 1991, the SPPF government had Nationalized, most of their assets, the Economy was Centrally planned and the Major Trading was controlled by the Government, Parastatals. There was no way we could/would return to the pre Independence situation come what may. This said our important contributions that Seychelles political system changes without reverting to bloodshed - the important need and requirement to state most of those big/great merchants families had been reduced to near poverty . We had saved them - to this day none and very few acknowledge this/ those Merchant Families from East Africa, Zanzibar and Mauritius or India and Pakistan who know exactly what we spell and mean by this statement. We have helped, cause that the Old Merchants and their children/new Generation regain their wealth and respective position. In addressing these issues today - for those children, families and individuals who grew and knew us to think very hard - they need to learn the lesson of History as the Asian Community business did in East Africa.
We have to learn to coexist and become socially aware of the disparities and imbalances - it is not just profits and those who think in such terms will pay a very expensive and catastrophic price. The populace will not tolerate and take it much longer. We are talking of real politic here.
Given that we have stated Mr Yakub Chaka understood and had a very good grasp of our ancestral workings, heritage, fraternal, Christian, illuminati, Masonic and archaic, heraldic workings - the relation and co relation of the Christian Faith and Muslim in the world over the past 500 years and in the case of Seychelles after independence 1976.
Within the context of the many political events and development of our exile/refugee workings the past 36 years the many complex issues and development associated and related to the Muslim community in Seychelles and the ongoing debacle - those from the Gulf Region who have decided to throw their wealth and Power behind this development/process.
Hence compelled to state be it those from then Lady Thatcher government, that of PM John Major, that of PM Tony Blair and Gordon Brown - understood very little of the real politic and equation of the Muslim diplomacy, business, economy, finance, military and culture in Seychelles - their so call experts know only one side. What they decide to invent and formulate. Mr Yakub Chaka after events of 1991 and the above said their education understanding of greater world workings in then past Seychelles and Today - as they capitalized then, how they capitalized from 1991 to date and the Seychellios who keep refusing to commit themselves, they just swear or insult and this will contribute and solve issues as against being proactive. They have themselves to blame, their future and their children. Mr Yakub Chaka has been associated and well informed of the many great line and Muslim politic of the Region, be they Indian Ocean, Gulf Region, Europe, Asia, Africa and USA - as an important Imam as such the High responsibility.
He certainly was aware of all the great Pakistan political issues, development and Financial. We have exchange some of the issues given his respective position and role in Seychelles. Particularly the issues of the Bhutto Family, General Musharraf, the current incoming PM, the issue of Imran kahn and Jemaima Goldsmith. The role President Ghadaffi played in all these and the change over of OAU to African Union as against what the so called experts decide to write. Certainly the total garbage coming for the AU media and Headquarter.
There are important development going on in Seychelles - here we address all the Opposition factions. The major protest about the Muslim and Gulf Region Investments and proposed Investment and interference. They think and believe with their money, power and Diplomacy they can dictate and change the working of international diplomacy and real politic otherwise and they will be allowed to trod on a complete populace and defenseless nation - they are very wrong.
In Seychelles we are having the 27 Congress of the SPPF/PL what is being debated, the issues of the OAU/AU, this mega development program and other they want to and aim to control like/as all political parties in Power. Those involved and the important players. We have the issue of the Energy and Oil Industry - particularly that Stock Exchange. Sometime this year the new Mosque will be completed -once completed the new role and place in Seychelles everyday life and functioning and beyond.
In addressing that article yesterday - failed to address the role of the NGO - LUNGOS in relation to the Asian Merchant communities and the Muslim community. As in Britain, France, East Africa how they endeavor to stamp and brand/impress their specific politic and ethnic policy/ vested interests. LUNGOS and the NGO in Seychelles had been important impacted and influenced since 1991. BY the way had we had a national or international review of that SIROP program these are turbulent and burning issue which would have had to be addressed like it or not - not just sweat under the carpet for politic and diplomatic niceties.
Finally - we are very concern, the Social resource we have put into place beside the major international ones where we have contributed. They are there for the Seychellois whatever ethnicity, belief to become engage and use - yet. Instead they take to swearing and insulting.
The current Asian Merchant communities in Seychelles and their children , associations and associated are very aware of these situation. Particularly the Greater Muslim Communities in the Region.
What about Mauritius extended ethnic and Religious involvement and influence and those of the former OAU/AU. This si were PM Blair Failed - at work and ply is daily existence and real daily politic and business as against what is played out on the Streets of London and European Capitals and they just do not understand/refuse to understand and their media.
Just as when Mr Kantilan Jivan Shah died/departed - his many great contributions and involvements in the affairs of the Seychelles and Seychellois. What we have written and very many, those who choose to ignore and they think by ignoring you solve the problems - he had a crucial and important role /responsibilities and what this imply/co related in term of our greater ancestral working of Franco Seychellois etc. Equally our ancestors understanding of such great values and workings. When he died/passed away how Seychelles changed over night, the so call phenomena of ecology and weather phenomena and the International communities with their armies of great qualify experts and multi Billions/Trillions of dollars and all their scientific and academic Resources cannot overcome and help adequately and the mess we are walking into with the current generation all their great academic finish and studies and diplomas and big houses and cars -prestige. They are failing big time.
With the death/departure of Mr Yakub Chaka from the/Muslim greater prospective what will ensue and those who are trained to think and formulate such issues. He was a Moderate, level headed and balance individual in all aspects. The indication in Pakistan is no good at all, be they the Gulf Region, North Africa and African Union. The world need individual like/as him to take and have responsibilities - that we can exist and coexists. Not destroy each other existence and destroy our children future and life.
Islamic Society of Seychelles (Incorporation) Act
Islam in Seychelles
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